NY, CT EndoChoice Sales Opening

Poster, CS stands for Capital Specialist. This role has NOTHING to do with devices and this company is not a device company!! It really never was and NOW WE don't get paid to sell devices anymore so NO this job or CS role is not a stepping stone into device sales. Deliver pizzas or serve tables before accepting job here!

That's just plain dumb. An endoscope is a device, a technical one. That's what you would be supporting.
I think the CS role is an excellent stepping stone to any medical sales role. I wish I had this type of opportunity when I was 24 or 25. You are a product expert working with a technical medical instrument performing customer facing activities with docs, nurses and techs. It's good money, not long hours and no call. You essentially become one of the staff during the trials and will have the opportunity create a solid network of contacts in hospitals and ASCs. You get 100 times more respect from docs than (most) drug reps. Lastly, supporting/selling a 1st generation system is challenging which can only bolster your resume.
That's just plain dumb. An endoscope is a device, a technical one. That's what you would be supporting.

Come on management, just because there are devices hanging on the wall (forceps, stents, banders, etc) in the same room when the CS rep is plugging the scope (capital) into the processor (capital), sitting on the cart (capital), etc. doesn't make this scope a device. Spin it as a technical one if you like. Tell Boston Sci, Cook, Medtronic or any recruiter that a Captial Specialist at EC is a device rep is a stretch any way you spin it. I guess you can also say cleaning brushes and sponges is a device sale.
Actually, take the CS job because it the easiest sales role at EC. You are off less than you work and you will make more money than 8/10 direct sales reps here.
"Lastly, supporting/selling a 1st generation system is challenging which can only bolster your resume."

Hahaha!!!! First off, "selling"??? A CS doesn't sell. When they're actually working, they merely support- as in standing next to the system, plugging it in and turning it on/off.

"Challenging"? I guess when the product you support doesn't work a third of the time it can be a challenge- but only if the CS cares. There's no challenge if you give zero fucks about it, and that's where we are due to the frustration level being so high.

"Bolster your resume"? God, that's funny. And unfortunately, very depressing. You're much better off going to work for ADP, Cintas, or IKON to get strong B2B experience to "bolster" your resume than having EndoChoice on your resume. That's a sad fact that many of my peers are realizing as we try to get out and land on our feet. Good news is that $125,000 to $150,000 med jobs are plentiful. Just be prepared for the look of skepticism when you underwhelm the hiring manager with exactly what EndoChoice is/does. If you actually tell the truth about EC, get ready to admit you just made a mistake coming aboard.
Lol, I get your point, you aren't happy with your job. At least you are able to land interviews now with other companies. For someone without Med experience I think it seems as though the CS role is a pretty good way to break into the industry. Granted it might not get you hired at other jobs- but it should at least get you some interviews, and then obviously it is up to you to sell yourself.
Lol, I get your point, you aren't happy with your job. At least you are able to land interviews now with other companies. For someone without Med experience I think it seems as though the CS role is a pretty good way to break into the industry. Granted it might not get you hired at other jobs- but it should at least get you some interviews, and then obviously it is up to you to sell yourself.

I have been at EC for too long now and regret my career decision worse each day that goes on until I get a new job and put this bad decision behind me. I keep hearing the same broken promises that I heard when I sat down with GC years ago that many TM's heard as well that can't get out quick enough. Things have never changed and the future here isn't getting any brighter as we are paid on scopes that aren't moving! I am offering my advice to you at no cost. Do yourself a favor and start your career somewhere else that will advance your career quicker than EC and offers opportunities to advance financially, promotions available within the company that are worth wild and offers less daily STRESS as this company does! A previous poster said this and I will echo, the demo sell is up to the TM to sell for the demo and sell during the process. If the CS goes over and beyond and sells during the demo that's great but the truth is they don't. The CS role doesn't properly set you up for future medical device career in my honest opinion if this is what your looking for. If you are looking to break in, continue B2B or find a company that appreciates the reps as management doesn't here. Medical device companies look at these jobs as well. However, if you ignore what I say and take the CS role as a stepping stone, make sure you keep that resume polished at all times as EC will fire you with no reason at all without any warning period!! Hell, if they hired you today, tomorrow your manager is searching LinkedIn for your replacement. These career suggestions are based on EC's track record for last couple years. Take it how you like but never take a job just to take one.
Lol!!! The new Columbia rep took a look around at this shit show and resigned within not even 3 weeks of working here. She was amazing. We loved her. Really depressing when you see really good people bolt after witnessing the way we do things after only a few weeks in the job. Why didn't I have that foresight?

