
I have capital sales experience and they offered me stock options which is intriguing..

Any idea how many Lunas and Pinpoints have actually been sold? I mean if there are 60 reps if they are selling as many as they tell me then I could make a lot of money

Don't let the options fool you. You'll get them at whatever price they're at, and can buy them for that price down the road. So it all depends on what they're at now, and later. So its great if you get it at $10 and leverage them when the stock is $20, but even if you're given 2000 shares it's only $20,000.

Thats not chump change, but are you thinking this stock is doubling?

currently interviewing for this company and want to know if it still is as risky as described in all of these posts. I have found some numbers on their site that list a 41% growth from Q1 of 2014 from Q1 of 2013...also they state they have at least 1400 plus systems throughout the country. Where are they getting these numbers from? they include the davinci? The site also said 175 systems sold in Q1 of this year...are those just systems going into teaching institutions or are systems being sold? It is a bit confusing because I am reading all of these posts on here that say they aren't selling anything. Which is true? How is this technology perceived in the medical world from surgeons perspective??

I am trying to figure out if the story they are selling me on is too good to be true....I mean no competition? ....they are only ones in market with this technology?? this technology legit or not?

Thanks for your feedback!

It's going to be sketchy until Accelity figures out how to screw up this division. Coming in now removes you from remembering how great this place was when Lisa was running it. It's rolling down hill pretty fast.

Great insight on acelity/lifecell nonetheless. Ask the good folks at Novadaq exactly which device/s were sold. The elite (all lifecell sales) pinpoint or luna. Ask if these are sales (capital) or rental or placement. Number look high for novadaq only and especially for capital sale. Btw they are churning reps. Is it the rep, the sales leadership or the business model and revenue expectation.

It's capital equipment without much economic data. A lot of the bells n whistles aren't needed. Most docs use grey scale and no numbers - which is exactly what PDE - hand held device offers for substsntially less &40k-$70k vs spy at 180-300k. PDE is handheld and portable and disposables are a lot less. Day n day out PDE will do the job.

...also they state they have at least 1400 plus systems throughout the country

They're great at counting any system they've ever sold. Those systems could be decommissioned in a closet or in the basement not used for years, but its still a "unit" in the field.

I was contacted by a recruiter for a position with this company. Just want a little insight on first year realistic income, company culture, and the technology. Please resist to respond with insults. Just honest feedback.

Same here, although I wouldn't expect much legit help from CP...lots of butt-hurt people on here looking to talk trash. Tech looks pretty sweet, but I have questions about the realistic applications, especially for Pinpoint. I think dumping Lifecell, and going direct, makes sense if you want to move beyond glorified mesh cases. I plan to ask a lot of questions...

Same here, although I wouldn't expect much legit help from CP...lots of butt-hurt people on here looking to talk trash. Tech looks pretty sweet, but I have questions about the realistic applications, especially for Pinpoint. I think dumping Lifecell, and going direct, makes sense if you want to move beyond glorified mesh cases. I plan to ask a lot of questions...

You are an idiot that knows nothing about this technology and it's clinical applications or what lifecell reps actually do.

You are an idiot that knows nothing about this technology and it's clinical applications or what lifecell reps actually do.

Touché. But I can tell you what Lifecell reps don't do, and that is sell fluorescence imaging beyond plastics. So nice work growing all that business, but it looks like you need Spy more than Novadaq needs you.

You're pissed. I'd be pissed too. Spy was a key differentiator for Lifecell in a very crowded space.

Touché. But I can tell you what Lifecell reps don't do, and that is sell fluorescence imaging beyond plastics. So nice work growing all that business, but it looks like you need Spy more than Novadaq needs you.

You're pissed. I'd be pissed too. Spy was a key differentiator for Lifecell in a very crowded space.

Ha- there isn't one lifecell rep who is sorry that expensive distraction out of their hands.

I am thinking about interviewing for a sales position with Novadaq. The technology looks amazing, but was wondering about capital quotas, turnover, culture, etc. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

I am currently interviewing for an Associate Territory Manager position with Novadaq. I am looking for information about what the realistic first year income would be. I was told 80k - is that true? Any information would be much appreciated. Thanks.