OBU-anyone quit yet?

Look moron, enough of the comedy routine. Bottom line is your girl KK is a horrible person and probably the most inept leader ever in Pharma. She is where she is because of one person, PS, and he is so insecure he fired every one of his VPs. Probably because they are clearly smarter than he is, I mean you ever see him present? There's not much there, ha hear me? His little charade of an interview process showed how unqualified KK is and yet he still railroaded her through by getting his VP of HR and co-conspirator to sign off. They are all douche bags much like you (who are probably one of them trying to distort facts)

So talk all your shit about trolls, taking meds, etc. But, fact is these people have screwed up a great company and the shit they pull is wrong, unethical and ILLEGAL!

So fuck you and fuck them. I'm doing just fine. I just choose to exercise my right to tell the truth about these losers. None of which you have ever replied with a legitimate argument back.

Now piss off sycophant

I could not agree more. She hired her Directors and managers for a reason. Now let them do their jobs! The problem is she does not trust a soul, and that's why she micro manages people to death. It is actually sad. Color coded calendars? Really? What is this? Second grade?


I could not agree more. She hired her Directors and managers for a reason. Now let them do their jobs! The problem is she does not trust a soul, and that's why she micro manages people to death. It is actually sad. Color coded calendars? Really? What is this? Second grade?

The color coded calendar is a joke seriously this job is so micro and so PC we are treated like children. It's laughable. Just wait until we have a product its going to get much much worse

I could not agree more. She hired her Directors and managers for a reason. Now let them do their jobs! The problem is she does not trust a soul, and that's why she micro manages people to death. It is actually sad. Color coded calendars? Really? What is this? Second grade?

If my boss wants color so be it! How many jobs are out there that pay $120K+? I will do whatever it takes to support my family! So I stay positive!!

The color coded calendar is a joke seriously this job is so micro and so PC we are treated like children. It's laughable. Just wait until we have a product its going to get much much worse

I saw that color-coded calendar and took it as a "suggestion". I've never color-coded my calendar or even put doc names into the days. RD accepted it and didn't say anything to me. Maybe that will change in the future. If it does, I'll adapt. Having to do a color-coded calendar is not the litmus test for whether or not I consider myself micro-managed.

We are so spoiled. Some of you should leave the industry to get some perspective. Try complaining about your color-coded calendar to someone that works harder than you do for a lot less - like a school teacher, a soldier, or someone in law enforcement.

I saw that color-coded calendar and took it as a "suggestion". I've never color-coded my calendar or even put doc names into the days. RD accepted it and didn't say anything to me. Maybe that will change in the future. If it does, I'll adapt. Having to do a color-coded calendar is not the litmus test for whether or not I consider myself micro-managed.

We are so spoiled. Some of you should leave the industry to get some perspective. Try complaining about your color-coded calendar to someone that works harder than you do for a lot less - like a school teacher, a soldier, or someone in law enforcement.
Great and truthful post!!

I saw that color-coded calendar and took it as a "suggestion". I've never color-coded my calendar or even put doc names into the days. RD accepted it and didn't say anything to me. Maybe that will change in the future. If it does, I'll adapt. Having to do a color-coded calendar is not the litmus test for whether or not I consider myself micro-managed.

We are so spoiled. Some of you should leave the industry to get some perspective. Try complaining about your color-coded calendar to someone that works harder than you do for a lot less - like a school teacher, a soldier, or someone in law enforcement.

Hey Stupid, Cops make 100Km+ they get to retire at full salary after years of service what do we get some funky 401 k plan? come on fools do you really think 120 k will support your family, they have us over a barrel.

Hey Stupid, Cops make 100Km+ they get to retire at full salary after years of service what do we get some funky 401 k plan? come on fools do you really think 120 k will support your family, they have us over a barrel.
Nobody is making 120k on a base in the OBU, we got sold short. Even those with numerous awards and experience. If you say your are you're lying! You can count bonus it's not guaranteed.

Look moron, enough of the comedy routine. Bottom line is your girl KK is a horrible person and probably the most inept leader ever in Pharma. She is where she is because of one person, PS, and he is so insecure he fired every one of his VPs. Probably because they are clearly smarter than he is, I mean you ever see him present? There's not much there, ha hear me? His little charade of an interview process showed how unqualified KK is and yet he still railroaded her through by getting his VP of HR and co-conspirator to sign off. They are all douche bags much like you (who are probably one of them trying to distort facts)

So talk all your shit about trolls, taking meds, etc. But, fact is these people have screwed up a great company and the shit they pull is wrong, unethical and ILLEGAL!

So fuck you and fuck them. I'm doing just fine. I just choose to exercise my right to tell the truth about these losers. None of which you have ever replied with a legitimate argument back.

Now piss off sycophant

If you are so happy...Then why are you on cafe pharma?

You poor thing. You really think its all about complaining. You life must be miserable. I check cafe pharma often and have always loved my jobs.
I would like to offer a bit of advise. When life becomes so negative and you become so overwhelmingly fixated on hatred of a person or event you really need to seek some professional guidance. Sometimes life hits you hard, but a normal person snaps back and moves on. When this doesn't happen, you should consider getting help. Hopefully you can get your life back on track and get mentally healthy again. Soon.

The color coded calendar is a joke seriously this job is so micro and so PC we are treated like children. It's laughable. Just wait until we have a product its going to get much much worse

Im sorry you have to deal with that. What a shame.

We have not seen a color coded calendar in our area, so it is not a mandate from KK. It may be a zone director, or more likely a manager. In fact, we are not experiencing any micro managing. Maybe you are making this stuff up?

If the negatives are already driving you mad, you are welcome to leave. There is no ball and chain around your ankle.

You poor thing. You really think its all about complaining. You life must be miserable. I check cafe pharma often and have always loved my jobs.
I would like to offer a bit of advise. When life becomes so negative and you become so overwhelmingly fixated on hatred of a person or event you really need to seek some professional guidance. Sometimes life hits you hard, but a normal person snaps back and moves on. When this doesn't happen, you should consider getting help. Hopefully you can get your life back on track and get mentally healthy again. Soon.

And why do you even care? Oh, is it because it's starting to actually get to you, Kathy?

I have to say this does sound like KK responding. While I think KK is capably, she is seriously so full of herself it is scary. My interest in the OBU completely shifted after seeing how she operates. Sad. Her asking for a calendar from her ZDs and the RDs and so on as to each Doctor you see everyday? Seriously? Primary Care much? I came here as I thought this was a specialty gig. Doesn't feel like that now.

I have to say this does sound like KK responding. While I think KK is capably, she is seriously so full of herself it is scary. My interest in the OBU completely shifted after seeing how she operates. Sad. Her asking for a calendar from her ZDs and the RDs and so on as to each Doctor you see everyday? Seriously? Primary Care much? I came here as I thought this was a specialty gig. Doesn't feel like that now.
If everybody minded their own business, the world would go around a great deal faster than it does.

So what you are saying is ignore bad leadership just to get through life quicker? No thanks, I'd rather call out shitty people and enjoy life knowing I'm doing the right thing.
The right thing to do is to call out and slander people or a division on an anonymous message board. Got it. Great company, great division, solid leadership. Is there some minuses, sure there are but no job or company is perfect. Dead weight like yourself, lacks perspective and appreciation for what we do. Leave if you don't like the "injustices" here in the obu. You sound like a Vag