Unfortunately, if you're still going to NSM it means that you're average. All of the top talent has left and you are what's left. Have an average meeting with mediocre results. You probably got a C+ average for grades.. It's OK, Shire needs you and has happy to pay you median pay for your job description. Enjoy Orlando, tell Mickey the top talent will mis him.

Next year NSM not DOLPHIN/SWAN! Here's a novel idea. Pick a few locations and throw it out and let's vote on it.
Oh and the bribery they are throwing out for that stupid Journey video, lol. Who cares if we get a suite, it's not like we get any free time to be in our rooms just to breathe anyway!

Next year NSM not DOLPHIN/SWAN! Here's a novel idea. Pick a few locations and throw it out and let's vote on it.
Oh and the bribery they are throwing out for that stupid Journey video, lol. Who cares if we get a suite, it's not like we get any free time to be in our rooms just to breathe anyway!
They actually get a few of those suites comped so what are they really giving you. I guess its better to let one of the peons have them instead of Perry for his 24 hour visit.

I think many people have lost all respect for PS, especially after last year NSM and his calling out reps after 5 months. I lost all respect after realizing everything revolves around him and his agenda not what anyone wants. He needs to go, only then will this place get better.

I think many people have lost all respect for PS, especially after last year NSM and his calling out reps after 5 months. I lost all respect after realizing everything revolves around him and his agenda not what anyone wants. He needs to go, only then will this place get better.

You think? Thanks for finally waking up.

I think many people have lost all respect for PS, especially after last year NSM and his calling out reps after 5 months. I lost all respect after realizing everything revolves around him and his agenda not what anyone wants. He needs to go, only then will this place get better.
Dear Snowflake: Are you aware of the boss and subordinate relationship/pecking order? OMG , we are inundated with whiny losers!

Dear Snowflake: Are you aware of the boss and subordinate relationship/pecking order? OMG , we are inundated with whiny losers!

Yet here you are whining about whiners!

Now go back to working on your video. I’m sure it’ll help you get promoted so your closer in line in the pecking order to have PS peck out your eyes personally!

Such an honor!!!

I think many people have lost all respect for PS, especially after last year NSM and his calling out reps after 5 months. I lost all respect after realizing everything revolves around him and his agenda not what anyone wants. He needs to go, only then will this place get better.

Right on. He’s the reason the stock price is tanking. Creating people who hate Shire and will badmouth it to anyone. Not to mention him trying to sell to Wall Street guys that must be so funny

Yet here you are whining about whiners!

Now go back to working on your video. I’m sure it’ll help you get promoted so your closer in line in the pecking order to have PS peck out your eyes personally!

Such an honor!!!
my video will rock & you are a loser in life. See y’all in Orlando in my suite!!!!!!