Novartis Illegal Activities - Let's Build a Database

Then why do you continue to work here? That's extremely hypocritical. If you're so morally offended, leave. Find work elsewhere. Join the priesthood. Take a vow of poverty. Do something other than slam the company you work for and that supports you and your family.

Wow. You are obviously considered a high-potential talent at Novartis and your career is going to soar mate. You are EXACTLY the type of person that fits in with the great Novartis leadership style and you will be a fantastic "look the other way" manager. I see a replacement for Vas already. Well done and congratulations on your rapid rise to infamy.

Then why do you continue to work here? That's extremely hypocritical. If you're so morally offended, leave. Find work elsewhere. Join the priesthood. Take a vow of poverty. Do something other than slam the company you work for and that supports you and your family.

Wow. You are obviously considered a high-potential talent at Novartis and your career is going to soar mate. You are EXACTLY the type of person that fits in with the great Novartis leadership style and you will be a fantastic "look the other way" manager. I see a replacement for Vas already. Well done and congratulations on your rapid rise to infamy.

Then why do you continue to work here? That's extremely hypocritical. If you're so morally offended, leave. Find work elsewhere. Join the priesthood. Take a vow of poverty. Do something other than slam the company you work for and that supports you and your family.

Just think if the Police, Military, FBI, Firefighters and 1st responders thought the NVS way......scary.

And if you are wondering why I left, I got tired of this companies, actually my ABL/RMs stupidity. I hired Attorneys and went after your miserable Company and it was the best decision I ever did. I never heard from your cowardly ABL, RM and for that matter your prior VP again. Your ABL was so tough until the Attorneys showed up then he turned into a scared little rat. All of his prior non professional personal threats and demands squashed in an instance.

I would urge anyone who is getting treated questionably or has enough questionable information to make a case to at least talk to a Corporate or Employment Attorney you will be amazed at how your companies ABLs are stepping over their professional limits.

Have fun storming the castle! (or tilting at windmills)

Brilliant! Let's try to generate some negative publicity, drive down business, and cause some layoffs. Won't that be fun.

Here's a thought for all that believe it's fine to look the other way or cover up wrong doing. The products in your bag, "the drugs" can kill innocent people if they are used incorrectly. How about that?! So the next time your ABL suggests something to use on an MD and it dosen't feel correct and that MD acts on the recommendation, an innocent patient could die. That's the problem w/ your thinking, you are not promoting vitamins, you actually have a product that can do harm or even kill someone. So the next time you look the other way when your ABL tell you to tell the MD to start at a higher dose, push the dose, sell more or even ignore what the PI guides you to do think of the patient on the other end of your promotion. Your job is not to sell more it's actually to get the correct information into an MDs hand so they can make informed decisions. If they think the information or product is good they need actual information not exaggerated hype from you or some rogue ABL.

Here's a thought for all that believe it's fine to look the other way or cover up wrong doing. The products in your bag, "the drugs" can kill innocent people if they are used incorrectly. How about that?! So the next time your ABL suggests something to use on an MD and it dosen't feel correct and that MD acts on the recommendation, an innocent patient could die. That's the problem w/ your thinking, you are not promoting vitamins, you actually have a product that can do harm or even kill someone. So the next time you look the other way when your ABL tell you to tell the MD to start at a higher dose, push the dose, sell more or even ignore what the PI guides you to do think of the patient on the other end of your promotion. Your job is not to sell more it's actually to get the correct information into an MDs hand so they can make informed decisions. If they think the information or product is good they need actual information not exaggerated hype from you or some rogue ABL.

That’s a very wise response. From someone who believes in self worth and human dignity. Something our leadership does not seem to understand.

I agree. I have had a similar experience but it was another manager who felt me up and I was also told to shut up or I would lose my job. I am still considering BPO but not sure if I will get in trouble

You should definitely report this. There is an anti harassment policy in place that will protect you from retaliation and you may be saving someone else from having to go through it too.