Novartis, Listen up.....


PDI's new leader just stated we (the new company formerly known as PDI) are no one's slaves. It would be awesome if he really means that and we are no longer treated as slaves!!

8 reps on the Novartis MS Gilenya contract walked off their jobs and quit and showed they are no one's slaves. They got better work elsewhere.
They are being replaced with inside sales reps.

You mean 8 reps that did something stupid? I know for a fact they did not get better work elsewhere

This has to be a post from HR or a manager. Everyone in the Industry knows that anything is better than NVS. And just look inside the PDI/NVS entresto contract it has had 70% turn over!!! Many left w/o a job and were instantly happier. So for anyone to make a blanket assumption the all 8 people did not get better work is erroneous w/ their basic lack of understanding of NVS, there culture or the work environment there.

PDI's new leader just stated we (the new company formerly known as PDI) are no one's slaves. It would be awesome if he really means that and we are no longer treated as slaves!!

This is so true. Entresto PDI reps are absolutly treated like slaves. .to do all the work the Idiot CV1 and CV2 reps dont want to do.

Never seen a contract rep treated more poorly...just sad!!

Novartis, do us all a favor, end all contracts. Roi is minimal and the benefits do not outweigh the risk. You have a large % who do not understand what contract is and the same folks blame Novartis for their salary difference. Ignorant of their companys own set up and that their mgmt/ admin take a generous cut.

I was emancipated several months ago and I survived. I refused to be treated like dirt! Working my ass off now in hospice but at least I'm not dirt and they don't cheat me out of my bonus.

I will gladly take your PDI Novartis Amplity job.
Just list your location and boss's name and I will email them!
I don't mind being treated like a slave or any other way -
PS. I am a solid, experienced rep and unemployed.
I am free to relocate.

I will gladly take your PDI Novartis Amplity job.
Just list your location and boss's name and I will email them!
I don't mind being treated like a slave or any other way -
PS. I am a solid, experienced rep and unemployed.
I am free to relocate.

You don't mind being treated like a slave? Well that show us you worth.... zero. You have No Self Respect. Get some self esteem and self respect maybe an employer will see your confidence and hire you.

I will gladly take your PDI Novartis Amplity job.
Just list your location and boss's name and I will email them!
I don't mind being treated like a slave or any other way -
PS. I am a solid, experienced rep and unemployed.
I am free to relocate.

I'm with you! These people are so ungrateful!! Try being a little older and unemployed for 8 months! No Insurance, bills coming in and no paycheck!! You are cut off from the world and don't know when your unemployment nightmare will end.

I'm with you! These people are so ungrateful!! Try being a little older and unemployed for 8 months! No Insurance, bills coming in and no paycheck!! You are cut off from the world and don't know when your unemployment nightmare will end.

There are a million restaurants or retail stores that will gladly hire you. If you are so bad off go wash dishes, drive uber or get a retail job. But you don't do you? Because you think you deserve this terrible job that is nothing more than a training tackling dummy for NVS Reps and ABLs. If that is all you want just go to a local restaurant and work in the kitchen it's the same difference. You have options...use one of them but don't come on here try to make people feel sorry for you and how ungrateful people here maybe. This is a terrible job for the people that are still here and everyone is looking for a replacement job. There was 80% turnover from the original people. Those 80% that left are doing just fine w/o this train wreck of a job and much happier.