I'm in the final stages of interviews with 2 companies now. Been a tough few months of searching because you basically have to lie about successes here in interviews because of the shit show. But, I'm confident I'll land something here in the next couple weeks and it will be such a fucking relief. I have honestly learned nothing here. I actually take that back-- I've learned so much on what NOT to do.

The rumors of how this company has fired people and lied to those joining are long and ugly. Literally not working another day. Mailing it in. My RM checked out long ago, and frankly, my AD has too as far as the TMs are concerned. Doesn't know shit about any of us nor care.

CHIE, bitches.
Omg, no doubt. Both my RM and AD know nothing about me. Had no idea I was not only married but had children. But both of them won't hesitate to call me at 8pm asking me about totally insignificant parts of my business.

Oh well. Lots of $150-$175k jobs out there with half the crap to deal with.
And the exiting continues! Lost more talented, tenured reps this week. The false promise of a brighter future with a higher income and scopes that don't continue to have issues is not a concern for these reps any longer. I can't wait till my offer comes in so I can say goodbye to this disaster!
I get it if you are looking to leave but your post sums it up perfectly. If you aren't attempting or even trying to sell Fuse, regardless of performance, it isn't going to go over well in an interview. If you aren't selling Fuse, you don't have a lot of other products that are going to impress anyone. JNJ, Covidien, Medtronic, etc are all having layoffs and the competition is getting tougher for prospective jobs because of these layoffs. If you want to go to another device company and you're up against a rep with actual OR device experience, you think that the interviewer is going to be impressed that you sell bite blocks? Get a Fuse sale under your belt and you at least have a story to tell.

I appreciate this last post above. I'm 110% percent sure that these "bad hires", complaining about very typical, new technology company growing pains, obstacles, hurdles with QC ETC. It takes "extremely dedicated" sales professionals to succeed against companies like Olymous, Boston Scientific, Cook, and US Endoscopy. The champions are strategizing a way to increase their portfolio sales by "finding a way" (period) to place capital towers in the hands of brain washed physicians that proctor blue and red all day long. The hiring process is so critical, 90% will not succeed like these two and many before. Heres my signature - sincerely-

-Presidents Club selling flex scopes, in excess of 1.7-2m annually.
-Earned over $200,000
-Earned 150,000 consistency
-Hired a sales champion and coached sales champions.

Your cancer isn't spreading much further, cause your already dead. You arent made for this type of business, you were a mistake, you skid through the cracks. Go home and cry to someone who cares about you, cause this type of sales takes "The best" men and women in america to succeed. You gotta kick down doors, never take no for an answer and never quit the marathon. Some sprint and hit the wall, some cry and wine, and take others inventories. Look in the mirror, your salesmanship is food sales at best!
I appreciate this last post above. I'm 110% percent sure that these "bad hires", complaining about very typical, new technology company growing pains, obstacles, hurdles with QC ETC. It takes "extremely dedicated" sales professionals to succeed against companies like Olymous, Boston Scientific, Cook, and US Endoscopy. The champions are strategizing a way to increase their portfolio sales by "finding a way" (period) to place capital towers in the hands of brain washed physicians that proctor blue and red all day long. The hiring process is so critical, 90% will not succeed like these two and many before. Heres my signature - sincerely-

-Presidents Club selling flex scopes, in excess of 1.7-2m annually.
-Earned over $200,000
-Earned 150,000 consistency
-Hired a sales champion and coached sales champions.

Your cancer isn't spreading much further, cause your already dead. You arent made for this type of business, you were a mistake, you skid through the cracks. Go home and cry to someone who cares about you, cause this type of sales takes "The best" men and women in america to succeed. You gotta kick down doors, never take no for an answer and never quit the marathon. Some sprint and hit the wall, some cry and wine, and take others inventories. Look in the mirror, your salesmanship is food sales at best!

