Novartis job offer with medical marijuana card?


Hi all,

I am working my way through the application process with Novartis and may have an offer as soon as next week. I have seen previous posts indicating that Novartis does pre-employment drug screening, but I haven’t seen any posts more recent than 2016. Is a drug still an element of the hiring process? Do they accommodate users with valid state medical marijuana cards? Thanks all.

Hi all,

I am working my way through the application process with Novartis and may have an offer as soon as next week. I have seen previous posts indicating that Novartis does pre-employment drug screening, but I haven’t seen any posts more recent than 2016. Is a drug still an element of the hiring process? Do they accommodate users with valid state medical marijuana cards? Thanks all.
Drug testing still happens. Using marijuana is not legal, federally. Even with a state medical marijuana card, you will not be offered a job if marijuana shows up on any of your tests.

You will 100% be drug tested. How about you lay off the reefer for 2 weeks and do an amazon detox cleanse you dumbass? My guess would be state legality of weed is irrelevant as weed is not permitted as part of company policy.

You will 100% be drug tested. How about you lay off the reefer for 2 weeks and do an amazon detox cleanse you dumbass? My guess would be state legality of weed is irrelevant as weed is not permitted as part of company policy.

It's company policy as it is policy for just about every other Pharma company too. Think about it, why would any company hire someone on THC to drive a car around on public streets all day long? And if you are behind a desk, the company needs someone alert and working not w/ blood shot eyes and half dozed because they can't cope w/ life.

It's NOT rocket science to figure this out.....

Isn't Novartis partnering with some weed companies for medical research purposes? I have ZERO information on Novartis policy, but I would assume that if this guy truly has a medical marijuana card then he would be safe....especially considering how hypocritical it would be on the company's part to not honor that....

It's company policy as it is policy for just about every other Pharma company too. Think about it, why would any company hire someone on THC to drive a car around on public streets all day long? And if you are behind a desk, the company needs someone alert and working not w/ blood shot eyes and half dozed because they can't cope w/ life.

It's NOT rocket science to figure this out.....

And the weight gain due to the munchies!
It puts you at higher risk for diabetes and CV disease..

Drug testing still happens. Using marijuana is not legal, federally. Even with a state medical marijuana card, you will not be offered a job if marijuana shows up on any of your tests.

This is the real world you pothead. Real businesses do things to minimize risks. All that strong THC of today’s grass has your brain numbed. They are not going to take lawsuits risks. And God knows how many this company has had, to bend the rules for political correctness because you have a card.
You must be watching too many Cheech and Chong movies.

This is the real world you pothead. Real businesses do things to minimize risks. All that strong THC of today’s grass has your brain numbed. They are not going to take lawsuits risks. And God knows how many this company has had, to bend the rules for political correctness because you have a card.
You must be watching too many Cheech and Chong movies.

I smoke before work, after work and at every meeting. EAD!

Stop with the stupid responses. Give the kid a break and answer like fucking adults. You will be drug tested. It does not matter that it is legal in your state. It is company policy. Now clean out your system. You'll need 6 weeks.

Stop with the stupid responses. Give the kid a break and answer like fucking adults. You will be drug tested. It does not matter that it is legal in your state. It is company policy. Now clean out your system. You'll need 6 weeks.
Way to get in here, 3 months late, superhero! Now, go fuck yourself!

These answers are terrible. Smoking a joint after work every so often offers no risk to your ability to perform your job professionally and effectively. Being "on" THC isn't a thing and no one would seriously advocate smoking before work.

Clear your system for initial screenings, but boomer answers to questions having to do with drugs are just bitter, out of touch, and under-informed. I asked about this in person during the interview process and didnt get an entirely clear answer, but the animus you see here doesn't exist in the real world.

you will be tested without a doubt. A card may help but you will need to reveal to your employer the reason why you need it. In all honesty if it is for something valid like MS, or a severe illness you may be okay but then they will know everything about you which I highly suggest you limit. Employers are supposed to follow laws about discrimination against people with chronic illness but this is America where anything can be used against you if they need it. It is a shame. Anyone who knows anything about drugs knows weed is the least of the drug problems in the world. Alcohol is still king of the addiction world. Oh and opioids, a pharma driven problem isn’t far behind. So I guess it is cool if you are a stone cold alcoholic every night but god forbid you smoke a doobie at a party. The horrors!

It's company policy as it is policy for just about every other Pharma company too. Think about it, why would any company hire someone on THC to drive a car around on public streets all day long? And if you are behind a desk, the company needs someone alert and working not w/ blood shot eyes and half dozed because they can't cope w/ life.

It's NOT rocket science to figure this out.....

LoL. You were a little harsh on the Beaver weren't you Ward?

Let's pretend that this person received a prescription for fentanyl from his doctor. Since Fentanyl is legal on both the state and federal level with a valid RX would this person be employed after failing a drug test for an opiate?

Our federal government is hypocritical to have fentanyl legal with an RX but medical dope illegal.

I couldn't careless about anything anyone has to say about any of this, just stirring to pot (no pun intended).

LoL. You were a little harsh on the Beaver weren't you Ward?

Let's pretend that this person received a prescription for fentanyl from his doctor. Since Fentanyl is legal on both the state and federal level with a valid RX would this person be employed after failing a drug test for an opiate?

Our federal government is hypocritical to have fentanyl legal with an RX but medical dope illegal.

I couldn't careless about anything anyone has to say about any of this, just stirring to pot (no pun intended).

One could build a sound argument that the FDA is to blame for the opioid epidemic in this country.

These answers are terrible. Smoking a joint after work every so often offers no risk to your ability to perform your job professionally and effectively. Being "on" THC isn't a thing and no one would seriously advocate smoking before work.

Clear your system for initial screenings, but boomer answers to questions having to do with drugs are just bitter, out of touch, and under-informed. I asked about this in person during the interview process and didnt get an entirely clear answer, but the animus you see here doesn't exist in the real world.
Oh! A "boomer" insult. Because there is no way that someone under 55 could have answered this question. Shut the fuck up. You reek of stupidity, and you're 10 months late to the party, dumbass.

These answers are terrible. Smoking a joint after work every so often offers no risk to your ability to perform your job professionally and effectively. Being "on" THC isn't a thing and no one would seriously advocate smoking before work.

Clear your system for initial screenings, but boomer answers to questions having to do with drugs are just bitter, out of touch, and under-informed. I asked about this in person during the interview process and didnt get an entirely clear answer, but the animus you see here doesn't exist in the real world.
OK - Spicoli - now watch that carbon footprint as the ice caps will be gone by 1989, errr 2000, errr 2020, errr 2050....etc.

These answers are terrible. Smoking a joint after work every so often offers no risk to your ability to perform your job professionally and effectively. Being "on" THC isn't a thing and no one would seriously advocate smoking before work.

Clear your system for initial screenings, but boomer answers to questions having to do with drugs are just bitter, out of touch, and under-informed. I asked about this in person during the interview process and didnt get an entirely clear answer, but the animus you see here doesn't exist in the real world.

When you get in a car accident and tested for drugs you will be fired. it's not worth it.