Novartis stop the field rides with rise of Covid.

Why does Novartis speak up on every social issue yet is silent on Covid and the safety of the field force?

Because they are hypocrites and only care about how they are perceived publicly. With the dramatic increase in covid just tell your manager offices are closed to reps for the time being. After that tell them offices do not permit more than one rep is allowed the the office at a time. End-of-field-rides for 2022.

Just wait until January and it is time for launch. COVID will be raging, we will be locked out of half our offices and nobody will be accepting appointments.
Senior management will surely show their ass in a way that will make their previous disregard for our health look like a day at the beach.
Live training, strict call expectations, in-services, management tagging along every day, etc
All while offices are locking us out.
It is about to get really ugly.

How often do they ride with there reps is it bad??? also does anyone know new company cars?

$22 million in sales!!!!!!!!! Marketing, sales training, directors, etc etc will all be out to ride with us. These rides/assessments will take place prior to the layoffs.

The field rides need to stop altogether. Worst waste of money in Pharma is the ABL role. And I am a former ABL! Not that our ABL’s aren’t great - they are. It’s just the role itself is outdated. Elevate rep role to account manager and ABL to director level with more people under them. Provide help with strategy etc and leave the field rides to a few times per year max. Focus on business planning and execution and other competencies aside from coaching to a sales model. I’m sure I will get ripped to shreds for this post but it’s just my opinion. Doctors are finally letting reps back in and don’t want multiple people offices anyway

This post is well put. I have never understood why this is one of the only fields where the reps have to babysit a manager every 3-4 weeks. I have made a deal with most of my offices. The manager must sit in the waiting room while I make the call. They HATE managers

what is the point of a manager going around to the same offices over and over again. this model is outdated, and every company has it. at least increase the span of control

The field rides need to stop altogether. Worst waste of money in Pharma is the ABL role. And I am a former ABL! Not that our ABL’s aren’t great - they are. It’s just the role itself is outdated. Elevate rep role to account manager and ABL to director level with more people under them. Provide help with strategy etc and leave the field rides to a few times per year max. Focus on business planning and execution and other competencies aside from coaching to a sales model. I’m sure I will get ripped to shreds for this post but it’s just my opinion. Doctors are finally letting reps back in and don’t want multiple people offices anyway

No sensible person is going to rip you for this. My guess is 90% of the ABL's hate it as well. Doing it the right way (one field contact per quarter and the rest in an administrative/supervisory role) would thin the ranks by half, but its the right thing to do.
As egregious as ABL days are, spending the day with senior leadership or marketing is worse. I wonder how they would like it if a rep showed up at their office and told them how to do their job. They have no clue what an office wants or needs, but that won't stop them from showing up and making fools of themselves.

No sensible person is going to rip you for this. My guess is 90% of the ABL's hate it as well. Doing it the right way (one field contact per quarter and the rest in an administrative/supervisory role) would thin the ranks by half, but its the right thing to do.
As egregious as ABL days are, spending the day with senior leadership or marketing is worse. I wonder how they would like it if a rep showed up at their office and told them how to do their job. They have no clue what an office wants or needs, but that won't stop them from showing up and making fools of themselves.

Box checking at it’s best. Antiquated business model that serves no purpose whatsoever in generating revenue. Waste of money, resources, and time.

No sensible person is going to rip you for this. My guess is 90% of the ABL's hate it as well. Doing it the right way (one field contact per quarter and the rest in an administrative/supervisory role) would thin the ranks by half, but its the right thing to do.
As egregious as ABL days are, spending the day with senior leadership or marketing is worse. I wonder how they would like it if a rep showed up at their office and told them how to do their job. They have no clue what an office wants or needs, but that won't stop them from showing up and making fools of themselves.
Job justifier - scramble to cover their ass before all the massive cuts