Azar is a nerd in a cubicle that I call my boss which makes me feel like an even bigger nerd. Sad times
The conference call said NOTHING! Just that we are going to have customer service reps, and certain divisions will get iPads, but best news of all more ITPs to do.........
The $ource Force is a brilliant FIPNet strategy to merge all sales/marketing into an infomatic extravaganza manned by a call center in Bangalore, coupled with flashdrives to be delivered by UPS....what can BROWN do to you?
Any inside scoop on the details?
How about that "Esampling" option for "bring value." There goes access.
Did anyone want to laugh how we had to do survey with dr's to learn that they do not like to have to "work with our company's stupid metrics." WE DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH TO DO. Just stop the crap and have a layoff. New products will come out and customers will want contact at that point but if we piss them off it does not matter.
you are such a dumb ass. And obviously not been in pharma that long. Clueless at best. They never announce layoffs on a big conference call. Your boss will call you one on one and say "therefore your territory has been eliminated".This call is not mandatory for sales reps so I am thinking it is not going to be "the call" where they announce layoffs, realignments or anything of that nature. So sleep in my fellow reps!
OMG, how much did we pay a consulting firm to tell us what any one of us could have told them. NOW, how many dr's want to see our managers? Did they do that research?