Very inspiring Mr Robbins, thank you.
I appreciate this last post above. I'm 110% percent sure that these "bad hires", complaining about very typical, new technology company growing pains, obstacles, hurdles with QC ETC. It takes "extremely dedicated" sales professionals to succeed against companies like Olymous, Boston Scientific, Cook, and US Endoscopy. The champions are strategizing a way to increase their portfolio sales by "finding a way" (period) to place capital towers in the hands of brain washed physicians that proctor blue and red all day long. The hiring process is so critical, 90% will not succeed like these two and many before. Heres my signature - sincerely-

-Presidents Club selling flex scopes, in excess of 1.7-2m annually.
-Earned over $200,000
-Earned 150,000 consistency
-Hired a sales champion and coached sales champions.

Your cancer isn't spreading much further, cause your already dead. You arent made for this type of business, you were a mistake, you skid through the cracks. Go home and cry to someone who cares about you, cause this type of sales takes "The best" men and women in america to succeed. You gotta kick down doors, never take no for an answer and never quit the marathon. Some sprint and hit the wall, some cry and wine, and take others inventories. Look in the mirror, your salesmanship is food sales at best!

Wow. You are pretty proud of yourself. Congratulations! You should stop wasting your time writing on CF and write a sales book. If EC paid $200k every year it still isn't worth this stress and headache. Mr. North East Poster, you are the rare exception to those getting paid here. Guess what, like you I made $150+ per year and bought the sales pitch for this company a couple years back. Hook line and sinker! There is NO such thing as ''light at the end of the tunnel'' at EC. This job never gets any easier and if you think it may, management changes it again to work against the rep.
The phrase, the ''grass isn't always greener'' is not true of this place. Everyone that has left for greener pastures have no regrets and never look back. Reps are willing to take PAY CUTS to get out of this place. That's says a lot!! I can't wait till my offer comes and I will join the 20% of people bailing on this thing you brag about in the last 2 months.
"90% will not succeed" - that is a problem. You must suck at hiring, or you have created an environment with a 90% failure rate for even decent reps.
This type of email is sourced from being associated with a failing organization. If you are angry about this, make it a better place. If you are the bright spot in this dark world, the company is doomed. Not impressed with your sales training lecture. I saw it in movie once. The guy who said it first said it better. Go back to your mediocre job thinking highly of yourself.

QUOTE=Anonymous;5233373]I appreciate this last post above. I'm 110% percent sure that these "bad hires", complaining about very typical, new technology company growing pains, obstacles, hurdles with QC ETC. It takes "extremely dedicated" sales professionals to succeed against companies like Olymous, Boston Scientific, Cook, and US Endoscopy. The champions are strategizing a way to increase their portfolio sales by "finding a way" (period) to place capital towers in the hands of brain washed physicians that proctor blue and red all day long. The hiring process is so critical, 90% will not succeed like these two and many before. Heres my signature - sincerely-

-Presidents Club selling flex scopes, in excess of 1.7-2m annually.
-Earned over $200,000
-Earned 150,000 consistency
-Hired a sales champion and coached sales champions.

Your cancer isn't spreading much further, cause your already dead. You arent made for this type of business, you were a mistake, you skid through the cracks. Go home and cry to someone who cares about you, cause this type of sales takes "The best" men and women in america to succeed. You gotta kick down doors, never take no for an answer and never quit the marathon. Some sprint and hit the wall, some cry and wine, and take others inventories. Look in the mirror, your salesmanship is food sales at best![/QUOTE]
I had a friend who worked at Endochoice and he loved it!!! He also was on track for $200k., however, Boston Scientific acquired them. So from what everyone has said about EC and how terrible it was... I guess someone liked them since Boston Scientific paid $300 million for them!!! hahahaha
I had a friend who worked at Endochoice and he loved it!!! He also was on track for $200k., however, Boston Scientific acquired them. So from what everyone has said about EC and how terrible it was... I guess someone liked them since Boston Scientific paid $300 million for them!!! hahahaha

You waited almost four years after the acquisition to post this?