Not enough Targets in Colorado Springs


We do not have enough targets for three Pradaxa reps in Colorado Springs. I sell all my targets by Wednesday and have to go to the mall for hours to spread it out. Also, I have to use PTO on Fridays because I have no where to go. Anyone else have this problem?


We do not have enough targets for three Pradaxa reps in Colorado Springs. I sell all my targets by Wednesday and have to go to the mall for hours to spread it out. Also, I have to use PTO on Fridays because I have no where to go. Anyone else have this problem?

Unfortunately this is everywhere, there are two of us on my team and about 90 targets. Thanks again for wasting our time on Team Matrix!

LOL how stupid are you to post this here? Nothing like screaming "Hey, look closely at my calls". Unfortunately, the company hasn't learned from 2008 and they've once again hired too many people for too few targets. Wonder when our next layoff is?

I sit in parking lots and cry with my manager for hours on end during pregnancy. Whaaaaaaaaaah. Whaaaaaaaaaaaah. I drop my kid off at daycare at 7 30 am, make a few calls, go to the mall, go home and cry, then pick up kiddos at 6 pm and go home and cry more. Whaaaaaaaaah. Whaaaaaaaaah.

I agree with the other poster. Maybe I am old school but to openly state to people - not enough targets, (ever hear of a pharmacy call ?) or - "I am blocked and no access". The industry is in for a major wake up call- For whom the bell tolls...

There used to be a guy there who refs basketball all over the state and would get reimbursed for gas in his company car from the basketball association during company time. I heard he lives in a 5th wheel trailer now. Serves him right for stealing.

There was a Contract rep who got a promo to specialty who was a real winner. He was a 15 year contract veteran and a notorious sample dropper. Go BI! You really know how to pick them!

Not enough targets..Welcome to pharma! Where have you've been? This has only been an issue nationwide for the last 15 years...few years back our POD could cover the territor in about 2 days .