Nsm Metabolics buzz kill on last day

She was totally obnoxious on stage. Did anyone else hear how she introduced that poor Leslie girl who was selected for that Brainiak thing? She said, "She prefers LEZZ-lie" WTF was that about? Is she trying to convert this poor girl to her way of life? And that West area session was a total buzz kill.

Yeah, that was kind of weird and her on-stage antics hopefully were scripted. If not, she has problems.

Then earlier in the meeting there was something about work life balance and the east guy said something about moving freight, while balancing life and work. Then her motto is something like 24/7, that's how we (they) roll. I like my job, but I don't think about it 24/7, nor should you.

Yeah, that was kind of weird and her on-stage antics hopefully were scripted. If not, she has problems.

Then earlier in the meeting there was something about work life balance and the east guy said something about moving freight, while balancing life and work. Then her motto is something like 24/7, that's how we (they) roll. I like my job, but I don't think about it 24/7, nor should you.

Be honest, you don't like your job, you like the money and freedom.

Her motto was "24/7 workers" for the West Area! Really MC? This is okay with you after all the talk about work life balance? Then the inappropriate comments on stage about LEZZ-lie with a smirk towards the audience. Absolutely appalling. She should be brought to task for that alone. Unacceptable.

Her motto was "24/7 workers" for the West Area! Really MC? This is okay with you after all the talk about work life balance? Then the inappropriate comments on stage about LEZZ-lie with a smirk towards the audience. Absolutely appalling. She should be brought to task for that alone. Unacceptable.

Totally agree with you the poor girl Leslie was looking at her strange too as if to say WTF?
This woman needs to be suspended for that awful comment and go to a training class on Careful Communication and then be trained on the concept of Work Life balance. To top it off she should be humiliated by being mentioned on the A-List as someone who was suspended for the above actions and comments. The A- List could be like the paper you get at 7-11 that shows people that get "Busted". I guarantee when people are exposed and humiliated publicly that will stop them from doing it again!

NSM survey just came out. If enough of us mention who inappropriate some if the comments and actions displayed ... Maybe it will be noticed? Explain all the violations of Careful Comminication and the blatant contradiction of work life balance. We all need to say these things so it gets noticed. Also, if you're going to make the meeting go until Thursday afternoon and most people won't even get home until midnight or 1am WHY were most reps forced to work the next day? Like you're really gonna be effective? EVERYONE should get Friday off as an office day to decompress or just make Friday a travel day like before. Right?

NSM survey just came out. If enough of us mention who inappropriate some if the comments and actions displayed ... Maybe it will be noticed? Explain all the violations of Careful Comminication and the blatant contradiction of work life balance. We all need to say these things so it gets noticed. Also, if you're going to make the meeting go until Thursday afternoon and most people won't even get home until midnight or 1am WHY were most reps forced to work the next day? Like you're really gonna be effective? EVERYONE should get Friday off as an office day to decompress or just make Friday a travel day like before. Right?

What an idiot you are.

What an idiot you are.

This person is not an idiot. When companies sell you on a position with a lot of crap about work life balance and then do a bait and switch, it is what it is, misleading advertising of sorts. This practice needs to stop. When companies train people hour after hour to do certain things and then jump all over any employees who actually follow the 5 million rules a company has dictated to them, because it slows the work flow, this is completely maddening. It is a waste of life. Young employees and some of us older ones do not understand this method of running a business. It defies logic and makes any intelligent person very uncomfortable. On top of that, bullies, like you, try to make these people who are actually more intelligent, not less, feel inferior. That is why sweat shop factories cannot retain good people. They retain the bottom feeders and less intelligent people, much like yourself.

Eureka! Just watched a rerun of SharkTank and this pompous obnoxious owner of a company was totally reckless and out of control - one of the judges said, "the fish stink from the head down" that's what The leaders of Metabolics are - especially the one woman who is feared by all! Look up the meaning of that phrase! The failure of a group is because of horrible leadership - something like that. MC seenu nice, but he has a stinky fish head because he allows and perpetuates the horrid behavior if "the woman everyone is frightened of". Think about it!

MTC and MB are horrible leaders, in completely different ways. MTC is trying to hang his hat on challenger, which has not shown any good results and is NOT utilizied by the field. he has his head buried up his butt. His response to safety concerns is a joke.

The new director is no leader. I understand she is a strong women. Strong women with agendas don't necessarily make good leader. My sister and i went to school at an equestrian college and she is very similar to the dean who drove morale to the ground. Unfortunately this type of person scares corporate and they will not make adjustments and let her do her thang

Well, that is a first. Now we have a complainer from Horse Tech. Please, tell me more about your unique qualifications to comment on leadership and motivation while riding animals and mucking stalls.

What type? An overbearing woman and a black dude? Both of these professionals are very accomplished in their roles. Try learning from their example in improve your position.

Now, brush Bessie.

What type? An overbearing woman and a black dude? Both of these professionals are very accomplished in their roles. Try learning from their example in improve your position.

Now, brush Bessie.

Horse school or not...the post is correct about their leadership! You must be one their puppet RMs. Your nose is beyond brown dude...you've got your head so far up their ass you can't see what's really going on! So I can't really blame you for your bias post.

Now, go brush the overbearing woman and the black dude.

Eureka! Just watched a rerun of SharkTank and this pompous obnoxious owner of a company was totally reckless and out of control - one of the judges said, "the fish stink from the head down" that's what The leaders of Metabolics are - especially the one woman who is feared by all! Look up the meaning of that phrase! The failure of a group is because of horrible leadership - something like that. MC seenu nice, but he has a stinky fish head because he allows and perpetuates the horrid behavior if "the woman everyone is frightened of". Think about it!



Heres another buzz kill for ya. Are you guys that f'n clueless not to see the big picture with Agel? We are on our last trip around the track. Between bad press and upcoming generic we will be skinned alive within 6 months.
Don't worry about the bosses on stage. The ones who call the shots on metabolics destiny were not on the stage. The were in North Chicago looking at our decreasing revenue and negative business climate.

Keep up the petty complaining about how this manager or that one is rude blah blah.
Look at the big picture. We are toast very soon.

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