Not knowing the risk is more than risky

First thing I'm not in English class and if you cant understand what I typed I'm really sry for you. Second is NO I'm not an EXEC. sry to disappoint u!!!! that is part problem not giving 2 cents obviously they don't know how to balance a check book. if they cant balance corporation money, I'm scared of there personal... probably so in debt. 3 WTH .... is right apparently the truth is hard to swallow for some the people out there this why USA is in the state its in most want something for free!!! or get paid way to much then what its worth doing so someone find someone that willing to do it cheaper. NOW WERE ALL OUT OF JOBS!!! if we cared and might spoke up this wouldn't be!!!!


First thing I'm not in English class and if you cant understand what I typed I'm really sry for you. Second is NO I'm not an EXEC. sry to disappoint u!!!! that is part problem not giving 2 cents obviously they don't know how to balance a check book. if they cant balance corporation money, I'm scared of there personal... probably so in debt. 3 WTH .... is right apparently the truth is hard to swallow for some the people out there this why USA is in the state its in most want something for free!!! or get paid way to much then what its worth doing so someone find someone that willing to do it cheaper. NOW WERE ALL OUT OF JOBS!!! if we cared and might spoke up this wouldn't be!!!!

omg.......I could not understand the gibberish that is being spewed out here. I got some of the words, but not because it was coherent. I printed it out and took it to a trailer park and paid a very nice bum to interpret this for me. This is what our government-run schools are graduating these days?

They came and picked up my car today. I had every marketing piece, box, tube, ice brick and more inside the car. When the guy came to get it he could hardly get in the car. He asked whats all the stuff for and I replied it belongs to this guy and gave him Jims cell number...hope his company phone still works. Good buy CRV, catch ya on the flip side. Oh, and thanks for the iphone, printers, laptop, refrigerators and lock boxes. Watch eBay for some good deals!

They came and picked up my car today. I had every marketing piece, box, tube, ice brick and more inside the car. When the guy came to get it he could hardly get in the car. He asked whats all the stuff for and I replied it belongs to this guy and gave him Jims cell number...hope his company phone still works. Good buy CRV, catch ya on the flip side. Oh, and thanks for the iphone, printers, laptop, refrigerators and lock boxes. Watch eBay for some good deals!
. What a mess. It's a mess because the company shouldn't be bankrupt. Behrman arrogance and greed. Not one strategic lab was contacted in the sales process. Not one. Ask yourself why that is. I'm sure they will say it was an issue of them being competitors. But it could also be they wanted chapter 11 to restructure all the debt. THEN I bet they would've approached the strategics! Greed!!

. What a mess. It's a mess because the company shouldn't be bankrupt. Behrman arrogance and greed. Not one strategic lab was contacted in the sales process. Not one. Ask yourself why that is. I'm sure they will say it was an issue of them being competitors. But it could also be they wanted chapter 11 to restructure all the debt. THEN I bet they would've approached the strategics! Greed!!
over 200 innocent people lost their jobs so one private equity dude could save his. I hope he was canned.