Novartis Gilenya Contract

The black ball list cost me TWO jobs just this week. Recruiter and hiring manager both mentioned it.
So we are now able to quantify damages. Both jobs came with a generous Specialty base, plus car, plus bonus plus full benefits.

I encourage anyone to ask the recruiter or hiring manager why you are not being hired.
FYI - I had an Ashfield recruiter tell me that they use the Publicis black ball list, as you call it.

The black ball list cost me TWO jobs just this week. Recruiter and hiring manager both mentioned it.
So we are now able to quantify damages. Both jobs came with a generous Specialty base, plus car, plus bonus plus full benefits.
so you didn’t get the job, but they told you all about the salary and benefits? Bs alert!!

Are you stupid? We always know the salary for positions. Duh.
Benefits of the job are also reviewed in the screening process. The black ball list is a real thing.
Are you Amplity HR???

contract ends 1/20. After internal aimovig and mayzent reps post for new drug openings the open territories will be posted publicly that’s when contact people can apply heard it from an NVS counterpart today they all have to apply by the end of October

Also, be careful about your unused vacation days. In the state I live in, it is illegal to not pay an employee for unused vacation.
Amplity HR swore they would not pay them. I stood up for myself, informed them of the law, and they paid.

Has any Gilenya Reps heard from their ABL
hinting about a change in the contract?
They recently just sent a letter stating how happy company is with our work and extended contract. Local Msyzent Reps telling us we are done by end of December what gives?