Novartis Sales Reps Rank Highest With Oncologists!!


Please take note, oncologist think we are the best and recruiters are calling for $130 - $140K bases!! Amgen, Genentech, and Celgene recruiters all want us and today's article is the proof!! Novartis, please do the right thing because we don't want to leave!!!


• Pharma Blog » 2011 » February » 22

Which Sales Reps Rank Highest With Oncologists?
By Ed Silverman // February 22nd, 2011 // 9:08 am

Oncology is a big market and getting bigger, of course, but which drugmaker ranks highest is most effective in reaching oncologists? A recent poll of 475 medical and hematological oncologists found that Novartis commands a leading 12.5 share of details, although its position slipped slightly from the previous year, while Roche jumped from 10 percent to 12 percent thanks to combining sales teams with Genentech.

Meanwhile, Sanofi-Aventis slid from 8 percent to about 6.5 percent thanks to looming patent expirations for Taxotere and Eloxatin, according to ImpactRx, a market research firm. In line with the results, Genentech tied with OSI Pharmaceuticals as the drugmaker with a top tier sales force, followed by Biogen Idec, Amgen, Eli Lilly and Celgene (here is the report).


Remember, before you "leave" that as part of the settlement for wage discrimination, Novartis will be reviewing all womens wages in the next 18 mos and then making adjustments when necessary...this is in the fine print that can be found on the site for the lawyers...also, Novartis has above market benefits, like retiree medical coverage, so its worth it to think long term, not just short opinion.

Your interpretation of the article is wrong; it does NOT say that Oncologists think Novarttis reps are the best; the article indicates that Novartis has the highest share of voice. Here is the quote: "Novartis commands a leading 12.5 share of details....".

Actually, the article plainly states that"Top Tiered" sales forces, in order, are:

OSI Pharmaceuticals
Biogen Idec,
Eli Lilly and
Celgene .

The moral to the story is that Novartis has the highest "message recall" (likely due to share of voice, ie lots of reps), but is not recognized as being one of the top sales forces by Oncologists.

Thanks Genentech rep, that was another much larger study that stated Oncologists ranked Novartis as the highest. Enjoy your glass ceiling with Avastin troll!! Get in line baby, behind me!! Ha! Ha!

Don't you know that Onc reps at Novartis love themselves!! It's all in the art of spinning the information not selling!!!!

And this is from a lowly family practice rep .....

yes my massa (onc rep) does you want me to shine yo shoes b4 you goes and sees that doctor for a 30 second detail?

Of course we had the largest sahre of voice there were like 5x too many of us before they had the restructuing. There is still too many of us and I am sure we will be #1 next year with highest share of voice sa well. Sad to say the execs at this comoany do not realize share of voice DOES NOT equal movement in market share. There is a point of diminishing retuns when you hit that specific number of calls to where it does not move the market share needle anymore. Sad to say the mkting other other execs here do not beleive in this simplistic yet real information.