It is one thing to manage, it is truly another to inspire, lead and motivate people! In over ten years of pharma, I have only had 2 that were the later.
If you are an Astellas manager, I know you are under pressure, but push yourself to be a motivator and inspire your teams. Put yourself in your reps shoes and treat others and you would want to be treated. Someday you will not be with Astellas, or a manager and what legacy do you want to leave. Do you want people to remember you as a person of integrity or an abuser who was on a power trip and hurt people to get to the top?
From a psychological perspective, it is statistically overwhelmingly likely that these abusive corrupt crimminal managers have been abusive highly dysfunctional (emotionally undeveloped childish, selfish , narcissistic, hyper insecure) people all their lives. This type of damage takes place at a very young age and if not treated by mid thirties is unlikely to be corrected.
These people need to be removed from management.