Not knowing the risk is more than risky

Nah, the silent no-named person(s) are in NYC. Jim had to get appointed by someone. Some idiot there thought Jim's way was a way to grow. He spent more money than the company brought in which is crazy when you think about the thousands of specimens and dollars coming in. He wouldn't cut spending where it needed to happen and it has now ruined everything.

I was just reading an article about Radio Shack and Circuit City kept spending money and they filed for bankruptcy. Yet Best Buy skinned down and laid off 10-20% of the company and rebuilt and they are now back to growing.

The board placed bets on Jim's spending plan to continue throwing money at the same problem with the same way. Insanity definition. look it up.
Best Buy adapted to the market, fewer big box stores/more small outlets in malls and airports/more online buying channels.
Atherotech's management was way too stupid, pompous and arrogant to adapt to today's market.

At least we won't have to wake up every morning wondering if today is going to be our last day. We have held on and kept our faith in Atherotech. We aren't the group of quitters.

At least we won't have to wake up every morning wondering if today is going to be our last day. We have held on and kept our faith in Atherotech. We aren't the group of quitters.

Well, if you kept on with your faith with Atherotech over the last year, you obviously look at the world through rose colored glasses. How anybody couldn't see the writing on the wall is unbelievable. As far as being quitters, how many people actually had numbers above their quota for the year 2015? You might not consider yourself a quitter, but I bet you're one of the 45 people that buried the company in debt because of lack of profitability. All of you that stood by and colleced your paycheck and never questioned what was going on, like a bunch of ass kissers, got what you deserve.

Well, if you kept on with your faith with Atherotech over the last year, you obviously look at the world through rose colored glasses. How anybody couldn't see the writing on the wall is unbelievable. As far as being quitters, how many people actually had numbers above their quota for the year 2015? You might not consider yourself a quitter, but I bet you're one of the 45 people that buried the company in debt because of lack of profitability. All of you that stood by and colleced your paycheck and never questioned what was going on, like a bunch of ass kissers, got what you deserve.

Im not in Sales. Thanks, though.

it was mike mullins that said we were going 5 th largest company then he left ??? was he forced out or did he know what was going on??? why did they purchase lease 70 thousand dollar a month building for 7 yrs with affordable care act and 10 dollar charge problem ??? does the board not know manage check book. we all know everything mainly plastic if you don't pay bills then something bout give look at our government 20 trill in debt kick the can down the road!!!
Mike Mullen was forced out at the request of the board. He didn't want to listen to other folks on his mgt team that knew what was coming and had a plan but the bunch of rednecks running the company knew better. There was no need for the new building until it was clear that volumes were going to increase. No investment was EVER made to automate VAP. Dr. K was never given the resources to do what was needed. Science was stopped. There was a disregard for the knowledge that to get reimbursed there needed to be robust clinical utility. Mullen believed in his new partner in his genetics lab, who was all smoke and mirrors. The mgt would not recognize impact of being in network with United and instead of understanding how to leverage this opportunity, they instead allowed their strategy to take them down. JM takes over, a dinosaur in the business and the board chair was also living in the past thinking he could remake Athena. The company was run by incompetents and anyone that got it was gone. So now who ever is left suffers. There is no value in Atherotech. The other labs will get the business for free. No one is going to buy them. VAP is off-patent and since not automated can not expand from what they do now. Sadly this was all greed from day one that Mullen and company took over.

Mike Mullen was forced out at the request of the board. He didn't want to listen to other folks on his mgt team that knew what was coming and had a plan but the bunch of rednecks running the company knew better. There was no need for the new building until it was clear that volumes were going to increase. No investment was EVER made to automate VAP. Dr. K was never given the resources to do what was needed. Science was stopped. There was a disregard for the knowledge that to get reimbursed there needed to be robust clinical utility. Mullen believed in his new partner in his genetics lab, who was all smoke and mirrors. The mgt would not recognize impact of being in network with United and instead of understanding how to leverage this opportunity, they instead allowed their strategy to take them down. JM takes over, a dinosaur in the business and the board chair was also living in the past thinking he could remake Athena. The company was run by incompetents and anyone that got it was gone. So now who ever is left suffers. There is no value in Atherotech. The other labs will get the business for free. No one is going to buy them. VAP is off-patent and since not automated can not expand from what they do now. Sadly this was all greed from day one that Mullen and company took over.

