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NuBU--what exactly DOES Novartis do?

Does it matter? When MRK acquires AMG, they will restore law & order. There are so many MRK plants here, it's too obvious. Biosims & Kras are high value assets, Otezla as well.

The moles are in each BU are soooooo obvious. Same mold, quiet, well decorated, out of place, patient and observant. And you are worried about a co-promote migraine med? This is Schering Plough part 2.

never even crossed my mind but there are a ton of Ex-Merck employees at Amgen... that is a scary thought... any other reasons to think this may actually happen?

never even crossed my mind but there are a ton of Ex-Merck employees at Amgen... that is a scary thought... any other reasons to think this may actually happen?

Hmmmm, many have relationships with F. Hassan who is on the Board of Directors. It's called a succession plan, wanting to understand the state of affairs in each BU if something pops. I agree with the posters observations, and the cultures and systems are vastly different. It's pharma, speculation is always rampant.

They do little to nothing. They are mostly ranked way higher than Amgen reps too. No pharmacy, no virtual, few lunches as it's hard to get in, no programs. It's all on Amgen to do everything. They get stock, they get paid more.

Novartis reps and managers are too busy kissing the asses of those in a higher position than them. There's no time to sell if your only goal in life is to figure out who's ass you're gonna kiss each and every day.

Novartis reps and managers are too busy kissing the asses of those in a higher position than them. There's no time to sell if your only goal in life is to figure out who's ass you're gonna kiss each and every day.

This is laughable, Amgen's whole culture is about this. It has always been the only way to get ahead at Amgen. Sales performance never has mattered and ass kissing and politics run supreme.

This thread is hilarious. The thousands of Ex Merck employees that all migrated here, invented ass kissing. New commercial model clones that took “doing nothing” to an obscene level. And Yes, we make more at Novartis because we are better at what we do. All that anger will drive you to an early grave.

This thread is hilarious. The thousands of Ex Merck employees that all migrated here, invented ass kissing. New commercial model clones that took “doing nothing” to an obscene level. And Yes, we make more at Novartis because we are better at what we do. All that anger will drive you to an early grave.

And the rest of the story about what Novartis does....they spend what time they're not kissing their superiors' asses to overestimate their own worth.

Just ask some of those reps who were recently demoted from cv2 to pc. They were all incredulous!

Novartis does nothing and they are soon to get over 100K in stock. They do nothing for this co promote and Amgen does all virtual, all programs, all pharmacy. They just check the boxes and say they made the calls to get their bonus. My partner does it all the time. I see it. Amgen is doing all the lifting for this co promote.

As I embark on a 30 day vacation, I’m starting to think, it’s not that we at Novartis work less harder than the folks at Amgen, we were just smarter in choosing who to work for.

YES. We are jealous Novartis. You do nothing and get paid more. I'm completely in amazement as to why we are paying you to copromote when most of you don't do anything. Since Covid, many of you rarely go out as you can't do any virtual lunches.

Jealous..yes..we are tired of doing it all. We could outsell you all with our eyes closed. terrible coprmote

YES. We are jealous Novartis. You do nothing and get paid more. I'm completely in amazement as to why we are paying you to copromote when most of you don't do anything. Since Covid, many of you rarely go out as you can't do any virtual lunches.

Jealous..yes..we are tired of doing it all. We could outsell you all with our eyes closed. terrible coprmote

Just relax my fellow Amgen NUBU friends. We discovered the drug, hold the BLA and manufacture the drug. NOvartis has a cia that handcuffs them from doing any real work along with a lawsuit for jumping in bed with a competitor. NOvartis field staff doesn't work and their HQ staff is a revolving door, my farts last longer than their stints.

So let them cash in hoards of stock for sticking around. Soon, they will all be canned. At Amgen, legal always prevails. Ask any customer to name one, just one NOvartis person. Yep, crickets. Now do the same for Amgen. Yep, they will spew out names and reference stories of all they've done. Every annual large meeting, a new wave of NOvartis suits appear on stage, then ba bye, rinse and repeat.
To be fair, NOvartis medical is the exception. They work, have relationships and use their brains. I'm fairly certain that during the time I wrote this post, 6 NOvartis people have joined the team and already left. You get the point.

Just relax my fellow Amgen NUBU friends. We discovered the drug, hold the BLA and manufacture the drug. NOvartis has a cia that handcuffs them from doing any real work along with a lawsuit for jumping in bed with a competitor. NOvartis field staff doesn't work and their HQ staff is a revolving door, my farts last longer than their stints.

So let them cash in hoards of stock for sticking around. Soon, they will all be canned. At Amgen, legal always prevails. Ask any customer to name one, just one NOvartis person. Yep, crickets. Now do the same for Amgen. Yep, they will spew out names and reference stories of all they've done. Every annual large meeting, a new wave of NOvartis suits appear on stage, then ba bye, rinse and repeat.
To be fair, NOvartis medical is the exception. They work, have relationships and use their brains. I'm fairly certain that during the time I wrote this post, 6 NOvartis people have joined the team and already left. You get the point.
You obviously have not worked at Amgen very long. Novartis might suck but Amgen sucks more and loses people especially good people in droves. You are right about legal running the place, Amgen has always been a law firm that happens to sell drugs, but they also don’t value reps at all and think they are a necessary evil that can be replaced at moments notice. If you have not realized that yet you will or you fit in since you are slow

Just relax my fellow Amgen NUBU friends. We discovered the drug, hold the BLA and manufacture the drug. NOvartis has a cia that handcuffs them from doing any real work along with a lawsuit for jumping in bed with a competitor. NOvartis field staff doesn't work and their HQ staff is a revolving door, my farts last longer than their stints.

So let them cash in hoards of stock for sticking around. Soon, they will all be canned. At Amgen, legal always prevails. Ask any customer to name one, just one NOvartis person. Yep, crickets. Now do the same for Amgen. Yep, they will spew out names and reference stories of all they've done. Every annual large meeting, a new wave of NOvartis suits appear on stage, then ba bye, rinse and repeat.
To be fair, NOvartis medical is the exception. They work, have relationships and use their brains. I'm fairly certain that during the time I wrote this post, 6 NOvartis people have joined the team and already left. You get the point.

I'd agree. Their medical is far better than Amgen's medical. And, correct. tons of turnover in Novartis management. Their DSM's are all lazy and do virtually nothing. Amgen DSM's far more intense. I'm jealous too. Novartis reps don't do much.

Just relax my fellow Amgen NUBU friends. We discovered the drug, hold the BLA and manufacture the drug. NOvartis has a cia that handcuffs them from doing any real work along with a lawsuit for jumping in bed with a competitor. NOvartis field staff doesn't work and their HQ staff is a revolving door, my farts last longer than their stints.

So let them cash in hoards of stock for sticking around. Soon, they will all be canned. At Amgen, legal always prevails. Ask any customer to name one, just one NOvartis person. Yep, crickets. Now do the same for Amgen. Yep, they will spew out names and reference stories of all they've done. Every annual large meeting, a new wave of NOvartis suits appear on stage, then ba bye, rinse and repeat.
To be fair, NOvartis medical is the exception. They work, have relationships and use their brains. I'm fairly certain that during the time I wrote this post, 6 NOvartis people have joined the team and already left. You get the point.

Novartis did not discover the drug. ! simply untrue!

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