Novartis, Listen up.....

Current Amplity rep on NVS entresto contract. We should appreciate that we have these super easy jobs with a decent paycheck and healthcare benefits.

Having said that, I will admit that I have never been treated worse as a human being, including the time when I was a waitress during college years.

Count me as 1 of those trying to escape this hellhole.

I will gladly take your PDI Novartis Amplity job.
Just list your location and boss's name and I will email them!
I don't mind being treated like a slave or any other way -
PS. I am a solid, experienced rep and unemployed.
I am free to relocate.

This Loser is going to "RELOCATE" for a contract job!! Hahaha!!!! Must be some pathetic Manager or HR posting this crap...

now I'm curious what a Gilenya contract rep makes? is it really 60k? that is slave labor in pharma

FYI, the job is a joke at any salary. There is NO ONE TO SEE. You get paid to do nothing except 2-3 lunches a week. The compensation is more about you having to fudge calls daily and pretend work then actually value any experience you might bring to the table. RM's don't even look or interview anymore they just ask the district who they know who wants a job if there is an opening. What does that tell you of the skill level that is needed to do Pharma in 2019? In my opinion it's a 50K Salary at best since the job is more about customer service than anything else. This goes for working for the manufacture as well. HQ has ruined these jobs years ago with the fallacy that Reps can see and have meaningful conversation w/ 7-10 MDs a day. If they would just say make 10-12 Stops a day and talk to who you can and leave some literature that would be more real world but they don't. They say make 7.5 MD calls a day w/ conversation and you have to see an MD. A more reasonable way would be that the Rep make the stops talk to whom ever they can MA, RN, NP, MD call it what it is... A CALL, give credit and the job would be more realistic. Instead everyone is going around lying and stressing out not about the numbers but getting calls in.

And please don't get me started about the numbers. They are all FAKE!

I will gladly take your PDI Novartis Amplity job.
Just list your location and boss's name and I will email them!
I don't mind being treated like a slave or any other way -
PS. I am a solid, experienced rep and unemployed.
I am free to relocate.

This fool dosen't mind being treated like a slave either. There's some ambition. An entire country went into civil war over it and this one wants to be treated like one. Which Manager are you? HR, maybe?

yes, we all know how hospice companies NEVER mess with the bonus plan, right?

What's your point... The last poster was posting about having Self Respect and not being treated like dirt. Sounds like they are fine making less but have a better quality of life compared to working here and on the NVS contract.

What's your point... The last poster was posting about having Self Respect and not being treated like dirt. Sounds like they are fine making less but have a better quality of life compared to working here and on the NVS contract.
You don’t get my point? I think it’s pretty fucking clear. Hospice companies are notorious for screwing reps over on bonuses. Not only that, but the typical hospice manager is usually a big pharma castoff failure who will treat their reps worse than any pharma compared y would ever allow. Do you really think the grass is greener in hospice? Take a look through their boards here on cafe pharma.

THAT’S my point stupid.

You don’t get my point? I think it’s pretty fucking clear. Hospice companies are notorious for screwing reps over on bonuses. Not only that, but the typical hospice manager is usually a big pharma castoff failure who will treat their reps worse than any pharma compared y would ever allow. Do you really think the grass is greener in hospice? Take a look through their boards here on cafe pharma.

THAT’S my point stupid.

Wow, F' Bombs and name calling. Does that make you feel big? And if it helps you out every medical company out there messes w/ the bonuses. Everyone is getting screwed some how.

Wow, F' Bombs and name calling. Does that make you feel big? And if it helps you out every medical company out there messes w/ the bonuses. Everyone is getting screwed some how.
Fact! I worked for a manufacturer last year (mid-size Pharma company) and was attending a regional sales meeting when, during a break in our session, the top-ranked rep on my team pulled up the site and showed me a comparison between the company performance/payout calculator from a few weeks prior compared to the current one - his performance was the best in the region and he was exceeding quota by the same margin in both cases, yet his goals had suddenly been raised (without notifying him) and his projected quarterly IC payout had been reduced by well over $5000.00. When he informed our puppet of a manager, she just shrugged and basically told him to suck it up, that he's still making a great bonus. These companies play games!

