
Correct me if I am wrong but full-body "MRI compatibility" is a long ways from full-body "MRI conditional".

No stim will ever be MR compatible. They will always be conditional. The number one condition is that you must turn it off prior to a scan. The second is that you can only have a MRI in 1.5 or 3T magnet.

No stim will ever be MR compatible. They will always be conditional. The number one condition is that you must turn it off prior to a scan. The second is that you can only have a MRI in 1.5 or 3T magnet.

They'll always be conditional so long as they have metal in it but those conditions could be so general or encompassing of current technology that the device might be, for practical purposes, safe to scan at all conditions The reason why you're limited to 1.5 or 3T magnets is because that's what they manufacturer tests because that's almost all of your commercially-available scanners. If your material is sufficiently non-magnetic you could scan at a higher field strength. Depends on how paramagnetic the material is.

You won't necessarily have to turn off future devices in 1.5 or 3T scanners. If you had a lead that you could shield sufficiently from the RF, or have circuitry in the IPG to deal with the induced current, or a device small enough that it didn't generate a significant amount of current and therefore heat, you could have a device that you left on during a scan. Since spinal cord stimulators don't make use of sensing, there's nothing stopping a manufacturer from making a device that's MRI conditionally safe while on. It's just a lot harder, the testing is more expensive, and the patient population that benefits is relatively small. So they don't. There are some pacemakers, for example, that can be on for an MRI scan. You just reprogram them to an asynchronous mode (VOO/DOO) at a fixed rate and high output for pacing-dependent patients. It's all about the risk benefit.

Just listened to conference call-these guys are executing well and have a real product

LOL! You are joking, right? They only have 35 mil left in the bank....about a year. 5.5 million in sales is terrible even if they say 180ish growth from last year. 1/4 of Nuvectra's sales are not from Stim and they are operating from a loss more than double their sales. You do the math.

They have 50 reps and did ~5million last qtr. after 2 yrs on the market. Not good. Mgmt team has decent reputation but the product hasn't turned enough heads. No clinical data, not High frequency = price driven sale.
Biggest warning sign is they have already begun working with US distributors. There are many good reasons why all the SCS players avoided that. Nuvectra is desperate though.

Their existence depends on performance in the urinary incontinence market. Hard to see them being profitable anytime soon, and at their low revenue footprint they are definitely in trouble.