You learned to spell gestapo , bully for you !
Private companies spend what they want ?
Does this happen in a vacuum ?
Tell that to the poor unwitting sap on social security
who gets prescribed Exforge instead of generic valsartan & amlodipine
for 20x the price because some greed head got to stuff his pie hole
with a $500 dinner & $1000 check for doing the circle jerk with his buddies
or to the suffering transplant patient gets duped for an extra 50x
the cost of his med so some huckster pharmacist gets a bigger rebate check.
Take the $ out of your pocket & pay for it .
The taxpayers on the other hand don't need to be exploited & fleeced.
Since you are so stuck on spelling, please note that no space is required at the end of sentence before the punctuation mark, ok moron?