if we close the vap test that help found this company will revert back to UAB. now will uab buy machines to and reagent to add there huge growing hospital we might never know clock is ticking. NOT SINGLE person talk to DR. K get his thoughts kinda sad

You negative, non-empathetic, low life, inconsiderate, jerk that has nothing better to do than sit around and watch others struggle in pain. It's sad that you entertain yourself by sitting on your butt waiting to see what's going on around here. Obviously some of you guys are the contributors to our demise, you sat around doing nothing and not selling! Go get a job and leave us alone! Why would anyone get satisfaction to see others lose their job! I pray for all of the folks at corporate and those in the field. Keep your faith! God is good!!

You negative, non-empathetic, low life, inconsiderate, jerk that has nothing better to do than sit around and watch others struggle in pain. It's sad that you entertain yourself by sitting on your butt waiting to see what's going on around here. Obviously some of you guys are the contributors to our demise, you sat around doing nothing and not selling! Go get a job and leave us alone! Why would anyone get satisfaction to see others lose their job! I pray for all of the folks at corporate and those in the field. Keep your faith! God is good!!

Um, sorry, but I only post on here when I'm sitting in clinics waiting to talk to the doctor, you can check my work phone. Really, the salesforce is responsible for our situation? Who has given us direction for the last 14 months that has brought the company to its knees? JM is the captain of this ship and the ship has gone down, no one else to blame.

Um, sorry, but I only post on here when I'm sitting in clinics waiting to talk to the doctor, you can check my work phone. Really, the salesforce is responsible for our situation? Who has given us direction for the last 14 months that has brought the company to its knees? JM is the captain of this ship and the ship has gone down, no one else to blame.

Can I get an Amen!

Where is "THE DONALD"? Someone needs to tell "the board", "YOU"RE FIRED!!!"
While the employees sit around wondering if they can come in the next shift, it's ??????
And some of them aren't even doing their jobs, just shoving it off on the next shift, while they have a good time partying. Looks like some learned a "good" lesson from head management, huh? Put the shoe on the other foot, and if YOU were the patient, would YOU be happy knowing what goes on in the lab? Shame on YOU!!!! Does the word "QUALITY" mean ANYTHING to you? Just because you're pi$$ed off at head honchos, don't let these patients down................................

Other than mismanagement, the VAP is past it's prime. There are better ways to get the same results now...... the NMR lipopanel and the LPP+ by spectra cell to name a couple. What is happening now is only hurting Atherotech's reputation, which isn't very high in the Birmingham area anyway. I have no idea what it is outside of Birmingham, but I hear a lot of negative when talked about here. It is always unfortunate when people lose jobs, but I hope people will be able to find other employment and be better off with a solid company. They also pay their MLT's straight out of school at Least 4-5 dollars an hour more than anyone else in the area, which is something they shouldn't have started......mismanagement of money. I just hope the best comes for all involved.

atherotech does more then vap that's what started this company ,but this corporation has to have people hitting every where trying get business to send tests to if we cant get yall to get people to send there stuff to us then we cant make money work long hrs. or shift hrs some time do it for your patients; not for the doctor not for the nurses not for anyone but the patient WE SHOULD ALL CARE BOUT THE PATIENT. THINK if it was your family member you get stuff sent to the lab its there job to get processed as FAST AND ACCUREATE as possible and back out the door. we started mass spect. our we doing any good with it yet. YES WE SHOULD HAVE IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY. sad that we don't. IF we have a PROBLEM you go straight to the sometime stand if front of the doctor or who ever and get on the phone if you have to. and say LET ME GET TRY GET SOLVED RIGHT NOW. SHOW THEM YOU TRULLY CARE. with Obama care (affordable care act) people are going to tighten there purse strings. WE SHOULD ALL CARE!!!! AND IF YOU DONT GET THE HELL OUT LET SOME ONE THAT DOES REPLACE YOU!!!!

