A recent post on CP and one of the best I've seen in awhile:
Just sent out my resignation letter tonight.
Young people, do yourself a favor and just leave this industry, and all medical sales behind. Companies today don't have integrity. The insurance companies, not the doctors, control the game. So, find something you love to do, and don't tell me it is sales. Sales is just not cutting it anymore. The disrespect I have observed over the years has been bad, but the last 5 years have just been off the charts bad. Get back your heart and and step into a better life by not focusing so much on making money, but rather finding employment with positive people that care. Getting these annual assessment and field ride evaluations that do nothing but make you a slave are not good for your mental health. Best to all, and I will see you in these offices some day, in my shorts and golf shirt, wishing that you find something that is more respectful and honest to do with your life. I missed the boat and didn't find out until later in life how much of a lie this corporate sales stuff really was. For that, I am a bit ashamed, but I have recovered from that guilt, because I didn't know better. Those that read this and understand it will thank me. The rest of you have much more introspection to do.