This is absolutely no surprise at all. I have already heard the exact thing with the title APS from my MSL. All you have to do is talk to anyone in home office. The decision to raise the price of OFIRMEV backfired, Xartemis is a complete failure with zero profitability, and now there are way too many salespeople. Having more than one rep selling OFIRMEV is actually hurting the situation, not helping. Physicians have been betrayed by the drastic price increase and are further insulted by multiple calls by different reps for the same drug. Now there are more centers refusing access because of this action. They have had enough. One sales rep for one drug is respected and now it is the opposite.
The target of 350 million has been dropped in the 200 million zone and will eventually be dropped back in the 100 million zone. No one from Mallinckrodt will ever say anything was a mistake or take ownership of their actions. Hugh O. Has now left this division. Big surprise? HELL NO. These guys want this company sold and that's what they have been gunning for so long.