On astellas managers

It is one thing to manage, it is truly another to inspire, lead and motivate people! In over ten years of pharma, I have only had 2 that were the later.

If you are an Astellas manager, I know you are under pressure, but push yourself to be a motivator and inspire your teams. Put yourself in your reps shoes and treat others and you would want to be treated. Someday you will not be with Astellas, or a manager and what legacy do you want to leave. Do you want people to remember you as a person of integrity or an abuser who was on a power trip and hurt people to get to the top?

From a psychological perspective, it is statistically overwhelmingly likely that these abusive corrupt crimminal managers have been abusive highly dysfunctional (emotionally undeveloped childish, selfish , narcissistic, hyper insecure) people all their lives. This type of damage takes place at a very young age and if not treated by mid thirties is unlikely to be corrected.

These people need to be removed from management.

I encourage anyone that is aware of the large scale corruption at Astellas to contact the FDA. Do not go to the compliance group. Prior experience has shown that they will immediately begin by destroying any evidence that they can find. And compliance will not protect you from retaliation. HR is a waste of time also. The agents at the FDA will be very happy to speak with you concerning Astellas. All complaints are taken seriously. All complaints are fully investigated.

U.S Food And Drug Administration
Office of Criminal Investigations
901 Warrenville Road
Suite 360
Lisle, IL 60532

TEL. 1-800-521-5782

You may also want to send a letter or email to your congressmen or senators. If you are reporting that federal regulations (laws) are being broken, (non-compliant actions) their staffs must pursue your letter through the appropriate government enforcement agencies (Justice Dept., FDA, etc.) to protect themselves as holders of public office. Some ultra conservative cogressmen and senators staffs might just bury you email/letter, but most will have their staff pursue it properly. Sometimes democracy works; sometimes the (smart/active) little guys win.

I would also start printing out any helpful emails detailing the deep corruption at astellas. My experience is that the managers/crimminals running astellas are incredibly stupidly arrogant and do detail large scale non-compliant (law breaking) actions in sometimes extensive email chains. Be careful once the management /crimminals are on to you, they will have the crooked compliance group wipe out your entire email database ( a crimminal act).

The RSM/DSM job is by far the WORST position in the company...no skills required...no leadership abilities...no real authority to make decisions, BUT in the best position to harrass and intimidate to compensate for the lack of skills. Anyone with true integrity would not dream of applying!

I know a number of your RSMs and I have to say, they are very good, honest people. Be more specific

Be more specific? Have you not read this entire thread? My suggestion: start from the beginning and you will have all the information you need WITH SPECIFICS! You must be deaf and blind if you are unaware of the indescretions that have gone on among the management team. Perhaps you should read it for your own protection so that you will not be blindsided like so many reps have been over the past year.

Wow, you certainly confirmed many of the suspicions I had about this woman. Her inexperience truly showed. And you are right, her "street" language was pathetic.

So to answer your question, NO, she is no longer here at Astellas. She was sent to the Home Offc (Marketing), and that was a BAD fit. She was basically "drummed" out of here.. Not sure where she landed....

I would love to get all the lazy, self centered, egocentric managers who think they can sell in post pharma code environment on Undercover Boss and see if they really could hack it for a month in the field.

Truth be told, very much like Washington and our politicians, both sides highly distrust each other and most of the managers need a big dose of humility. There are a lot of good reps who work hard out there and managers have gotten way too big for their britches. The best manager I ever had put herself in the reps shoes, rolled up her sleeves and respected our docs and patients. No manager I have met at this company sets a good example. No wonder the sales are in the crapper!

Like you implied...The problem is that too many of these "recent" managers have never sold in this environment - yet they are very quick to tell the reps what they are doing wrong. My manager is so ill-prepared to be a manager. She had one "good" year as a rep, got lucky enough to join a small "start up" company (becasue someone knew her there), and gave her a management job. Bad move. When she was laid off from there, she came to Astellas with so called "management experience", even though at the previous company the drug was never approved. So how much managing did she actually do? She is a total nightmare. She somehow (with the approval of her superiors) managed to force most of her district out of the company. She has no conscience! Isn't any wonder that her team is undergoal - she has NOTHING to offer us other than "busy work"!!

There is enough jealousy, small mindedness, racism, apathy, greed, pestilence, fear and hatred in one astellas manager to fuel an entire army for one day.

Actually there is probably enogh hate etc in one astellas manager to fule the entire WWII Nazi Regime for a week or three.

This is an unbelievable bunch of loser managers at astellas. It has to be seen to be believed.

I know of a manager that got fired from his last company, pissed off top doctors to the point it hurt business, has zero social or management skills, made inappropriate sexual comments documented to HR, allegedly stole samples, ran off his entire district and HAS NOT MADE GOAL THE ENTIRE 2 YEARS HE HAS BEEN WITH THE COMPANY!

No wonder the company is not prospering with low class management like this at the helm.

I know of a manager that got fired from his last company, pissed off top doctors to the point it hurt business, has zero social or management skills, made inappropriate sexual comments documented to HR, allegedly stole samples, ran off his entire district and HAS NOT MADE GOAL THE ENTIRE 2 YEARS HE HAS BEEN WITH THE COMPANY!

No wonder the company is not prospering with low class management like this at the helm.

Unfortunately this is probably more common than not. I have had some good managers in my career, but more than often they are as described above. Doesn't say a lot of Astellas does it?

Hey astellas managers, did you beat up any old women today? slap around some little kids?

No. I guess even lying cheating trash has to draw the line somewhere huh????????

Making fun of astellas management clowns is pretty easy because your such clowns.

Level with me, give it to me straight, you guys, astellas managers, you got beat up on the playground like every freakin day when you were little kids right? C'mon that's got to be what all this petty slimey lying cheatin compensatin loser behavior is all about...cause it can't be about anything adult like in nature.

ASTELLAS MANAGERS, here's to you all roting in hell.

ASTELLAS MANAGERS, here's to you all roting in hell.

The Astellas thugs even kick their employees when they are down!
This wonderful company that is so concerned to take care of their employees freezes the pay of employees that are on medical leave until their Japanese Workman Compensation company takes their sweet ass slow time to make a decision.

Oh, then Astellas could never be the cause of an employee having to take a LOA!

This is a warning to any bread winner! No matter what, unless you can go without months of pay, don't file a WC case just go with the Short Term and Long Term Disability.

I encourage anyone that is aware of the large scale corruption at Astellas to contact the FDA. Do not go to the compliance group. Prior experience has shown that they will immediately begin by destroying any evidence that they can find. And compliance will not protect you from retaliation. HR is a waste of time also. The agents at the FDA will be very happy to speak with you concerning Astellas. All complaints are taken seriously. All complaints are fully investigated.

U.S Food And Drug Administration
Office of Criminal Investigations
901 Warrenville Road
Suite 360
Lisle, IL 60532

TEL. 1-800-521-5782

You may also want to send a letter or email to your congressmen or senators. If you are reporting that federal regulations (laws) are being broken, (non-compliant actions) their staffs must pursue your letter through the appropriate government enforcement agencies (Justice Dept., FDA, etc.) to protect themselves as holders of public office. Some ultra conservative cogressmen and senators staffs might just bury you email/letter, but most will have their staff pursue it properly. Sometimes democracy works; sometimes the (smart/active) little guys win.

I would also start printing out any helpful emails detailing the deep corruption at astellas. My experience is that the managers/crimminals running astellas are incredibly stupidly arrogant and do detail large scale non-compliant (law breaking) actions in sometimes extensive email chains. Be careful once the management /crimminals are on to you, they will have the crooked compliance group wipe out your entire email database (a crimminal act).