Let me get this straight. You just got back from your company's national sales meeting and aside from excusing everyone's actions on stage the most positive thing you have to say is that the booze was flowing? Is this a party or a meeting? You dont think there might be an issue when people cant tell the difference? Have some pride in yourself, what goes on here these days is a joke. No wonder other industries think we are a joke. No one sells anything here anymore, one big party until the keg runs out and your cup is empty!

I am as critical as anyone but come on what did you expect from them? Give us your mind blowing game changing ideas and quit arm chair quarterbacking.

I am SOOOOO glad I got the hell out of this place!! Going downhill fast and the company keeps saying if your not happy leave? I know a lot of about 15 people looking to get out of Shire STAT! GOOD luck with these jokers!

How many more times do we have to listen about customer selling until they realize it doesn't work in our business? I have seen Jerry talk about this ten times and we still are not doing it. Does anyone ever wonder if the model is the problem?

They will never understand because they were sold...and suckered by Jerry.

I thought the meeting was alright. If my RD wasn't there, it would have been even better! He's
A total old Shire dish!t. Hopefully my RD is one of the people trying to get out

I knew things were bad at Shire but I really had no idea how bad. This meeting was embarrassing! There are endless stories of upper management making themselves look like asses. Scott Emmens with the candy in his mouth - worst presentation EVER. The two guys from Delta Point with the same opening - LAME. Hey Jerry, we've heard that presentation from you a few times now. You are losing major credibility. Dave and Clarissa continue to show how incompetent and out of touch they are. This ship is going down fast! I'm sure there will be many more resignations to come.

i have heard this same story at a few companies, how many friends do these guys have?

OMG!! The world is falling apart! You get a paycheck, right?
You must be so weak that this is the only second rate job you can get. Anyone who complains about having to travel and work on the weekend has every right to do so. Many people with a life outside of work (sorry Kathy) have responsibilities with their families over the weekend. To think that it should be acceptable because "you get a paycheck" is utterly naive and shows how pathetic you really are. Nothing but a KK schill, which makes you even more pathetic. My guess is you live a sad lonely life or are stuck in a deadend relationship and your spouse can't wait to get rid of you for the weekend so they can get some strange.

You must be so weak that this is the only second rate job you can get. Anyone who complains about having to travel and work on the weekend has every right to do so. Many people with a life outside of work (sorry Kathy) have responsibilities with their families over the weekend. To think that it should be acceptable because "you get a paycheck" is utterly naive and shows how pathetic you really are. Nothing but a KK schill, which makes you even more pathetic. My guess is you live a sad lonely life or are stuck in a deadend relationship and your spouse can't wait to get rid of you for the weekend so they can get some strange.

Can I get an AMEN! What are we going to do for 4.5 days? Can't talk about the product itself, can't learn about it.
Coming in on Sunday is bad enough, but a Saturday? Yes we have families, kids, obligations. If I had known that this company didn't value their employees and have work life balance I'm not sure I would have accepted the offer. Would have stayed at my previous company. I can't wait to see the rampant micromanagement once we get out in the field.

I was sitting in the meeting this week and found myself thinking, what has happened to this company? Why were the couches in the room? Why don't we ever talk about sales? Why don't I recognize anyone? Why do I feel like I am attending a college keg party instead of a business meeting? This executive team may have started with good intentions, but they have failed our sales force. I hope Fleming comes in and restores some sense.

How'd that work out for ya'll?

You must be so weak that this is the only second rate job you can get. Anyone who complains about having to travel and work on the weekend has every right to do so. Many people with a life outside of work (sorry Kathy) have responsibilities with their families over the weekend. To think that it should be acceptable because "you get a paycheck" is utterly naive and shows how pathetic you really are. Nothing but a KK schill, which makes you even more pathetic. My guess is you live a sad lonely life or are stuck in a deadend relationship and your spouse can't wait to get rid of you for the weekend so they can get some strange.
This is all being done to save money by having a Saturday night stay. Reasonable question to ask our "leaders">>>"Will we be given two days off during the week in recognition for our weekend sacrifice?"

This is all being done to save money by having a Saturday night stay. Reasonable question to ask our "leaders">>>"Will we be given two days off during the week in recognition for our weekend sacrifice?"

Being so close to the parks but we won't get any free time. Other companies when they have meetings here give free time and pay for admission into some of the parks. Highly doubt that will be happening, cheap bastards. Do we have roommates too?
Who wants to bet the launch meeting will be somewhere boring like Orlando or Phoenix (the only places KK and PA think meetings can take place) as well.

So we have until July for this drug to get approved, that's a long time to just be talking dry eye with doctors.

have fun now while you can because when you launch it will be all about 8-10 calls a day with signatures, and then you will see sample shortages, just like b and l. and that was happening before valeant.