Novartis job offer with medical marijuana card?

OK - Spicoli - now watch that carbon footprint as the ice caps will be gone by 1989, errr 2000, errr 2020, errr 2050....etc.
lol. How do you reconcile in your stuffy, self-righteous brain that freedom is a socialist progressive thing? Maybe make yourself a vodka tonic or ten & think that through, Senator Harding.

lol. How do you reconcile in your stuffy, self-righteous brain that freedom is a socialist progressive thing? Maybe make yourself a vodka tonic or ten & think that through, Senator Harding.
These posts should warn you not to listen to most of what you read. Anyone thinking socialism is freedom has been doing way too many drugs— might actually be a test subject in a pot trial.

That being said.l, yes you will be drug tested. Yes, your offer will be rescinded at Novartis if you test positive for any FEDERALLY illegal substance (possibly even CBD if they test for it). Pretty much every corporation in America drug tests. You can disclose at the time of your test and present your card if you want to risk it, but I can assure you of two things1) Novartis will never risk knowingly putting you behind the wheel of a company car if you test positive for any illegal drugs. 2) Novartis will not risk allowing you to enter the state of NJ to attend 2-3weeks of training if they know you may travel across state lines with a substance that is Federally illegal. No corporation in America will allow it. It is best to lay off the pot and get your doctor— if your illness legitimizes your card— to prescribe something that will supplement your needs that is legal. But, it is best to be clean— even with a legit prescription, showing up with benzodiazepines, pot, amphetamines(diet pills, ADHD meds), cocaine, opioids, etc. may prevent you from being employed. If you are eating your THC rather than smoking it, it is possible it will be gone from your urine in a week. Just go get your own home tests and drink tons of water with apple cider vinegar.

These posts should warn you not to listen to most of what you read. Anyone thinking socialism is freedom has been doing way too many drugs— might actually be a test subject in a pot trial.

That being said.l, yes you will be drug tested. Yes, your offer will be rescinded at Novartis if you test positive for any FEDERALLY illegal substance (possibly even CBD if they test for it). Pretty much every corporation in America drug tests. You can disclose at the time of your test and present your card if you want to risk it, but I can assure you of two things1) Novartis will never risk knowingly putting you behind the wheel of a company car if you test positive for any illegal drugs. 2) Novartis will not risk allowing you to enter the state of NJ to attend 2-3weeks of training if they know you may travel across state lines with a substance that is Federally illegal. No corporation in America will allow it. It is best to lay off the pot and get your doctor— if your illness legitimizes your card— to prescribe something that will supplement your needs that is legal. But, it is best to be clean— even with a legit prescription, showing up with benzodiazepines, pot, amphetamines(diet pills, ADHD meds), cocaine, opioids, etc. may prevent you from being employed. If you are eating your THC rather than smoking it, it is possible it will be gone from your urine in a week. Just go get your own home tests and drink tons of water with apple cider vinegar.

but it is legal !!! muh state's rights !!!

Hi all,

I am working my way through the application process with Novartis and may have an offer as soon as next week. I have seen previous posts indicating that Novartis does pre-employment drug screening, but I haven’t seen any posts more recent than 2016. Is a drug still an element of the hiring process? Do they accommodate users with valid state medical marijuana cards? Thanks all.

Whats the big deal? Just lay off for a month then you can do whatever you want.

Hi all,

I am working my way through the application process with Novartis and may have an offer as soon as next week. I have seen previous posts indicating that Novartis does pre-employment drug screening, but I haven’t seen any posts more recent than 2016. Is a drug still an element of the hiring process? Do they accommodate users with valid state medical marijuana cards? Thanks all.

Seriously? It is against federal law and companies dont want pot heads driving around in company vehicles.

Get some self discipline and get off the grass. You arent in college anymore.

I understand that this topic is already quite old, but I would like to share information on this. At the moment, in my city, all companies when applying for a job need a certificate of the content of drugs in their blood. Marijuana is illegal in my state, so the government is actively fighting drug trafficking.

