Not Allowed to Market in US!

Well, strike number 2++++ for the CEO, Mike Derkacz. His incompetence leads to another delay and and yet another round of layoff's for Braeburn. He has fired more hard working, dedicated and stellar people in a year and a half than he has has generated a single dollar of revenue. But we are sure he and all the VP's will be fine with their golden parachutes and year long severance.

Meanwhile, if you got what we got a year ago, plan on being unemployed with maybe a month of severance. That's what he did to us. This jackass walked around the office with an unprecedented arrogance, calling out other people for everything they do wrong that doesn't meet his ridiculous expectations, yet the result is the same, and he continues to fail the employees and the patients fighting this awful disease. He is the sole person responsible for this outcome and the sole reason why those of us who did all the work the way it should have been done, got screwed.

So who is the real problem Mike Derkacz? Not anyone but you because leadership starts at the top, although we know you don't think your shit smells, we can see how you have no regard for anyone who did the work required and got fired, yet you still have a job. Meanwhile, our families suffer because of your incompetence. So glad he brought in all of his own folks. They will still all have a job. The rest that didn't lick his balls will be gone. Just shows the pure incompetence mentioned above. He cares more about himself than anyone who works their ass off for him. He could not care less about anyone but himself, and those few buddies he has hired. They will stay employed while anyone who is not his pet is let go, irregardless of how well they did their job to bring this lifesaving product to market.

The thing that sucks is he has such little empathy for anyone that works for Braeburn, unless you are one of his pets, that he doesn't give a shit about you or your family.

All he cares about is himself, and only himself. What an ego for someone who continually fails to launch products here or at Teva successfully. What a dick. I have never had the misfortune to work for such an incompetent, self-serving, narcissistic dick who thinks he knows everything, but results prove the opposite.

Merry Christmas you Son of a Bitch. We hope someday, someone, somewhere will take your livelihood away from you and your family with the utter disregard for humanity that we experienced during our time at Braeburn.

We hope you will pay someday for your treatment of the fine folks who made and make up the Braeburn team. Somebody on the board needs to realize Paul Johnson is the only reason most people stayed after we got let go. He is the only competent person on the executive leadership team. There was only one person who seemed to actually have empathy and care for people, Paul. Not Tom, not David, no-one in market access, not any of the executive team. Great job folks. I hope your Christmas sucks just as badly as the folks who know they are getting fired on Wednesday, and only because Mike is such an arrogant jackass and thinks he is so much smarter than everyone else, yet his track record is the opposite. I sincerely hope that any other company that researches Mike Derkacz, CEO of Braeburn, for future employment reads this post. It is 100% accurate, and don't even get me started on how out of bounds he is on compliance. He cares so little that he is willing to put every person that would have been in field as a target for the FDA. He is one of the most, if not the most, non-compliant senior executive to work in this field. If I were one of you about to get the pink slip, I would run to a lawyer and the FDA and DOJ and describe all the shady shit he is trying to pull over the agencys' eyes. That's probably why you didn't get approved AGAIN!!! Jackass with no feelings for anyone but himself and the arrogance and low EQ to not even know it. How sad for all the good people that worked so hard. If it wasn't for Mike, this would not have been a problem!!!!

Good luck to those of you about to get the boot. There are way better people and companies to work for than one led by Mike Derkacz. I am having a blast working for competent management that takes into account what the people and their expertise is actually valued, instead of being looked down upon as peon's. Go fuck yourself Mike. Have fun with all your money while the rest of your poor team deals with unemployment due to your incompetence!!! Ho, Ho, Ho you evil bastard

Well, strike number 2++++ for the CEO, Mike Derkacz. His incompetence leads to another delay and and yet another round of layoff's for Braeburn. He has fired more hard working, dedicated and stellar people in a year and a half than he has has generated a single dollar of revenue. But we are sure he and all the VP's will be fine with their golden parachutes and year long severance.

