
This company has gone completely insane! Along with MCR, now MCL has their own useless meeting while waiting to be laid off! I mean are these people subhuman or what??

They just want to make sure you are working during the month of Jan. not sitting around waiting to get laid off.

Anyone who works in January is a fool. You should be driving 110% of your attention and effort into finding a new job. There aren't many jobs out there right now but January is always a big hiring month.

Spend the last couple of weeks in December updating your resume and building your Linked In account. Leverage any relationships you have in the field with other companies to get your resume to hiring managers.

Don't let AZ chose your fate. Be smart and hit the bricks to find another job. Best case- You'll get to chose if you want to stay at AZ or move on to something new.

Email came in Friday from DM. No details on meeting. This is total BS. Only AZ would make people meet when their lives are about to be ruined. Management in this company are total psychos.

They can't really be serious about the damn meting can they? Good God, we will all be sitting there wondering if we even have a damn in 2 weeks and they think we will be "engaged"?? The only thing I will be "engaged" in come 2012, and that's getting the hell out of here!!! A meeting 2 weeks before the largest layoff in company history? Only the AZ idiots can come up with this crap!

They can't really be serious about the damn meting can they? Good God, we will all be sitting there wondering if we even have a damn in 2 weeks and they think we will be "engaged"?? The only thing I will be "engaged" in come 2012, and that's getting the hell out of here!!! A meeting 2 weeks before the largest layoff in company history? Only the AZ idiots can come up with this crap!

Tell the AZ-holes to go f-themselves and get up and role play themselves. They can video tape them and play with themselves

This is a BS post. there have been no MCL meeting notices...I worked with my manager this week and he was not aware of any.

Your DSM is a moron. Every division, including CNS is having fast start meetings. It will be you with your manager, role Playing, strategy planning for top customers, reviewing reports, brand strategy review etc. I've seen the power points, they're happening. Expect your manager to get you to document your top 20-30 customers for each product you carry, in case they fire you, they can give that document to your replacement....
It's smart from their perspective. Have all sales document strategy for their top customers so when they fire everyone, the new reps don't have to start from scratch..

From our side it's just terrible behavior again from senior leadership an more proof they can't lead and aren't making decisions in the best interest of the employees but of the board and the stock price.

Your DSM is a moron. Every division, including CNS is having fast start meetings. It will be you with your manager, role Playing, strategy planning for top customers, reviewing reports, brand strategy review etc. I've seen the power points, they're happening. Expect your manager to get you to document your top 20-30 customers for each product you carry, in case they fire you, they can give that document to your replacement....
It's smart from their perspective. Have all sales document strategy for their top customers so when they fire everyone, the new reps don't have to start from scratch..

From our side it's just terrible behavior again from senior leadership an more proof they can't lead and aren't making decisions in the best interest of the employees but of the board and the stock price.

DM here. Let me tell you guys that we think these meetings are total bullshit too! Senior leadership has all but destroyed this company. To pull reps out for an all day meeting with what's going on, just illustrates how completely out of touch with reality they are. You are right that they are not making the best decisions for employees and this one will backfire on them. AN ALL DAY MEETING WHEN 25% OR MORE IN THE ROOM WILL BE LAID OFF 2 WEEKS LATER!! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME! I, and all the DM's I personally know, have lost all respect (not that we had that much to begin with!) for any member of management above us.

You think they were desperate before, just wait and see how bad it will be now that we lost the only hope for CNS with the Targacept drug, and the cancer drug too!! These meetings should be cancelled immediately, and just do a 1 hour teleconference. We literally have total idiots running this company now!

Anyone who works in January is a fool. You should be driving 110% of your attention and effort into finding a new job. There aren't many jobs out there right now but January is always a big hiring month.

Spend the last couple of weeks in December updating your resume and building your Linked In account. Leverage any relationships you have in the field with other companies to get your resume to hiring managers.

Don't let AZ chose your fate. Be smart and hit the bricks to find another job. Best case- You'll get to chose if you want to stay at AZ or move on to something new.

Word. This point should be taken to heart by all. This is about you, your family and livelihood.
AZ could careless what happens to us.