These posts should warn you not to listen to most of what you read. Anyone thinking socialism is freedom has been doing way too many drugs— might actually be a test subject in a pot trial.

That being said.l, yes you will be drug tested. Yes, your offer will be rescinded at Novartis if you test positive for any FEDERALLY illegal substance (possibly even CBD if they test for it). Pretty much every corporation in America drug tests. You can disclose at the time of your test and present your card if you want to risk it, but I can assure you of two things1) Novartis will never risk knowingly putting you behind the wheel of a company car if you test positive for any illegal drugs. 2) Novartis will not risk allowing you to enter the state of NJ to attend 2-3weeks of training if they know you may travel across state lines with a substance that is Federally illegal. No corporation in America will allow it. It is best to lay off the pot and get your doctor— if your illness legitimizes your card— to prescribe something that will supplement your needs that is legal. But, it is best to be clean— even with a legit prescription, showing up with benzodiazepines, pot, amphetamines(diet pills, ADHD meds), cocaine, opioids, etc. may prevent you from being employed. If you are eating your THC rather than smoking it, it is possible it will be gone from your urine in a week. Just go get your own home tests and drink tons of water with apple cider vinegar.

A valid prescription for any scheduled drug (opioids, benzos, etc) from your HCP will not prevent you from getting an offer. Marijuana is not one of them so I suggest be clean before you test or your offer will be rescinded.

These posts should warn you not to listen to most of what you read. Anyone thinking socialism is freedom has been doing way too many drugs— might actually be a test subject in a pot trial.

That being said.l, yes you will be drug tested. Yes, your offer will be rescinded at Novartis if you test positive for any FEDERALLY illegal substance (possibly even CBD if they test for it). Pretty much every corporation in America drug tests. You can disclose at the time of your test and present your card if you want to risk it, but I can assure you of two things1) Novartis will never risk knowingly putting you behind the wheel of a company car if you test positive for any illegal drugs. 2) Novartis will not risk allowing you to enter the state of NJ to attend 2-3weeks of training if they know you may travel across state lines with a substance that is Federally illegal. No corporation in America will allow it. It is best to lay off the pot and get your doctor— if your illness legitimizes your card— to prescribe something that will supplement your needs that is legal. But, it is best to be clean— even with a legit prescription, showing up with benzodiazepines, pot, amphetamines(diet pills, ADHD meds), cocaine, opioids, etc. may prevent you from being employed. If you are eating your THC rather than smoking it, it is possible it will be gone from your urine in a week. Just go get your own home tests and drink tons of water with apple cider vinegar.

NJ just legalized recreational weed. Reconcile that.

Any updates on medical marijuana and pre employment drug screening now that it is recreational in New Jersey with many employee protection laws? Please don’t try to shame me either, I have Crohn’s disease and it really helps me. Save the lazy pot head jokes for someone else.

You will 100% be drug tested. How about you lay off the reefer for 2 weeks and do an amazon detox cleanse you dumbass? My guess would be state legality of weed is irrelevant as weed is not permitted as part of company policy.
It’s 2021 and this is a legitimate question. I think you might be the dumbass

Till THC is legalized completely on a Federal level, employers are free to do as they please regarding drug testing for marijuana. You will be given a company car. That alone would mandate drug testing from NVS's insurers. All professional drivers are required to take drug tests. Luckily for us, NVS (mostly) only requires a test when you are being hired. Consider alcohol for a moment. That is perfectly legal... till you try to drive after having a few. Then you have veered into felony territory. Things may change at a federal level sometime in the future but how that will be weighed against driver safety, I could not even guess at.

If you are actively interviewing, lay off the weed. it takes about six weeks to work its way out of your system as it binds itself to fat. Don't worry about nail or hair tests... no one wants that level of scrutiny for this job but do clean your system out by laying off for those six weeks.