Meanwhile, if you got what we got a year ago, plan on being unemployed with maybe a month of severance. That's what he did to us. This jackass walked around the office with an unprecedented arrogance, calling out other people for everything they do wrong that doesn't meet his ridiculous expectations, yet the result is the same, and he continues to fail the employees and the patients fighting this awful disease. He is the sole person responsible for this outcome and the sole reason why those of us who did all the work the way it should have been done, got screwed.

So who is the real problem Mike Derkacz? Not anyone but you because leadership starts at the top, although we know you don't think your shit smells, we can see how you have no regard for anyone who did the work required and got fired, yet you still have a job. Meanwhile, our families suffer because of your incompetence. So glad he brought in all of his own folks. They will still all have a job. The rest that didn't lick his balls will be gone. Just shows the pure incompetence mentioned above. He cares more about himself than anyone who works their ass off for him. He could not care less about anyone but himself, and those few buddies he has hired. They will stay employed while anyone who is not his pet is let go, irregardless of how well they did their job to bring this lifesaving product to market.

The thing that sucks is he has such little empathy for anyone that works for Braeburn, unless you are one of his pets, that he doesn't give a shit about you or your family.

All he cares about is himself, and only himself. What an ego for someone who continually fails to launch products here or at Teva successfully. What a dick. I have never had the misfortune to work for such an incompetent, self-serving, narcissistic dick who thinks he knows everything, but results prove the opposite.

Merry Christmas you Son of a Bitch. We hope someday, someone, somewhere will take your livelihood away from you and your family with the utter disregard for humanity that we experienced during our time at Braeburn.

We hope you will pay someday for your treatment of the fine folks who made and make up the Braeburn team. Somebody on the board needs to realize Paul Johnson is the only reason most people stayed after we got let go. He is the only competent person on the executive leadership team. There was only one person who seemed to actually have empathy and care for people, Paul. Not Tom, not David, no-one in market access, not any of the executive team. Great job folks. I hope your Christmas sucks just as badly as the folks who know they are getting fired on Wednesday, and only because Mike is such an arrogant jackass and thinks he is so much smarter than everyone else, yet his track record is the opposite. I sincerely hope that any other company that researches Mike Derkacz, CEO of Braeburn, for future employment reads this post. It is 100% accurate, and don't even get me started on how out of bounds he is on compliance. He cares so little that he is willing to put every person that would have been in field as a target for the FDA. He is one of the most, if not the most, non-compliant senior executive to work in this field. If I were one of you about to get the pink slip, I would run to a lawyer and the FDA and DOJ and describe all the shady shit he is trying to pull over the agencys' eyes. That's probably why you didn't get approved AGAIN!!! Jackass with no feelings for anyone but himself and the arrogance and low EQ to not even know it. How sad for all the good people that worked so hard. If it wasn't for Mike, this would not have been a problem!!!!

Good luck to those of you about to get the boot. There are way better people and companies to work for than one led by Mike Derkacz. I am having a blast working for competent management that takes into account what the people and their expertise is actually valued, instead of being looked down upon as peon's. Go fuck yourself Mike. Have fun with all your money while the rest of your poor team deals with unemployment due to your incompetence!!! Ho, Ho, Ho you evil bastard

hope they cut so called "managers" like MT who needs to crawl back under the rock she came from. instead of keeping candidates informed she just quit answering any form of communication and hid. Maybe you can go on LinkedIn and beg for a job, Karma

hope they cut so called "managers" like MT who needs to crawl back under the rock she came from. instead of keeping candidates informed she just quit answering any form of communication and hid. Maybe you can go on LinkedIn and beg for a job, Karma

Dude, why all the hate for MT. She never did anything wrong. She was always a great leader and simply just got caught up in the changes pharma has gone through over the past few years. I hope you never find yourself in situations like this. Do you love yourself for kicking someone when they are down?

The MT “hater” is just bitter because he/she was rejected by MT. That’s probably bc you SUCK and she knew that. Go the hell away and stay where you came from which is no where!

MT hater here, love to kick her when she is down because she is not a leader but a liar, thought she would have learned ethics in the Air Force but guess she always does what is best for her, has never performed at a high level but exceeds expectations at kissing ass. has a great heart, please:p