OBU spun off with NBU?

Mudayis already has over double the weekly scripts of Xiidra in just 3 months you loser... you are the JV team here and yes we supported your llaunch and we still are paying your salary and very tiny bonus. You are welcome. Our launch is actually not a huge success nut comparing to yours we are all superstars at NBU.

I don't understand why there is so much hostility toward the OBU from the NBU? What have we done to you? We were hired to do a job, however we are held back by our LACK of managed care coverage. It was not our idea for you to co-promote Xiidra...that was leadership that did that to you! It was also leadership that took money the nbu made as well as other division to probably fund the OBU, again that was leadership, not the reps. Your realignment, coupons not working for Mydayis, lack of bonus payout, being sold or spun off, all leadership. Not one rep is responsible for this...all exec leadership. I don't blame you for being mad, I'm in the OBU and I'm mad because I was fed a bunch of bs, but I don't blame the NBU reps for it. As sales we need to stick together, not tear each other down. Just my 2cents.

I don't understand why there is so much hostility toward the OBU from the NBU? What have we done to you? We were hired to do a job, however we are held back by our LACK of managed care coverage. It was not our idea for you to co-promote Xiidra...that was leadership that did that to you! It was also leadership that took money the nbu made as well as other division to probably fund the OBU, again that was leadership, not the reps. Your realignment, coupons not working for Mydayis, lack of bonus payout, being sold or spun off, all leadership. Not one rep is responsible for this...all exec leadership. I don't blame you for being mad, I'm in the OBU and I'm mad because I was fed a bunch of bs, but I don't blame the NBU reps for it. As sales we need to stick together, not tear each other down. Just my 2cents.
Shut the fuck up you nerd! If you blame leadership then why are you still here sucking on their teet? You act all, "ooh its not me, I'm just doing my job". Well you are part of the problem and if more people in OBU stood up to these posers things might be different. Instead you all blow smoke up Perry and Kathy's asses and then talk shit behind their backs or worse, on here.

Go squeeze your balls in a vice! You don't need them anyway. Maybe give them to Kathy for earrings.

Shut the fuck up you nerd! If you blame leadership then why are you still here sucking on their teet? You act all, "ooh its not me, I'm just doing my job". Well you are part of the problem and if more people in OBU stood up to these posers things might be different. Instead you all blow smoke up Perry and Kathy's asses and then talk shit behind their backs or worse, on here.

Go squeeze your balls in a vice! You don't need them anyway. Maybe give them to Kathy for earrings.

Ok shit head, I was trying to nicely make a point, obviously you have a axe to grind. I don't blow smoke up anyone's ass, and I speak my mind to KK when she was here, and Perry. Why aren't you standing up to Perry and tell him how screwed up things are? I am currently looking for anther job, but I'm not going to leave for just another job, I will leave for the right opportunity. Until then I will continue to do my job and not blame the NBU. Maybe you would like to put a phone number down and we can discuss this man to man.

"Pink eye" can be both bacterial and viral. Viral is usually self limiting and doesn't necessarily require treatment, however it takes about 2-4 weeks to resolve. If you could take something and have it resolved in days most would. Conjunctivitis is also contagious for up to 10 days if not treated dumb ass. So really STFU...you're privacy some DB from neuro who thinks his shit doesn't stink... You sell fucking add meds get over yourself.
Not really... I'm a mom with two kids and each has had pink eye at least 3 times and the eye drops I paid $10 for at the pharmacy cleared it up in 3 or 4 days you arrogant prick. Keep working hard for that $1000 bonus over there. Those add meds I sell are paying it.

If you don't know the "difference between viral conjunctivitis is and pink eye" maybe you should just keep your damn mouth shut. Or maybe do a little research before you confirm to everyone you don't know what the hell your talking about.

