Nominees for best AbbVie blunder in the last 10 years are…

Trying to play with the real drug discovery and development experts in oncology. Why would you put out a press release a week after a major conference. Because you know what you have can’t stand the scrutiny by those that know. What a waste of the good money humira brought in. Tom. Please go back to Canada. You can take your dumb friends on the rdlt with you and you can all play pretend up there.

“But solid tumors is the future of the company….”

Good luck with that. Not exactly your wheelhouse.
But what exactly is AbbVie’s wheelhouse? You might argue immunology but the turnover from discovery through development of leadership suggests a very different group is steering the boat now.

But what exactly is AbbVie’s wheelhouse? You might argue immunology but the turnover from discovery through development of leadership suggests a very different group is steering the boat now.

Management itself has no idea. Abbott and Abbvie have long invested some of the lowest proportion of profits in the industry into R&D. They also don’t recruit well and tend to promote and tolerate toxic leaders.

Add it all up and you get this.

But what exactly is AbbVie’s wheelhouse? You might argue immunology but the turnover from discovery through development of leadership suggests a very different group is steering the boat now.
If we have a wheelhouse, it's immunology. But even there you need to innovate and not just rest on your laurels. Reminds me a bit of oncology, lots of competition entering this space, taking lots of risk, slicing and dicing for a piece of the action, getting more narrow indications - no more huge blockbusters. Humira was once in a lifetime, sets you up for a very big fall if you don't prepare (innovate).

If we have a wheelhouse, it's immunology. But even there you need to innovate and not just rest on your laurels. Reminds me a bit of oncology, lots of competition entering this space, taking lots of risk, slicing and dicing for a piece of the action, getting more narrow indications - no more huge blockbusters. Humira was once in a lifetime, sets you up for a very big fall if you don't prepare (innovate).

The inflation reduction act was designed with Humira-like drugs in mind and will gut post LOE Abbvie.

New indications add limited value now if they don’t launch with the main indication and patent thickets are irrelevant. Sound familiar…..

Look at the strategy for Rinvoq and Skyrizi. See a pattern?

Quick, name the next new molecule that Abbvie will launch. Not new indication, but new molecule.

The inflation reduction act was designed with Humira-like drugs in mind and will gut post LOE Abbvie.

New indications add limited value now if they don’t launch with the main indication and patent thickets are irrelevant. Sound familiar…..

Look at the strategy for Rinvoq and Skyrizi. See a pattern?

Quick, name the next new molecule that Abbvie will launch. Not new indication, but new molecule.

The inflation reduction act was designed with Humira-like drugs in mind and will gut post LOE Abbvie.

New indications add limited value now if they don’t launch with the main indication and patent thickets are irrelevant. Sound familiar…..

Look at the strategy for Rinvoq and Skyrizi. See a pattern?

Quick, name the next new molecule that Abbvie will launch. Not new indication, but new molecule.
Sounds like we are in violent agreement. We won't be able to advertise our way out of this.

We will buy our way out of this. We have publicly stated we are on the lookout.
We will try to buy our way out of this... that you can be sure of.

It's a great time to be a big innovative company who sees a patent cliff coming in 5-10 years. You can acquire early to mid stage assets on the cheap and replenish your portfolio, especially if you have a strategy and know what you're looking for. We don't.

It's never a good time to buy when you have already gone over the cliff, are not innovative, have no strategy, and are just looking for something else where you can phase 3 trials and sell. Everyone knows you are desperate, you will overpay and overpromise. We will.

We will try to buy our way out of this... that you can be sure of.

It's a great time to be a big innovative company who sees a patent cliff coming in 5-10 years. You can acquire early to mid stage assets on the cheap and replenish your portfolio, especially if you have a strategy and know what you're looking for. We don't.

It's never a good time to buy when you have already gone over the cliff, are not innovative, have no strategy, and are just looking for something else where you can phase 3 trials and sell. Everyone knows you are desperate, you will overpay and overpromise. We will.

Abbvie already has a mountain of
Debt and interest rates are
Obviously high.

They will certainly buy a mid sized oncology company and Stemcentrix it. Wall Street won’t be impressed.

Job cuts have to be coming. If for no reason than to make investors less panicked.

No job cuts. It’s just not the AbbVie way. I am not saying this to defend AbbVie. I work here. I know how truly awful it is.

Management will approach it more passive aggressive with a lot of gaslighting employees. They will make things worse, deny they are making it worse, frustrate employees and reduce their payroll that way.

Dumb things like mandatory in the office for jobs that could easily be remote. Stuff like that.

The bumbling of the Neurosciences TA.

With Allergan acquisition, AbbVie acquired assets that transformed the company into a real player in Neurosciences. They also acquired talent who they proceeded to subordinate to non-experts who did not have any track record of successfully bringing a neurosciences drug to market, frustrate those employees through bad management behaviors and other actions that led to losing good loyal people.

This is best exemplified with the current clinical development head. Zero expertise. It’s is truly embarrassing at conferences and other professional societies. We are a joke. No more innovation coming here.

The bumbling of the Neurosciences TA.

With Allergan acquisition, AbbVie acquired assets that transformed the company into a real player in Neurosciences. They also acquired talent who they proceeded to subordinate to non-experts who did not have any track record of successfully bringing a neurosciences drug to market, frustrate those employees through bad management behaviors and other actions that led to losing good loyal people.

This is best exemplified with the current clinical development head. Zero expertise. It’s is truly embarrassing at conferences and other professional societies. We are a joke. No more innovation coming here.

Nothing since depakote. They are not serious neuroscience. Everyone good leaves. Always.

Nothing wrong with it. But let’s not pretend. This company has had immunology and some limited oncology success.

And is 90% built on patent thickets.

All day, all night SZ 100%. TH should be fired with her for not doing anything about the situation. Many have talked to him so he knows the issues. So her screw ups are his.

It’s HR. Truly the absolute worst. Shameless in the way they allow leaders to do terrible things. That is why across the industry people warn other about joining the Abbott/AbbVie culture.