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Oncology division


I am interviewing for a position in this division. Can someone tell me what this diviosion is like?
I have read the threads about the other division and not sure if same issues prevail here too. Please be honest.

eisai has a tendency to hire for positions then eliminate/displace them within months of hiring. also will put out voice mails that there will be no layoffs and turn around 8 weeks later and announce restructuring. the company is shrinkng --good luck

There is a serious lack of qualified leaders across all parts of the company and essentially no new product opportunities for at least 3 - 4 years. You should look elsewhere.

I am interviewing for a position in this division. Can someone tell me what this diviosion is like?
I have read the threads about the other division and not sure if same issues prevail here too. Please be honest.

Two reason you would even consider taking an oncology job at Eisai.

1. You have no oncology experience and are trying to break in.
2. You have been out of a job for over a year.

Oh I’m sorry I forgot there is a third. If you are a masochist.

I am interviewing for a position in this division. Can someone tell me what this diviosion is like?
I have read the threads about the other division and not sure if same issues prevail here too. Please be honest.

It's up to you and how desperate you are. Word has it more layoffs coming this Fall. We just finished the first round of layoffs, more coming.

Thank you all for your honest replies. I am in oncology and have a somewhat decent job. Thought maybe this would be better but I guess not . Good Luck to all of you

Just curious...being that by now the Eisai sorry state of business is well known in the industry, what did the recruiter tell you to even get you to consider. I could understand if you were unemployed or needed to move to another geographic area, but not otherwise.

Just curious...being that by now the Eisai sorry state of business is well known in the industry, what did the recruiter tell you to even get you to consider. I could understand if you were unemployed or needed to move to another geographic area, but not otherwise.

Job openings are posted on Indeed.com, did not hear about the position from a recruiter.

Which opening location r u referring to? Then you will get the real answer that you are looking for.

Only two positions open are Ft. Worth and Houston. Both report to the same manager. Ask anybody you want to and they will all agree she is the absolutely the worst and most incompetent DM in Oncology! Protected Minority beyatch with an attitude! STAY AWAY!

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