Novartis Oncology and Genoptix reps


how is the relationship between the 2..specifically the CML reps? heard there was big expansion for CML reps but on seems like Genoptix is run just like Novartis...alot of BS


Are Novartis reps looking to go to the Genoptix side? Why?

I want to go to Genoptix but, I dont want to have issue with my DM. Does anyone have any input about this process?

its the same shit on both sides, all run by bunch of morons. heard JG is the new regional director at genoptix. he is a company man who drinks the kool aid and sucks ass

Im interviewing with them. I know they have external candidates they really like. I do think an internal should have priority; but Im still just curious: are internal candidates usually given the job here?

JG is not a cool-aid drinker at all! I have worked for him and he was the best boss I ever had. He truly new what it was like out in the field and supported all his reps. I would work for him again in a heart beat!

JG is not a cool-aid drinker at all! I have worked for him and he was the best boss I ever had. He truly new what it was like out in the field and supported all his reps. I would work for him again in a heart beat!

I completely agree. If you bust your ass for him he treats you like an adult.......he's been in the field for years and gets it. Guarantee you are a female rep that liked to schedule lunches 2-3 times a week (probably only showed up for 1) and spend the rest of your time on the couch logging fake calls watching Oprah.

You'd be lucky to work for him-I would again given the chance!

I completely agree. If you bust your ass for him he treats you like an adult.......he's been in the field for years and gets it. Guarantee you are a female rep that liked to schedule lunches 2-3 times a week (probably only showed up for 1) and spend the rest of your time on the couch logging fake calls watching Oprah.

You'd be lucky to work for him-I would again given the chance!

What's wrong with that? At least I'm working one more lunch a week than you.

I completely agree. If you bust your ass for him he treats you like an adult.......he's been in the field for years and gets it. Guarantee you are a female rep that liked to schedule lunches 2-3 times a week (probably only showed up for 1) and spend the rest of your time on the couch logging fake calls watching Oprah.

You'd be lucky to work for him-I would again given the chance!

A previous post stated you must be a woman. I never saw Joe show any favoritism to women over men. He just knew who was working and as long as you could provide him with
what he asked of you all was great! I did not sit around watching Oprah! Having a boss like Joe actually made me want to work. If I know my boss trusts me and treats me like and adult I will go out and work for that boss! I currently have a boss that questions everything I do and will not accept a challenge or alternative way of doing things...... his way or the highway! There.... now you can figure out who I work for! He is an idiot!!

IT used to be that the bigger the a-hole the more likely you would becom a you just need to be of a racial color other than white, or female. Still, no skill required.

IT used to be that the bigger the a-hole the more likely you would becom a you just need to be of a racial color other than white, or female. Still, no skill required.

So true as the diversity BS ruined mgnt for this company. Its now more important to be a minority or female than it is to be competent.

few yrs back Hem Mgr in S FL (MA) was so out of touch with program she pissed off many reps who all left and got herself demoted to so spanish speaking position in the islands.

A prime example of unqualified minority in charge!

Familiar with the Florida thing. I don't think any of us will leave for another company, I am pretty sure we will start reporting his lack of professionalism and other stupid things he does!

Are you guys kidding!!???? Joe Gunning is a complete idiot and an asshole!!!!!! He will throw anyone under the bus in a heartbeat! He does not give two shits about you as a person or as an employee. All he cares about is covering his own ass. Genoptix is a joke! This was THE WORST company I've ever worked for and I've been in the industry for 15+ years!

If you know what's good for you, steer clear of JG and this company!

Are you guys kidding!!???? Joe Gunning is a complete idiot and an asshole!!!!!! He will throw anyone under the bus in a heartbeat! He does not give two shits about you as a person or as an employee. All he cares about is covering his own ass. Genoptix is a joke! This was THE WORST company I've ever worked for and I've been in the industry for 15+ years!

If you know what's good for you, steer clear of JG and this company!

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