Novartis stop the field rides with rise of Covid.

NOT TRUE! You just don’t want your manager to see how incompetent and clumsy you are in a presentation! I, on the other hand, love the opportunity to show them just how damn good I am, and that I don’t hide behind a little cold-like virus! THATS WHY I GOT VACCINATED AND WILL BE FIRST IN LINE FOR A BOOSTER SHOT!

I bet you sweat bullets if you have to role play at a meeting! I can see it now, your face turning red from heat and embarrassment. Beads of sweat popping out like popcorn. Your eyes darting back and forth trying to remember every single point on the vis-aid! You can actually feel it to your soul the audience of your peers holding back snickers and laughs. You might even release a few drops of pee! What a disgusting creature you are to hide behind Covid like a cowardly rat. God help your buddy in a firefight with you in some God foresaken country you little snowflake POS!

Says the man with the tiny package. You are only so cocky because you are compensating for something. Must be hard having women laugh at you behind your back. Never being able to satisfy them. You chump!

Having a flu isn't "Badly"...every year people get sick with the flu or a cold. Some worse than others. I know the person you are talking about.

It may be a virus but some experience symptoms worse than others. I had what you call a mild case and only lost taste and smell, but yet it’s been 6 weeks and I still have no smell or taste which totally sucks. COVID attacks everyone differently and with the variant raging now who knows what will happen in the next few months as this virus mutates.

Over 100k new cases and silence from hq. Novartis only cares about patients who pay for their drugs.

Right? Come on HQ “leaders” just say something about Covid. At least acknowledge the pandemic isn’t over. No one is expecting to stay home or even wants to at this point.
The number of reps in Fla w/ Covid is staggering right now.

Right? Come on HQ “leaders” just say something about Covid. At least acknowledge the pandemic isn’t over. No one is expecting to stay home or even wants to at this point.
The number of reps in Fla w/ Covid is staggering right now.

They could care less if we die. Horrible response by Novartis.

Right? Come on HQ “leaders” just say something about Covid. At least acknowledge the pandemic isn’t over. No one is expecting to stay home or even wants to at this point.
The number of reps in Fla w/ Covid is staggering right now.

They could care less if we die. Horrible response by Novartis.

Right? Come on HQ “leaders” just say something about Covid. At least acknowledge the pandemic isn’t over. No one is expecting to stay home or even wants to at this point.
The number of reps in Fla w/ Covid is staggering right now.

Staggering? Have you heard the Governor speak?
He's not as mind-numbingly vapid as 45, but he's close.
He won't rest easy until he sticks all you ignorant clowns in pine boxes.

Where do things stand now? Field rides with new strain from Africa. Offices are not letting reps in. What are our rights? Do we have any when it comes to field rides. Can I tell my manager that there is no point for them to come because we’re going to get in trouble for visiting accounts?

Where do things stand now? Field rides with new strain from Africa. Offices are not letting reps in. What are our rights? Do we have any when it comes to field rides. Can I tell my manager that there is no point for them to come because we’re going to get in trouble for visiting accounts?
You’re pathetic

Where do things stand now? Field rides with new strain from Africa. Offices are not letting reps in. What are our rights? Do we have any when it comes to field rides. Can I tell my manager that there is no point for them to come because we’re going to get in trouble for visiting accounts?
Why don't you quit instead of whining like a beaten spouse with Stockholm
Syndrome? It's a big world out there. No one has you chained to your company car.
Lower your expectations & go get a job that's more in line with your fragile sensibilities.:rolleyes: