No more OSS & HSS

Relax there will be a while bunch of OSS reps leaving in the next few weeks. Will there be anyone left? If you are not looking, you are an idiot. S.C. has decimated the sales force. You might be saved, but for how long? Everyone knows about this company and it has become a bottom feeder, don't associate with it. MT, the idiot CFO who has never known how to forecast, and the rest of their cronies are heading off in the sunset with a bunch of cash (that you earned). Why are you sticking around? They are not sharing it, they are too greedy.

hss the best you can do is grow at any level. even 5%. if you arent growing, have low base sales and only a few dinner programs you are asking to be looked at.
oss get the reports in with lots of detail and grow a few cases and thats about the best you can do other then pray other oss's leave thus reducing the head count.
mnk buying a product for oss or hss is obviously a save too.

Hi idiot. We don't need the horrible "advice," especially from a moron. Now get off your high horse and just worry about your own little pathetic self.

hey, thanks big strong man. you got in so many big strong words for such a big boy. idiot, moron, high horse and putting advice in " " is wonderful. impressive. when you grow up your potential is endless.

hey, thanks big strong man. you got in so many big strong words for such a big boy. idiot, moron, high horse and putting advice in " " is wonderful. impressive. when you grow up your potential is endless.

You have no idea who you are writing to and yet you keep at it. Tell you what, when your IQ improves to something intelligible, let us all know. You also have no idea of anyone's potential other than your own, which basically is nil.

Because it's bullshit. Some loser is spreading rumors! If you don't like to work you try and bring everyone down your path of loserville! Just do ur job and 39 dinner programs and you will be fine!

Enough of the silly pissing matches on here. Let's get back to this layoff stuff. Why is it some people are aware of the the supposed layoff and others at not?

Because it's all speculation at this point. But all signs point to a major reorganization. I'm sure whatever is planned regarding a reorg is being kept hush hush in upper management. Although you can already see the changes starting there. Just a matter of time til it avalanches down to the sales force.

i love this person .they are threatened by someone suggesting they worry about what they can control such as doing your job.
When was anyone's potential even being questioned. Your inner issues are seeping out just a bit. Angry, insecure and afraid. Seek help not cp
It is always the less capable communicators who start off with calling people idiots or morons but when their child like retorts are mocked they panic and try to save face by challenging someones iq and intelligence.

"You have no idea who you are writing to and yet you keep at it." Sound familiar. Hysterical!

i love this person .they are threatened by someone suggesting they worry about what they can control such as doing your job.
When was anyone's potential even being questioned. Your inner issues are seeping out just a bit. Angry, insecure and afraid. Seek help not cp
It is always the less capable communicators who start off with calling people idiots or morons but when their child like retorts are mocked they panic and try to save face by challenging someones iq and intelligence.

"You have no idea who you are writing to and yet you keep at it." Sound familiar. Hysterical!


Just give one rationale reason why they would at this point hang on to so many reps. It is illogical and something has to give and will be announced soon. Absolutely no reason to have so many reps as more actually harms. No reason to have double the area business managers. No reason to have double the RBD's. No reason to have two VP of sales.

Just give one rationale reason why they would at this point hang on to so many reps. It is illogical and something has to give and will be announced soon. Absolutely no reason to have so many reps as more actually harms. No reason to have double the area business managers. No reason to have double the RBD's. No reason to have two VP of sales.

This is true. If you don't believe it and haven't been looking for something else than you're an idiot. I just got my offer from another company and was told that the I should know a lot of people at my training. If you are not looking now and haven't been proactive. Now is the time to start working on it. The writing has been on the wall for quite some time. The "plans" last August, the downsizing in October, S.C continued ineptedness, constant change of direction, RDs, managers and top sales people leaving. This place is the biggest mess. Think back to a year ago, with the launch of XXR, would anyone have figured that it would be this bad? I put the blame squarely on S. C. She has no business managing people, she has no vision or leadership skills. In all of my years working in this industry, I have never seen someone fail in their position like she has which such profound ramifications affecting so many people. This exercise in futility could only be classified as a complete EPIC failure. Wise up people look out for your families, quit buying into their lies, quit contributing to their bottom line and MT pockets, and start looking out for yourselves. Follow the model of your senior leadership and start looking out for yourselves. If you can take anything from this greedy gremlins, it is to look out for número uno. That is the lesson.

Yes SC is terrible but the rot goes much high than just her. Think about it, who allows her to stay on and gives her marching orders? HO of course. Everything he has touched has failed, including an incredibly inept XXR launch. He is killing Ofirmev of course and from what I hear from a buddy on the ARD side he is already causing MAJOR problems with Achtar. Yet MT leaves his lapdog in place doesn't he? So this ineptitude goes all the way up.