Novartis shopping for merger, Amgen right fit...


in that case why does Amgen not buy one of the big pharmas? the more innovative healthier company should buy the weake ones, rather than the weaker dynosaur buy newer companies.

in that case why does Amgen not buy one of the big pharmas? the more innovative healthier company should buy the weake ones, rather than the weaker dynosaur buy newer companies.

Behaves it would be dilutive to earnings. Amgen already has one of the highest margins available. What Amgen needs is a Big Pharma global distribution network.

Behaves it would be dilutive to earnings. Amgen already has one of the highest margins available. What Amgen needs is a Big Pharma global distribution network.

Makes sense. novartis is laying off 50% of their sales force this week. Both companies trimming up. Complementary product lines. Pipelines. Many have already jumped from one to another. Interesting the similarity.

Makes sense. novartis is laying off 50% of their sales force this week. Both companies trimming up. Complementary product lines. Pipelines. Many have already jumped from one to another. Interesting the similarity.

Amgen could change their name to Pfizer or Novartis tomorrow. We have seen the enemy and we are us.

Behaves it would be dilutive to earnings. Amgen already has one of the highest margins available. What Amgen needs is a Big Pharma global distribution network.

In that case buying NVS would be perfect because NVS already has global presence and is a EU company. this would solve all the infrastructure problem.

Big pharma reminds me of those monster movies where old shriveled monsters need to have young things brought to them (by the fee hungry investment banks) so the sclerotic and bureaucratic old pharmas can feed on the young blood. In other industries those who do not reinvnet themselves become extinct. Not so in pharma.

Big pharma reminds me of those monster movies where old shriveled monsters need to have young things brought to them (by the fee hungry investment banks) so the sclerotic and bureaucratic old pharmas can feed on the young blood. In other industries those who do not reinvnet themselves become extinct. Not so in pharma.

pack another bowel denver boy, the bearded man should be careful using the same colloquialisms in write as he does in person, makes identifying you too easy

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