Fact! I worked for a manufacturer last year (mid-size Pharma company) and was attending a regional sales meeting when, during a break in our session, the top-ranked rep on my team pulled up the site and showed me a comparison between the company performance/payout calculator from a few weeks prior compared to the current one - his performance was the best in the region and he was exceeding quota by the same margin in both cases, yet his goals had suddenly been raised (without notifying him) and his projected quarterly IC payout had been reduced by well over $5000.00. When he informed our puppet of a manager, she just shrugged and basically told him to suck it up, that he's still making a great bonus. These companies play games!


A recent post on CP and one of the best I've seen in awhile:

Just sent out my resignation letter tonight.

Young people, do yourself a favor and just leave this industry, and all medical sales behind. Companies today don't have integrity. The insurance companies, not the doctors, control the game. So, find something you love to do, and don't tell me it is sales. Sales is just not cutting it anymore. The disrespect I have observed over the years has been bad, but the last 5 years have just been off the charts bad. Get back your heart and and step into a better life by not focusing so much on making money, but rather finding employment with positive people that care. Getting these annual assessment and field ride evaluations that do nothing but make you a slave are not good for your mental health. Best to all, and I will see you in these offices some day, in my shorts and golf shirt, wishing that you find something that is more respectful and honest to do with your life. I missed the boat and didn't find out until later in life how much of a lie this corporate sales stuff really was. For that, I am a bit ashamed, but I have recovered from that guilt, because I didn't know better. Those that read this and understand it will thank me. The rest of you have much more introspection to do.

A recent post on CP and one of the best I've seen in awhile:

Just sent out my resignation letter tonight.

Young people, do yourself a favor and just leave this industry, and all medical sales behind. Companies today don't have integrity. The insurance companies, not the doctors, control the game. So, find something you love to do, and don't tell me it is sales. Sales is just not cutting it anymore. The disrespect I have observed over the years has been bad, but the last 5 years have just been off the charts bad. Get back your heart and and step into a better life by not focusing so much on making money, but rather finding employment with positive people that care. Getting these annual assessment and field ride evaluations that do nothing but make you a slave are not good for your mental health. Best to all, and I will see you in these offices some day, in my shorts and golf shirt, wishing that you find something that is more respectful and honest to do with your life. I missed the boat and didn't find out until later in life how much of a lie this corporate sales stuff really was. For that, I am a bit ashamed, but I have recovered from that guilt, because I didn't know better. Those that read this and understand it will thank me. The rest of you have much more introspection to do.

This might be one of the most honest post of all time. You cannot add to it since it's amazingly accurate.

Why would anyone even take the time to write "yawn"...Even if you are a manager or HR you know just about every post on here is more than 80% truthful. Do you think there is some stooge out there that believes anything that MGT/HR says or even believes? Do you even have 1 Rep that says that the NVS contract is the "best ever"? Hardly, zero percent chance.

Why would anyone even take the time to write "yawn"...Even if you are a manager or HR you know just about every post on here is more than 80% truthful. Do you think there is some stooge out there that believes anything that MGT/HR says or even believes? Do you even have 1 Rep that says that the NVS contract is the "best ever"? Hardly, zero percent chance.
Agreed. So much of it is a lie. Not just referring to this gig - the entire industry!

Recruiting is very under the table here for Novartis contract. Recruiter called me and told me that "local physician relationships" would be the key to being hired. Then the recruiter put forward someone who had gotten out of the industry and had NO current relationships with any medical practice. That person was hired over other great reps with great sales numbers and excellent letters of reference. They did not even get the phone screen with the hiring manager.

Recruiting is very under the table here for Novartis contract. Recruiter called me and told me that "local physician relationships" would be the key to being hired. Then the recruiter put forward someone who had gotten out of the industry and had NO current relationships with any medical practice. That person was hired over other great reps with great sales numbers and excellent letters of reference. They did not even get the phone screen with the hiring manager.

The entire Industry is one big Fugazi. There is nothing that makes sense anymore so just call it what it is. Even if they did hire someone w/ so called relationships there isn't a book a business to bring over it's just so called "hope" that the MD will switch to a "dog" drug. And who care if they brought back an older Rep, at least that rep has experience. Finally the biggest Fugazi of all are Reps that believe they are great and have these so called great numbers. The "numbers" are fake and if you haven't noticed they rotate GOOD/MIDDLE/BAD from year to year or if you have good manage care. I can tell you how many times I've witnessed a "vacant" territory be the number one territory in the district or region.