I did a little research. You all in OBU can't sell worth a shat... how is a product just officially launched a month ago already getting more scripts than the product you launched a year and a half ago and the our product has worse coverage than xiidra which we constantly hear OBU crying about... conclusion to my research = you all r SORRY over there

Not really... I'm a mom with two kids and each has had pink eye at least 3 times and the eye drops I paid $10 for at the pharmacy cleared it up in 3 or 4 days you arrogant prick. Keep working hard for that $1000 bonus over there. Those add meds I sell are paying it.
You're a mom...oh so you must know everything..STFU. Don't you have spoiled brats to drive around while you should be working?

You're a mom...oh so you must know everything..STFU. Don't you have spoiled brats to drive around while you should be working?

Go out today and get 1 script written and you will grow your xiidra market volume by 50%... they might need to bring in the varsity squad to help out you light weights over there again. You p.s. and k.k. booty sniffers need to get off the NBU tit sometime soon. Flem has been sucking it dry since he came over here and you all are taking the the last drips of what he hasn't wasted

Go out today and get 1 script written and you will grow your xiidra market volume by 50%... they might need to bring in the varsity squad to help out you light weights over there again. You p.s. and k.k. booty sniffers need to get off the NBU tit sometime soon. Flem has been sucking it dry since he came over here and you all are taking the the last drips of what he hasn't wasted

Lol... true. NBU nipples are extremely sore and chaff from being sucked on so hard by our awful CEO and the entire OBU... We expected you all to be producing your own milk by now but it seems you all are only good at one thing. SUCKING!!!! OBU and our CEO excell at it.

NBU, enjoy the spin off and layoffs, no need to have reps "selling" a 12 year old product. The Future is in the OBU, thanks for the funds.

You are welcome... glad you are grateful... remember to mention NBU during your Thanksgiving prayer next week. We put that Turkey on you losers that can't sell table.

You are welcome... glad you are grateful... remember to mention NBU during your Thanksgiving prayer next week. We put that Turkey on you losers that can't sell table.
Just ask your NBU counterparts that came over here about the differencees and how much this launch sucked and how badly KK Fucked it up. It ain't been easy buttercup.

Get out of the NBU and the OBU this company has no future for either division. I'm so glad I left this shit hole company. Xiidra isn't even a good drug . I had several family members try it and despised it. If your future is pink eye get out now because you won't be doing very well . And the NBU spin off isn't going to do anyone any favors and the division isn't safe despite vyvanses success. Get out. You don't have to work under these hostile conditions. And selling ADD meds is a lot more of a specialized sale then eye drops so get over yourselves and get a better job before your pigeon holes into not being able To get anything better once the ax drops . Shire is unethical as hell and can't be trusted

Get out of the NBU and the OBU this company has no future for either division. I'm so glad I left this shit hole company. Xiidra isn't even a good drug . I had several family members try it and despised it. If your future is pink eye get out now because you won't be doing very well . And the NBU spin off isn't going to do anyone any favors and the division isn't safe despite vyvanses success. Get out. You don't have to work under these hostile conditions. And selling ADD meds is a lot more of a specialized sale then eye drops so get over yourselves and get a better job before your pigeon holes into not being able To get anything better once the ax drops . Shire is unethical as hell and can't be trusted
What you mean unethical?
Come on now!
I know exactly where my numbers are coming from, voucher report matches my numbers perfectly, goals are fair an unbiased, they don't ever tinker with our fair goals, communication is at a all-time high level- (getting 401k changes via mail), vouchers expiring in a month and I'm sure we will all be frantically getting to all our offices in January to replenish, wait I mean our top 25!
I love this company! Unethical ha (in Sarcastic voice)

This board is full of stupidity. Are things perfect? No; but XIIDRA will do $400M or so in first full year (that is more than B&L entire Pharma portfolio). OBU is adding headcount and building for a new product in Q1 or Q2. OBU will not be spun off! Go back to your Mom's basement! New guys seem to be getting us back on track.

This board is full of stupidity. Are things perfect? No; but XIIDRA will do $400M or so in first full year (that is more than B&L entire Pharma portfolio). OBU is adding headcount and building for a new product in Q1 or Q2. OBU will not be spun off! Go back to your Mom's basement! New guys seem to be getting us back on track.
New product Q1/Q2 yet they haven't said dick about it...? ya uh huh sure.