atherotech does more then vap that's what started this company ,but this corporation has to have people hitting every where trying get business to send tests to if we cant get yall to get people to send there stuff to us then we cant make money work long hrs. or shift hrs some time do it for your patients; not for the doctor not for the nurses not for anyone but the patient WE SHOULD ALL CARE BOUT THE PATIENT. THINK if it was your family member you get stuff sent to the lab its there job to get processed as FAST AND ACCUREATE as possible and back out the door. we started mass spect. our we doing any good with it yet. YES WE SHOULD HAVE IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY. sad that we don't. IF we have a PROBLEM you go straight to the sometime stand if front of the doctor or who ever and get on the phone if you have to. and say LET ME GET TRY GET SOLVED RIGHT NOW. SHOW THEM YOU TRULLY CARE. with Obama care (affordable care act) people are going to tighten there purse strings. WE SHOULD ALL CARE!!!! AND IF YOU DONT GET THE HELL OUT LET SOME ONE THAT DOES REPLACE YOU!!!!

I hope English isn't your first language. Your post is incomprehensible (that means I can't understand it).

atherotech does more then vap that's what started this company ,but this corporation has to have people hitting every where trying get business to send tests to if we cant get yall to get people to send there stuff to us then we cant make money work long hrs. or shift hrs some time do it for your patients; not for the doctor not for the nurses not for anyone but the patient WE SHOULD ALL CARE BOUT THE PATIENT. THINK if it was your family member you get stuff sent to the lab its there job to get processed as FAST AND ACCUREATE as possible and back out the door. we started mass spect. our we doing any good with it yet. YES WE SHOULD HAVE IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY. sad that we don't. IF we have a PROBLEM you go straight to the sometime stand if front of the doctor or who ever and get on the phone if you have to. and say LET ME GET TRY GET SOLVED RIGHT NOW. SHOW THEM YOU TRULLY CARE. with Obama care (affordable care act) people are going to tighten there purse strings. WE SHOULD ALL CARE!!!! AND IF YOU DONT GET THE HELL OUT LET SOME ONE THAT DOES REPLACE YOU!!!!


atherotech does more then vap that's what started this company ,but this corporation has to have people hitting every where trying get business to send tests to if we cant get yall to get people to send there stuff to us then we cant make money work long hrs. or shift hrs some time do it for your patients; not for the doctor not for the nurses not for anyone but the patient WE SHOULD ALL CARE BOUT THE PATIENT. THINK if it was your family member you get stuff sent to the lab its there job to get processed as FAST AND ACCUREATE as possible and back out the door. we started mass spect. our we doing any good with it yet. YES WE SHOULD HAVE IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY. sad that we don't. IF we have a PROBLEM you go straight to the sometime stand if front of the doctor or who ever and get on the phone if you have to. and say LET ME GET TRY GET SOLVED RIGHT NOW. SHOW THEM YOU TRULLY CARE. with Obama care (affordable care act) people are going to tighten there purse strings. WE SHOULD ALL CARE!!!! AND IF YOU DONT GET THE HELL OUT LET SOME ONE THAT DOES REPLACE YOU!!!!
Probably an Exec that penned that. No wonder the ship is sinking. :)

Probably an Exec that penned that. No wonder the ship is sinking. :)
First thing I'm not in English class and if you cant understand what I typed I'm really sry for you. Second is NO I'm not an EXEC. sry to disappoint u!!!! that is part problem not giving 2 cents obviously they don't know how to balance a check book. if they cant balance corporation money, I'm scared of there personal... probably so in debt. 3 WTH .... is right apparently the truth is hard to swallow for some the people out there this why USA is in the state its in most want something for free!!! or get paid way to much then what its worth doing so someone find someone that willing to do it cheaper. NOW WERE ALL OUT OF JOBS!!! if we cared and might spoke up this wouldn't be!!!!

My exact thought from a year ago this week while sitting in Hawaii. I questioned what the true goal of bringing Jim onboard was and if there could be any possibility of him setting the company up for failure. Anybody that believed with 1 ounce of faith that we could become the 5th largest lab was a fool. When I heard that statement I immediately felt like I was being played and questioned everything that came out of his mouth from that day forward. Then the billing change and I knew the days were numbered. We all got played by corporate America doing it's financial games which makes them money or recoups their money, and sends everybody else to the street.
It's was the billing change last year that got me to get the f out of here, at that point we were screwed. No way a company does that unless they are forced to and we weren't being forced to. No memo from any authority telling us to change billing. Hopefully you got out as well, you were certainly picking up the signs.