This is actually a quite sad story. Merck stumbles upon Keytruda gathering dust on the shelf after the purchase of Schering Plough. ( Keytruda was originally owned by Organon). Merck plays their hand beautifully. Clinical trials are well funded and thoughtfully designed. Let us be clear, Roger Perlmutter saved Merck. So here is Merck with a drug every company dreams about owning. What happens now? They slowly destroy the oncology sales model for every rep in the nation. Call reporting is fantasyland. They just want to see activity, metrics, same old primary model. Keep hiring reps. If good reps leave, oh well just another slot to fill. They hire key personnel (Okam directors, marketing leaders) all from internal Merck primary care. What’s wrong with Oncology?? Look around. Then the worst happens. Bruce Cellura. How can anyone be that bad. He does not back or support field sales. He is Horrible. A total fake. Keep it up Merck. The best and brightest reps will leave or have already left. Let’s be straight: no one wants to work at Merck.