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Nope. You have the top MS Reps in the Industry working at Genentech. One of the last things Gene did right, was to pirate all these folks from the competitors. Unfortunately we now are seeing some of these folks leaving for the competitors. Genentech better shut down the escape hatch by keeping the rest happy or the revenue keeping us afloat from Ocrevus will quickly disappear to Ofat. Not sure leadership understands cash is king in keeping free agents here. They are about to lose a lot more if they keep nickeling and dime-ing these folks.

Nope. You have the top MS Reps in the Industry working at Genentech. One of the last things Gene did right, was to pirate all these folks from the competitors. Unfortunately we now are seeing some of these folks leaving for the competitors. Genentech better shut down the escape hatch by keeping the rest happy or the revenue keeping us afloat from Ocrevus will quickly disappear to Ofat. Not sure leadership understands cash is king in keeping free agents here. They are about to lose a lot more if they keep nickeling and dime-ing these folks.
This post made me chuckle. Everyone knows Ocrevus sells itself. A contract sales force would have been efficient in launching this therapy. No need for the free agents. You are free to leave.

Hello anyone have any brain out there! It may be a great drug just like many other, but if you know anything about business, advertising etc. Representatives are educators, walking billboards, addressing needs of customers. Thats why all of us have jobs. Stop bashing. Most of us in this industry are making a great living.

Honestly an untrained monkey could sell Ocre....

It’s the truth and us in sales know it.

So stop with the bloviating please

No drug sells itself except maybe viagra at launch. In a hyper competitive market with over 15 competitors, the best product doesn’t always win. Only idiots who have never had to compete spew such utter nonsense. I’m not saying that all the O reps are great, but selling is a skill, even with a great product. Every time a marketing, medical or government affairs employee experiences real field time, as a rep, they appreciate the difficulty of being a high performing sales professional. Quit diminishing the job you can’t do or even get.

No drug sells itself except maybe viagra at launch. In a hyper competitive market with over 15 competitors, the best product doesn’t always win. Only idiots who have never had to compete spew such utter nonsense. I’m not saying that all the O reps are great, but selling is a skill, even with a great product. Every time a marketing, medical or government affairs employee experiences real field time, as a rep, they appreciate the difficulty of being a high performing sales professional. Quit diminishing the job you can’t do or even get.


Oh Lawd! Have you guys seen the Ocrevus commercial?! It was Horrendous. I seen it watching VH1(I know, how appropriate for the love & hip hop crowd), and it was beyond boring. I mean, I’ve seen other placed commercial by our competitors and they were so much creative. They have jingles. Or they hire some famous actor. But Genentech. There just was no emotional pull in on what they are selling, which was Ocrevus. They had real customers which were all white. Where’s the black person? Where’s the Asian person? Where’s that Hispanic? My point being. If Roche is stressing diversity. Show it in your commercials. Don’t just talk the talk. Walk the walk. Horrible branding and missed opportunities. The only good thing was they had the right idea who to market too lol.

Oh Lawd! Have you guys seen the Ocrevus commercial?! It was Horrendous. I seen it watching VH1(I know, how appropriate for the love & hip hop crowd), and it was beyond boring. I mean, I’ve seen other placed commercial by our competitors and they were so much creative. They have jingles. Or they hire some famous actor. But Genentech. There just was no emotional pull in on what they are selling, which was Ocrevus. They had real customers which were all white. Where’s the black person? Where’s the Asian person? Where’s that Hispanic? My point being. If Roche is stressing diversity. Show it in your commercials. Don’t just talk the talk. Walk the walk. Horrible branding and missed opportunities. The only good thing was they had the right idea who to market too lol.

Your grammar and writing skills are atrocious. Caucasians are the race most commonly affected by MS and those people in the commercial are actually Ocrevus patients. I’m guessing you don’t even work at Genentech. The commercial is awful, but it is working.

Your grammar and writing skills are atrocious. Caucasians are the race most commonly affected by MS and those people in the commercial are actually Ocrevus patients. I’m guessing you don’t even work at Genentech. The commercial is awful, but it is working.

The commercial is wack! So out of touch with the community. I do speak Ebonics. BUT caucasians don’t feel that. It is a legitimate American Vernacular. Genentech is all hype when it comes to diversity. A lot of them are ‘token’ minorities. Just window dressing for the ‘caucasians’.

Your grammar and writing skills are atrocious. Caucasians are the race most commonly affected by MS and those people in the commercial are actually Ocrevus patients. I’m guessing you don’t even work at Genentech. The commercial is awful, but it is working.

BTW, I’m Black. I work in the laboratory. Stereotype much?

This is sad....You work for same company and have nothing good to say about your colleagues.
Its the holiday season for most people in whatever way you celebrate, please be kinder to one another.
Easily to be mean behind anonymous.
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, enjoy Kwanzaa, Happy Boxing Day, and enjoy Omisoka.
When you start the new year think about being a tad more positive.

This is sad....You work for same company and have nothing good to say about your colleagues.
Its the holiday season for most people in whatever way you celebrate, please be kinder to one another.
Easily to be mean behind anonymous.
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, enjoy Kwanzaa, Happy Boxing Day, and enjoy Omisoka.
When you start the new year think about being a tad more positive.

We kinda figured out who the angry lesbian is. She is a manager here. She wasn’t smart enuff to hide her voice like I did using ebonics lol. But she is Mean.

You should stick to the lab then. I don’t care what race you are or what vernacular you use. You are not that bright, unfortunately.

Whatever. You couldn’t answer my question. Just projecting your worthless agenda. A lot of smoke and mirrors. The commercial is abysmal. I’m not going to justify your insult because society has been dumb downed by your toxic presence already.

Humorous thread here. Especially the ignorant comments about Ocrevus selling itself? Obviously these posts are from competitors getting their collective arse kicked, or legacy Genentech Reps that are clueless about the MS Market. Currently about 15 or so choices for MS Patients, but hey Ocrevus sells itself. LMAO. Just collect ypur severance and spew your negativity at the next company, if anyone would hire you entitled types that never have had to work here. You should simply say Thank you to every Ocrevus Rep you see, because like it or not we would be bankrupt without them.