No chance for promotions anymore

Who could possibly launch this during a pandemic? No access into offices plus when some of us had access doctors said no coverage and the product had generic equivalent options people could easily afford. We get blamed for everything and no credit or reward for all we did accomplish. Get us more of those bags, pens, calendars if you knew how much that helps plus bigger expense budget for us. Maybe buy that guy a suit or dress pants for next meeting.

Have heard many times now that guy SV has been telling a lot of people in the office we the sales people failed that launch.

SV is not a good person. He has done nothing to bring business to this company and has run off the people around him by the way he treats people especially women. Also the jeans to the NSM was one of the worst things I've ever seen. Not a good person at all.

SV is not a good person. He has done nothing to bring business to this company and has run off the people around him by the way he treats people especially women. Also the jeans to the NSM was one of the worst things I've ever seen. Not a good person at all.

He is a total jerk to women. His one employee quit because of the way he treated her. Where is HR or AD or MS?

HR is informed about SV’s nasty treatment of women in our company. Should be interesting to hear their response. SV’s arrogance and nasty treatment towards women is coming to an end.

So you can take major jobs here and just fly in weekly, bi weekly, stay at hotels, eat out, expense it all? Why move to the Atl? Lots of people coming and going from all over in important positions. Waste of money.