DM here. Let me tell you guys that we think these meetings are total bullshit too! Senior leadership has all but destroyed this company. To pull reps out for an all day meeting with what's going on, just illustrates how completely out of touch with reality they are. You are right that they are not making the best decisions for employees and this one will backfire on them. AN ALL DAY MEETING WHEN 25% OR MORE IN THE ROOM WILL BE LAID OFF 2 WEEKS LATER!! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME! I, and all the DM's I personally know, have lost all respect (not that we had that much to begin with!) for any member of management above us.

You think they were desperate before, just wait and see how bad it will be now that we lost the only hope for CNS with the Targacept drug, and the cancer drug too!! These meetings should be cancelled immediately, and just do a 1 hour teleconference. We literally have total idiots running this company now!
There will be a lot fewr of them too come March but those that are left will be the worst of the bunch. There are no leaders above the DSM level with any sense of what it takes to actually lead a sales team. All that are left are self promoters who only care about themselves. What would make me want to follow them?

DM here. Let me tell you guys that we think these meetings are total bullshit too! Senior leadership has all but destroyed this company. To pull reps out for an all day meeting with what's going on, just illustrates how completely out of touch with reality they are. You are right that they are not making the best decisions for employees and this one will backfire on them. AN ALL DAY MEETING WHEN 25% OR MORE IN THE ROOM WILL BE LAID OFF 2 WEEKS LATER!! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME! I, and all the DM's I personally know, have lost all respect (not that we had that much to begin with!) for any member of management above us.

You think they were desperate before, just wait and see how bad it will be now that we lost the only hope for CNS with the Targacept drug, and the cancer drug too!! These meetings should be cancelled immediately, and just do a 1 hour teleconference. We literally have total idiots running this company now!

DM here too. I couldn't agree more with the post above. These meetings should be cancelled immediately. What a sad state of affairs we now have at AZ. From the RSD above, lunacy reigns. They have no more ability to lead than a 5 year old child.

DM here. Let me tell you guys that we think these meetings are total bullshit too! Senior leadership has all but destroyed this company. To pull reps out for an all day meeting with what's going on, just illustrates how completely out of touch with reality they are. You are right that they are not making the best decisions for employees and this one will backfire on them. AN ALL DAY MEETING WHEN 25% OR MORE IN THE ROOM WILL BE LAID OFF 2 WEEKS LATER!! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME! I, and all the DM's I personally know, have lost all respect (not that we had that much to begin with!) for any member of management above us.

You think they were desperate before, just wait and see how bad it will be now that we lost the only hope for CNS with the Targacept drug, and the cancer drug too!! These meetings should be cancelled immediately, and just do a 1 hour teleconference. We literally have total idiots running this company now!

Well we have finally me a DM that tells the truth, at least here on CP. You know, you wonder how management (RSD and up) feels about the way DM's and reps think of them? Does it bother them even a little, that we think they are total morons and we have 0 respect or confidence in them? I doubt it.

as a DM in the MC team, I'm commenting that I'm disgusted by the lack of sensitivity of these meetings. Let's face it we are all looking at each other knowing what's coming. Is it really the right thing to do considering just getting through these days wondering and waiting what our fates are create enough angst amongst all of us. Working for this company years ago was excellent but it really has gone rotten and quickly. Those of us who remain and try to find positives will struggle next year as we will all be looking over our shoulder wondering when the next shoe will drop. Meanwhile working for the RSD I currently have leaves me hoping that he will get displaced as he has destroyed the morale of our districts in his region and he is a "me first" and sabotage anyone who puts his gravy train in the way of his success.

What it all has taught me is be grateful for what we have had and know going forward that things will change and that we have to find what makes us happy. AZ has proven that it's not an environment that's in any of our best interest and when it's all said and done, we are good people and we want to do a good job. This "corporate America" environment is not loyal to any of us and we are nothing to senior management because they are not in sales, they operate by spreadsheets and just move costs and people as they see fit.

When many of us are moved on, many will remember the pay but will remember how awful it was to work here. We will find new and better places to work or even start our own dream businesses. Keep positive as this is just one small bump in the road of life

May you all have a wonderful and blessed holiday

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