Oh Stacey

Stacey hired me. She has inspired me. These comments are typical of a disgruntled sales force wanting to blame someone else for their woes. Stacey is good people. Give her a chance. She really does care about her reps. She has to play the game like the rest of us but I assure you, she is fighting for her people. I have no doubt I could go to her, be real with my concerns and she would hear me and help as much as she could. AZ keeps our leaders hands tied. There is a total disconnect between the corporate heads and the sales force. Trust me, Stacey is not the enemy.

Stacey hired me. She has inspired me. These comments are typical of a disgruntled sales force wanting to blame someone else for their woes. Stacey is good people. Give her a chance. She really does care about her reps. She has to play the game like the rest of us but I assure you, she is fighting for her people. I have no doubt I could go to her, be real with my concerns and she would hear me and help as much as she could. AZ keeps our leaders hands tied. There is a total disconnect between the corporate heads and the sales force. Trust me, Stacey is not the enemy.
So true!!!

Stacey hired me. She has inspired me. These comments are typical of a disgruntled sales force wanting to blame someone else for their woes. Stacey is good people. Give her a chance. She really does care about her reps. She has to play the game like the rest of us but I assure you, she is fighting for her people. I have no doubt I could go to her, be real with my concerns and she would hear me and help as much as she could. AZ keeps our leaders hands tied. There is a total disconnect between the corporate heads and the sales force. Trust me, Stacey is not the enemy.
Hohoho.....what's this now. Another self promotion by Stacey? I am not bad the whole world is!!!!!

I support female leaders. My wife is a leader too. But no leadership comes out of Stacey. Half the time she does things without thinking and rest half she spends in correcting them. There isn't a strategy or planning. It's all about how she feels when she gets up in the morning!!! And now a days she's busy coaching her son in our team. I won't be surprised if he is a rising star getting ready to move up quickly in the organization when others are waiting in line for years!!!

Sounds kike she is still at it. SB was my CBD in SC. She loved to let everyone know how "smart" she was. (although really wasn't smart at all) She would quiz us reps at large meetings during cocktails and love to stump you on a clinical question... just a way to make her look good... extremely insecure person.

Sounds kike she is still at it. SB was my CBD in SC. She loved to let everyone know how "smart" she was. (although really wasn't smart at all) She would quiz us reps at large meetings during cocktails and love to stump you on a clinical question... just a way to make her look good... extremely insecure person.
I had a bad experience working with her too but do you know why she's still there? Cause she's a white female. If she wasn't she wouldn't have been where she is now......

Brock us is no better than say , Gilot or Hartman, or in point of fact several others. These are people who would be making 50k per year working for car rental companies if it weren’t for the pharmaceutical industry. Pharma promotes followers, not leaders. These are “leaders” in title only. Think about Hartman dropping the F bomb in front of hundreds of people, Gilot telling his sales people to “get creative” and “meet Drs at their back doors” during a pandemic, or Brockus doing any number of stupid things and it becomes totally obvious. They are shills for the company until they final F up so badly that they get the boot. This arrangement is great for the company because with followers in leadership roles, the company can exercise control then simply discard the “leader” when he or she finally embarrasses the company so badly that the company has no choice but to fire them. Next? Another Pharma company picks up the “leader” knowing exactly what it’s getting.

Brock us is no better than say , Gilot or Hartman, or in point of fact several others. These are people who would be making 50k per year working for car rental companies if it weren’t for the pharmaceutical industry. Pharma promotes followers, not leaders. These are “leaders” in title only. Think about Hartman dropping the F bomb in front of hundreds of people, Gilot telling his sales people to “get creative” and “meet Drs at their back doors” during a pandemic, or Brockus doing any number of stupid things and it becomes totally obvious. They are shills for the company until they final F up so badly that they get the boot. This arrangement is great for the company because with followers in leadership roles, the company can exercise control then simply discard the “leader” when he or she finally embarrasses the company so badly that the company has no choice but to fire them. Next? Another Pharma company picks up the “leader” knowing exactly what it’s getting.
This is a very accurate description of our industry.

Brock us is no better than say , Gilot or Hartman, or in point of fact several others. These are people who would be making 50k per year working for car rental companies if it weren’t for the pharmaceutical industry. Pharma promotes followers, not leaders. These are “leaders” in title only. Think about Hartman dropping the F bomb in front of hundreds of people, Gilot telling his sales people to “get creative” and “meet Drs at their back doors” during a pandemic, or Brockus doing any number of stupid things and it becomes totally obvious. They are shills for the company until they final F up so badly that they get the boot. This arrangement is great for the company because with followers in leadership roles, the company can exercise control then simply discard the “leader” when he or she finally embarrasses the company so badly that the company has no choice but to fire them. Next? Another Pharma company picks up the “leader” knowing exactly what it’s getting.

So MH drops a F bomb and that means he isn't a leader? You are soft. Not necessarily a fan of his, think his narcissism is a little too much, but come on. Some of the best leaders I have had used baddy bad words all the time but did it in a way that worked.

So MH drops a F bomb and that means he isn't a leader? You are soft. Not necessarily a fan of his, think his narcissism is a little too much, but come on. Some of the best leaders I have had used baddy bad words all the time but did it in a way that worked.
If you e spent your entire adult life In Pharma, you haven’t worked for any good leaders. Unless, of course, they had experience outside of Pharma.