Novartis Illegal Activities - Let's Build a Database

Vas, Joe, Joerg. All birds of a feather and Novartis only knows one way of being successful. The fraudulent way.

Joerg is the worst of all – preaching day in and out moral and ethics and how good we are but the situation at the Campus in Basel has never been so bad / deteriorating, as under his presidency – is it his incompetence, disinterest or does he do this on purpose?

It’s not flying as such. But a small number of quality submissions is better than a mass of accusations without substance. So let’s just say there’s enough to keep everyone busy for a while. I would say keep an eye on the news :)

To add content to the database. Go to open EVERY quarterly and annual reports. Open the largest report usually over 100 pages. towards the final 1/3 of the reports you will find all legal update.(lawsuits). Some don't make the news. You will be surprised how many there are. The annual is the best resource

To add content to the database. Go to open EVERY quarterly and annual reports. Open the largest report usually over 100 pages. towards the final 1/3 of the reports you will find all legal update.(lawsuits). Some don't make the news. You will be surprised how many there are. The annual is the best resource

Thanks. The whole point of this exercise is to uncover hidden violations or new violations that are not yet in the public eye.

Brilliant! Let's try to generate some negative publicity, drive down business, and cause some layoffs. Won't that be fun.
as long as they lay off the senior folk who cares? It’s about time the rank and file don’t have to pay the price for doing what the seniors instruct them to. And it’s also about time that the victims get due compensation. And that will be happening. Wait and see

here is a crime. In Saudi business is only made by bribing Egyptian and Libya senior government doctors working for Saudi government. And WK was involved with everything. Now he got promoted to Basel. The Novartis way of re-imaging. Maybe “foreign corrupt practices act” ?

Youre as sick as the company in question.

Then why do you continue to work here? That's extremely hypocritical. If you're so morally offended, leave. Find work elsewhere. Join the priesthood. Take a vow of poverty. Do something other than slam the company you work for and that supports you and your family.

Then why do you continue to work here? That's extremely hypocritical. If you're so morally offended, leave. Find work elsewhere. Join the priesthood. Take a vow of poverty. Do something other than slam the company you work for and that supports you and your family.

Here is the quality and stupidity of the people that work for NVS. They find it acceptable to cover up, let the status quo just keep continuing to bring down this company. They also make stupid statements like "take a vow of poverty"...."really?" they think that's cute as if NVS is the only company that exists if they do leave. See, I don't work for this company, however I did and I can tell you that bad behavior at the top or at any level just sets the standard at lower levels like the Rep/ABL/RM Level. So I'm guessing that if you endorse bad behaviors or think it's fine to cover things up it's also fine for ABLs to run around acting like idiots, putting good people on plans, conducting witch hunts and in general acting non-professional.

You should be happy that their are Reps willing to take a stand, at least they want and value the company they work for. Instead individuals like you type stupid stuff like join the priesthood, vow of poverty... how originally intellectually and thought out...did you spend all night thinking that up?

And if you are wondering why I left, I got tired of this companies, actually my ABL/RMs stupidity. I hired Attorneys and went after your miserable Company and it was the best decision I ever did. I never heard from your cowardly ABL, RM and for that matter your prior VP again. Your ABL was so tough until the Attorneys showed up then he turned into a scared little rat. All of his prior non professional personal threats and demands squashed in an instance.

I would urge anyone who is getting treated questionably or has enough questionable information to make a case to at least talk to a Corporate or Employment Attorney you will be amazed at how your companies ABLs are stepping over their professional limits.