Nubu- Senior Leadership seems?


I’ll go first.

Senior Leadership seems confused that in such a small business unit managers and reps are unhappy. Why?

First, I think Senior Leadership only looks up and fails to see what’s happening below.
Secondly, we have lost our competitive drive under this leadership. Neutered is probably the most appropriate word.

These are big issues and why rumor has it we are being merged with ISS who is operating a leaner team right now for this purpose of absorbing us.

That actually give me hope. I hear TK can lead.

I’ll go first.

Senior Leadership seems confused that in such a small business unit managers and reps are unhappy. Why?

First, I think Senior Leadership only looks up and fails to see what’s happening below.
Secondly, we have lost our competitive drive under this leadership. Neutered is probably the most appropriate word.

These are big issues and why rumor has it we are being merged with ISS who is operating a leaner team right now for this purpose of absorbing us.

That actually give me hope. I hear TK can lead.

I have not heard of this, and I'm in management. I am not sure TN can lead.

If they do merge, ISS will have to, for once, sell Aimovig--they have been paid on it for awhile and truly have nothing to do with it overall.

Nubu senior leaders and DM’s are a bunch of incompetent crybabies. We can only hope the rumor is true and TK in ISS will cleanup the shit show we currently have in NeuroNation.

Losing Novartis has been a major loss. Nobody wants to admit it but despite not being able to do programs or virtual lunches during Covid they were a huge addition…

Guys, Aimovig tanks badly. It’s a fact, no? Let’s go back to the traditional old school way of selling. Thanks, TN, for scripting how we excuse ourselves to use the bathroom. God bless your phallic antlers in your office.

Novartis was treating their people with respect, they got big retention packages and culture was positive. Amgen thinks we are stupid puppets. Ridiculous Facebook posts will drive scripts. Haha.

I have not heard of this, and I'm in management. I am not sure TN can lead.

If they do merge, ISS will have to, for once, sell Aimovig--they have been paid on it for awhile and truly have nothing to do with it overall.

TN only hires and promotes Enbrel friends, hq only hires and promotes females, that's the playbook.

Instead of complaining, check your personal email, have a consultation, and decide if you want in.

TN only hires and promotes Enbrel friends, hq only hires and promotes females, that's the playbook.

Instead of complaining, check your personal email, have a consultation, and decide if you want in.

Not sure what the 2nd paragraph means but your right on the first. Someone prove it wrong. A good amount of managers are IBU and 100% of Senior Leaders are. The only way to be promoted into CB circle is to be female.

When we lack diversity of race and thought you get weaker results.

When is GM going to clean house of CB and TN? Promote them like normal for their stellar results or whatever you want to say but get new leadership to restore trust.

Losing Novartis has been a major loss. Nobody wants to admit it but despite not being able to do programs or virtual lunches during Covid they were a huge addition…

Losing Novartis was a huge plus for many and loss for many. It depended upon your partner. So many were not good.

TN is all talk.

This division is a mess. Hermes data will make it worse with the micromanagement.

The RD's are all TN's cronies
Who is TK?

Not sure what the 2nd paragraph means but your right on the first. Someone prove it wrong. A good amount of managers are IBU and 100% of Senior Leaders are. The only way to be promoted into CB circle is to be female.

When we lack diversity of race and thought you get weaker results.

When is GM going to clean house of CB and TN? Promote them like normal for their stellar results or whatever you want to say but get new leadership to restore trust.

Spot on, when cuts happen the males will be first to go. Bet these gals already have a male RIF list, anything to protect their gal pals. If any of these so called leaders scurry to another BU, guaranteed one of their friends will claw to be the replacement.

I am telling you: CB is being moved over to IBU and the males managers will be purged.

At the end of the day, CB will do LJ's bidding because she get more equity awards. Males, especially pale ones, must go.

Rise Up!

Here’s why TN has to be replaced. She’s created this mess by only hiring IBU RD’s who have in turn hired many other IBU managers. This has caused a lack of diverse thought and approaches that would have otherwise happened.