
This position was great 2 years ago when they had high guarantees, but now it is horrible. You are trying to sell a Lexus in the depression period. Healthcare/Obamacare has forced hospitals to really watch their spending, and this is considered a "luxury have" vs "a must have". Couple that with the fact that their is now a hand held device that does the same thing and it's a fat wammy of a job. You will be lucky to make I've $100000 your first year, I know because only 1 person out of 10 I know made that last year.

This position was great 2 years ago when they had high guarantees, but now it is horrible. You are trying to sell a Lexus in the depression period. Healthcare/Obamacare has forced hospitals to really watch their spending, and this is considered a "luxury have" vs "a must have". Couple that with the fact that their is now a hand held device that does the same thing and it's a fat wammy of a job. You will be lucky to make I've $100000 your first year, I know because only 1 person out of 10 I know made that last year.

What a pathetic post. First of all, the entire sales force is guaranteed $106k the first year ($70k base, $30k guaranteed commission, $500/month car allowance). That's before even getting out of bed in the morning (which was probably your problem when you used to work there before getting fired for being an underperformer). So, I don't know how you came up with people being lucky to make $100k.

Now, if you're referring to the CSS's, then yes, $100k would be a top-end year. Compare that to associates at other companies making $40-75k, and I think it's more than fair. These are not typically seasoned sales people we are hiring for the CSS role. They are great people with great potential that we can hopefully put in a sales manager position in a year or two.

Not only that, but I can tell you the market reaction right now is amazing. I was shocked at how receptive hospitals (especially wound care) are to the products. On top of all that, the DermaCell conversation is something that is potentially VERY exciting. Granted, there's a lot of work to be done on that end (that's what we're hired to do). If we capture even 10% of the market with DermaCell, we'll all be taking home some nice rewards. 10%+ is conservative considering the perfect pairing and guarantee given with the SPY system.

Bottom line, this is definitely a risk/reward play with the "risk" being eliminated the first year. If this surprises me by being a total flop this year, then I will simply take the money I earned and find another sales job. I don't see that happening though.


A rep who's been here just under a year.

Big time post by what I assume was a collaboration of novadaq HR and sales management

I'm a current rep with this company and I can tell u that no manager or HR person would waste their time responding to any of these stupid posts. Any rep out of the 60 plus here at Novadaq would respond in this exact same way. For the ones at this company it's more than obvious the opportunity we have. I just read all of the posts from the entire thread back and laughed at basically all of them because of how off they really are with regards to the opportunity. It's obvious no rep wants to waste their time replying to any of these posts because it's a complete waste off time. The people who have made these negative posts are completely clueless and like I said laughable. I only got on tonight to read because a counterpart called me to tell me how hilarious these posts were and that I had to check them out for a good laugh...meaning they are entirely incorrect. Some people are just opportunity is easy everything comes with hard work and for those applying their talents and hard work and outstanding attitude towards it all at Novadaq they will be rewarded handsomely. I'm actually slightly dissapointed that I even responded to these posts because I clearly am wasting my time and lowering myself down to bicker with idiots but oh well too late now already typed it all. Have fun to all of those on here being negative while we clean up....thank god u don't work with us

I'm a current rep with this company and I can tell u that no manager or HR person would waste their time responding to any of these stupid posts. Any rep out of the 60 plus here at Novadaq would respond in this exact same way. For the ones at this company it's more than obvious the opportunity we have. I just read all of the posts from the entire thread back and laughed at basically all of them because of how off they really are with regards to the opportunity. It's obvious no rep wants to waste their time replying to any of these posts because it's a complete waste off time. The people who have made these negative posts are completely clueless and like I said laughable. I only got on tonight to read because a counterpart called me to tell me how hilarious these posts were and that I had to check them out for a good laugh...meaning they are entirely incorrect. Some people are just opportunity is easy everything comes with hard work and for those applying their talents and hard work and outstanding attitude towards it all at Novadaq they will be rewarded handsomely. I'm actually slightly dissapointed that I even responded to these posts because I clearly am wasting my time and lowering myself down to bicker with idiots but oh well too late now already typed it all. Have fun to all of those on here being negative while we clean up....thank god u don't work with us

Thanks TT.

I'm a current rep with this company and I can tell u that no manager or HR person would waste their time responding to any of these stupid posts. Any rep out of the 60 plus here at Novadaq would respond in this exact same way. For the ones at this company it's more than obvious the opportunity we have. I just read all of the posts from the entire thread back and laughed at basically all of them because of how off they really are with regards to the opportunity. It's obvious no rep wants to waste their time replying to any of these posts because it's a complete waste off time. The people who have made these negative posts are completely clueless and like I said laughable. I only got on tonight to read because a counterpart called me to tell me how hilarious these posts were and that I had to check them out for a good laugh...meaning they are entirely incorrect. Some people are just opportunity is easy everything comes with hard work and for those applying their talents and hard work and outstanding attitude towards it all at Novadaq they will be rewarded handsomely. I'm actually slightly dissapointed that I even responded to these posts because I clearly am wasting my time and lowering myself down to bicker with idiots but oh well too late now already typed it all. Have fun to all of those on here being negative while we clean up....thank god u don't work with us

The only thing you will be "cleaning up" is your resume in a few months. Good luck to you and your "counterpart"...

The thing I find how many views and attention is being put towards a "small start up company"..that is a non-threat.. With over 40,000 views on a Lifecell page.. Ha!!

Hi everyone...recruiter contacted me today about a Clinical Sales Position. $60k base, maybe $100k first year, no stock options. If the products are so great, why do they pay so low and why so much turnover? Truth please...

See post #61. The device provides more features ie color and quantification than most docs need vs the handheld device. The difference can be five fold with the NDQ machine in the $200k range. It's capital equipment no matter how you spin it. Take it only if you need the job and/ or med device experience. It's not a hot shot technology so don't move for the wrong reasons.

Hi everyone...recruiter contacted me today about a Clinical Sales Position. $60k base, maybe $100k first year, no stock options. If the products are so great, why do they pay so low and why so much turnover? Truth please...

I think you answered your own question. If you ask me, great products usually sell after being in the market for a few years. Just make sure to wear highwaters and boots to the interview so you don't get bullshit all over your clothes.

I'm a current rep with this company and I can tell u that no manager or HR person would waste their time responding to any of these stupid posts. Any rep out of the 60 plus here at Novadaq would respond in this exact same way. For the ones at this company it's more than obvious the opportunity we have. I just read all of the posts from the entire thread back and laughed at basically all of them because of how off they really are with regards to the opportunity. It's obvious no rep wants to waste their time replying to any of these posts because it's a complete waste off time. The people who have made these negative posts are completely clueless and like I said laughable. I only got on tonight to read because a counterpart called me to tell me how hilarious these posts were and that I had to check them out for a good laugh...meaning they are entirely incorrect. Some people are just opportunity is easy everything comes with hard work and for those applying their talents and hard work and outstanding attitude towards it all at Novadaq they will be rewarded handsomely. I'm actually slightly dissapointed that I even responded to these posts because I clearly am wasting my time and lowering myself down to bicker with idiots but oh well too late now already typed it all. Have fun to all of those on here being negative while we clean up....thank god u don't work with us

Is your comma button broken? It's okay to break up a sentence ever now and then.

It says that if you work for them, you better not ever question management or leadership (I actually feel dirty using the word leadership on them). You better be a yes-man and enjoy working for people without ethics!!!