Oh Stacey

Irma Martinez makes the rest of the “women in leadership” promotions look great. Nobody has any respect for her. Please stop promoting people for their gender or their ethnicity.

Irma Martinez makes the rest of the “women in leadership” promotions look great. Nobody has any respect for her. Please stop promoting people for their gender or their ethnicity.
Big Lie! Another highly successful leader being vilified because of her gender!! AZ still has too many frat boys on the payroll. Get lost!!

Big Lie! Another highly successful leader being vilified because of her gender!! AZ still has too many frat boys on the payroll. Get lost!!
Using the words “highly successful”, and particularly the word “leader” to describe this one is beyond laughable. I just spit up my cheerios. I guess that’s what you get from a dumb ass who uses the term “frat boy”.

Irma Martinez makes the rest of the “women in leadership” promotions look great. Nobody has any respect for her. Please stop promoting people for their gender or their ethnicity.
As a woman I know we still have a ways to go to achieve equal opportunity and pay, but as someone with firsthand experience with this particular leader I also know that there is not a great deal of respect for her technical skills or her leadership ability in particular.

Irma Martinez makes the rest of the “women in leadership” promotions look great. Nobody has any respect for her. Please stop promoting people for their gender or their ethnicity.
As a woman I know we still have a ways to go to achieve equal opportunity and pay, but as someone with firsthand experience with this particular leader I also know that there is not a great deal of respect for her technical skills or her leadership ability in particular.

That's true. She has no clue what's going on around her. She has been forcing us to reply to Pulse. I thought it was a optional survey. But maybe not!!

It is SUPPOSED to be optional, but EBD's, ASD's and CBD's push hard. Why? Because in their crooked way of thinking, if a good percent don't respond it shows a lack of engagement which is a bad look for managers.

Using the words “highly successful”, and particularly the word “leader” to describe this one is beyond laughable. I just spit up my cheerios. I guess that’s what you get from a dumb ass who uses the term “frat boy”.
IM is only here because dumb-ass Fred wanted to score points by hitting the “intersectional” button. Look what that did for him. Unfortunately, he gave the rest of the organization another intellectually light dumb ass for the Director ranks. Oh well, nobody takes these idiots seriously anyway. Maybe she’ll get promoted to Managed Markets or some such thing like another square filler (think man’s pants - trans?) did.

SB was my CBD and worked with me one day in SC several years ago. During the first sales call with one of my top docs she couldn’t answer a simple product related question and was so embarrassed she insisted we go to a restaurant and discuss sales numbers for several hrs to pass time so she wouldn’t have to show her ignorance with another doctor!

SB was my CBD and worked with me one day in SC several years ago. During the first sales call with one of my top docs she couldn’t answer a simple product related question and was so embarrassed she insisted we go to a restaurant and discuss sales numbers for several hrs to pass time so she wouldn’t have to show her ignorance with another doctor!

Lots and lots of those here.

Lots and lots of those here.
IM flew out from EP to my territory to have dinner with one of my biggest HCPs because according to her “they like to hear from ‘senior people’.” Right, whatever. The next call on that HCP “ why is someone that dumb your boss?”. We don’t get the best or the brightest, that’s for sure.

IM flew out from EP to my territory to have dinner with one of my biggest HCPs because according to her “they like to hear from ‘senior people’.” Right, whatever. The next call on that HCP “ why is someone that dumb your boss?”. We don’t get the best or the brightest, that’s for sure.
She's totally ineffective. She's lucky to have good CBDs under her. That's what making her look good

IM flew out from EP to my territory to have dinner with one of my biggest HCPs because according to her “they like to hear from ‘senior people’.” Right, whatever. The next call on that HCP “ why is someone that dumb your boss?”. We don’t get the best or the brightest, that’s for sure.
BIG LIE! Most of the female reps at AZ are really sick and tired of the constant belittling of female leaders. Go back to your frat houses losers!