As for ways to circumvent this, I could not say. I have heard all sorts of methods but I wouldn't want to trust a cherry job offer to any of them except the "bag of fake/OEM" piss that you can buy. I've never tired it myself but I heard that they work. I can only wonder how it passes other "tests" but then again, most likely it is used just for drug tests. As this is not a "random" test, no one is in the room with you watching you pee when you give the sample. Yes, that happens. However, they DO take the pee's temperature. That is one way that they make sure it came out of you. Store that pee-bag in your underwear against you thigh and taint. That will get it to an acceptable temp range.

Good Luck.

Oh, and pay no attention to the trolls. These peopler will use any excuse to start a "Right" vs. "Left" argument. They ought to just drop it. Both extremes are idiotic.

Till THC is legalized completely on a Federal level, employers are free to do as they please regarding drug testing for marijuana. You will be given a company car. That alone would mandate drug testing from NVS's insurers. All professional drivers are required to take drug tests. Luckily for us, NVS (mostly) only requires a test when you are being hired. Consider alcohol for a moment. That is perfectly legal... till you try to drive after having a few. Then you have veered into felony territory. Things may change at a federal level sometime in the future but how that will be weighed against driver safety, I could not even guess at.

If you are actively interviewing, lay off the weed. it takes about six weeks to work its way out of your system as it binds itself to fat. Don't worry about nail or hair tests... no one wants that level of scrutiny for this job but do clean your system out by laying off for those six weeks.

As for ways to circumvent this, I could not say. I have heard all sorts of methods but I wouldn't want to trust a cherry job offer to any of them except the "bag of fake/OEM" piss that you can buy. I've never tired it myself but I heard that they work. I can only wonder how it passes other "tests" but then again, most likely it is used just for drug tests. As this is not a "random" test, no one is in the room with you watching you pee when you give the sample. Yes, that happens. However, they DO take the pee's temperature. That is one way that they make sure it came out of you. Store that pee-bag in your underwear against you thigh and taint. That will get it to an acceptable temp range.

Good Luck.

Oh, and pay no attention to the trolls. These peopler will use any excuse to start a "Right" vs. "Left" argument. They ought to just drop it. Both extremes are idiotic.

Till THC is legalized completely on a Federal level, employers are free to do as they please regarding drug testing for marijuana. You will be given a company car. That alone would mandate drug testing from NVS's insurers. All professional drivers are required to take drug tests. Luckily for us, NVS (mostly) only requires a test when you are being hired. Consider alcohol for a moment. That is perfectly legal... till you try to drive after having a few. Then you have veered into felony territory. Things may change at a federal level sometime in the future but how that will be weighed against driver safety, I could not even guess at.

If you are actively interviewing, lay off the weed. it takes about six weeks to work its way out of your system as it binds itself to fat. Don't worry about nail or hair tests... no one wants that level of scrutiny for this job but do clean your system out by laying off for those six weeks.

As for ways to circumvent this, I could not say. I have heard all sorts of methods but I wouldn't want to trust a cherry job offer to any of them except the "bag of fake/OEM" piss that you can buy. I've never tired it myself but I heard that they work. I can only wonder how it passes other "tests" but then again, most likely it is used just for drug tests. As this is not a "random" test, no one is in the room with you watching you pee when you give the sample. Yes, that happens. However, they DO take the pee's temperature. That is one way that they make sure it came out of you. Store that pee-bag in your underwear against you thigh and taint. That will get it to an acceptable temp range.

Good Luck.

Oh, and pay no attention to the trolls. These peopler will use any excuse to start a "Right" vs. "Left" argument. They ought to just drop it. Both extremes are idiotic.

Thank you, and yes, from everything I’ve read online you are exactly on target. I have stopped, I just hope it’s enough time given the variables like fat/genetics/metabolism etc on thc-cooh storage in the body. I’m a rule follower at heart so fake pee makes me incredibly nervous but you do what you have to do I suppose. Thanks for the feedback!

Is testing only for rep jobs that get a car or home office too? Also NJ law states that a positive weed test may not used to deny an offer. Under the new law, employers can still conduct random and pre-employment drug tests for weed use, but cannot fire, discipline or refuse to hire someone if the result is positive. Not saying I would try my luck and be the test case here.