Nexgard Thoughts

My 10 year old havanese took nexgard because the topical ones burn her pink skin. 12 hours later she was vomiting continually. She then had serious projectile bloody, watery diarrhea. That was 4 days ago. After 2 trips to the vet and 2 to emergency vet and several medications she is almost out of danger. Has not been able to eat for 4 days and only in the last 36 hours has been able to drink more than a teaspoon of water. If I hadn't been very proactive she could have died. She is a sensitive dog but has never had a violent reaction or illness like this. It is a relatively new medication and I believe it could be extremely dangerous to some dogs

I most definitely agree that it is due to that horrible product. I pray for your Havanese to be strong and brave. We lost our baby, Gretchen to the drug. It was only tested on 415 dogs.

Please join my group on Facebook - Did Nexgard Kill My Dog? and repost your stories. We must get these stories out there and make people aware of what is happening to our dogs. Let's help our babies!

STOP STOP STOP using Nexgard.....our perfectly healthy 11 y.o. mini dachshund recently passed away from complications directly related to this product. It started with vomitting - 3- 6 times a day, followed with horrific, chronic diarrhea. She had a gran mal seizure Memorial Day weekend. Our vet couldn't explain what was causing this. We were insistent the ONLY thing that has changed was the addition of Nexgard. Shortly after she developed intense edema in her back legs and stomach distention. We rushed her to Madison's Vet Hospital. Her free flowing calcium as well as her albumin ( protein ) was virtually depleted from her little body. None of the vets had ever seen such a thing. We spent the next 5 weeks back and forth - she was put on intense daily medicine - including twice daily Vit D shots, a daily steroid shot, calcium supplements, an anti coagulant and a strict diet. Tragically, she developed an extremely rare bacterial infection and passed away. The steroids , which she needed to build up her protein, stripped away her immune system. Afoxolaner, the active ingredient in Nexgard, binds strongly to blood protein, which gets eliminated from the body with the diarrhea. Consumers need to be aware of this horrible side effect. My husband and I are NOT letting this lie. Our lives stopped on July 17th when she passed away...this shouldn't be. Merial studied this product on a mere 415 dogs. Really? I want to know what the "real" results were. Don't insult us with you fake results!

STOP STOP STOP using Nexgard.....our perfectly healthy 11 y.o. mini dachshund recently passed away from complications directly related to this product. It started with vomitting - 3- 6 times a day, followed with horrific, chronic diarrhea. She had a gran mal seizure Memorial Day weekend. Our vet couldn't explain what was causing this. We were insistent the ONLY thing that has changed was the addition of Nexgard. Shortly after she developed intense edema in her back legs and stomach distention. We rushed her to Madison's Vet Hospital. Her free flowing calcium as well as her albumin ( protein ) was virtually depleted from her little body. None of the vets had ever seen such a thing. We spent the next 5 weeks back and forth - she was put on intense daily medicine - including twice daily Vit D shots, a daily steroid shot, calcium supplements, an anti coagulant and a strict diet. Tragically, she developed an extremely rare bacterial infection and passed away. The steroids , which she needed to build up her protein, stripped away her immune system. Afoxolaner, the active ingredient in Nexgard, binds strongly to blood protein, which gets eliminated from the body with the diarrhea. Consumers need to be aware of this horrible side effect. My husband and I are NOT letting this lie. Our lives stopped on July 17th when she passed away...this shouldn't be. Merial studied this product on a mere 415 dogs. Really? I want to know what the "real" results were. Don't insult us with you fake results!

If your life stopped when your dog passed, you didn't have much of a life to begin with. Try losing a human child on for size. We did not let our live stop, but it paused for a few months.

If your life stopped when your dog passed, you didn't have much of a life to begin with. Try losing a human child on for size. We did not let our live stop, but it paused for a few months.

This site is about sharing information about Negard and other such medications for our pets, NOT hitting below the belt. Grow up!

This site is for pharmaceutical sales reps to talk shop. You are welcome here but it's not your place to tell us what our site is intended for. If you have an adverse event you need to either call the manufacturer who is required to report it to the FDA or call the FDA directly.

I live in Australia, with paralysis ticks and fleas, I thought Nexgard would be amazing ! Within a few hours of use, my cattle dog started scratching, and she didn't stop for about three weeks, you can imagine what her skin looked like by then.

to their credit, the Nexgard people stayed in contact with me, even paying for my dog to go and see my own vet.

it was concluded that her issue with the product was because it was slow reacting, which didn't suit my flea allergy dog. It only takes one flea to cause her to have problems, so I need to use a fast reacting product.

the Nexgard people, would not refund me, but gave me a 6mth supply of Frontline.

My 9 year old German Shepherd Noah is now paralyzed because of ONE DOSE of NexGard. He became sick immediately. The ingredients in this drug cause the nervous system in ticks and fleas to go haywire and kill them....but before THEY get it WE ARE ASKED TO PUT IT IN OUR DOGS!
That is exactly what it did to my Noah...attack his nervous system and leave him paralyzed! Not two weeks yet since the tragic day my vet and I decided to POISON my dog. If you love your pet...DO NOT give this medication to them nor any other neuro toxin for fleas or ticks!

Don't listen to the guy 2 comments up. There's no diversion for Nexgard like for frontline plus. Yeah... Everyone knows FL+ gets diverted, it stinks but this product will be great.

Active ingredient : Afoxolaner

Vomiting 4 percent of treatment group (the control group had slightly more vomiting) ie no vomiting they probably useshelter dogs hence any vomiting I'm first place.

Safer than even comfortis (12 percent vomiting trifexis 14 percent) Nexgard can be given to puppies 8 weeks... Comfortis to puppies14 weeks.

100 percent 35 days out.... Unlike comfortis which starts to fade at day 21 (don'tget me wrong i love comfortis)
Don't have to give Nexgard with food, and field studies show its as palatable as heartgard.

Im sorry but there is no way I'm giving my 8 week old pup something that causes lethargy. NexGard is known to cause lethargy in dogs and it IS NOT effective in repealing ticks or killing them like it says it is supposed to.

I dont understand meriel still being in the market. Veterinarians refuse their product. My vet says because they are shameless liars and if they lie about one thing so obvious, they are likely to lie about everything se, including supposed safety of new product. Merial ia dirt and my vet chased thevrrp back whenvthey still had reps, and told them next time they showed up they would set the dogs on them...nevet been back since.

You clearly don't work in the industry. I am a Merial competitor and this is just a dumb post.

Merial is still a major player in the animal health game. Its fair to say their grip on the parasiticides market is on a downward trend with serious competition from Elanco and Merck.

Your Dr is full of shit chasing reps out of his clinic when they used to have reps. Merial and the big players (Pfizer, Merck, BI, Merial and Elanco) have their largest sales forces in years.

Sure a few vets are anti Merial but some are Anti Merck or BI or Elanco these companies provide the products vets use to keep your pets healthy and alive. Dont trust the drug companies then go make your snake oil concoction of garlic, dawn and what ever stupid pintrest home remedy you think is better for your pet. To hell with science and vet opinion lets listen to an hack on cafepharma.

You are high if you think all reps lie. Now buy business, give away product from their trunk sure that is the Meril we all know and love but if all reps were liars we'd all be out of jobs.

No vet has ever told a rep he will set the dogs on them. Your vet is f'n with you.

Please don't buy any of our products and improve the health of your pets. I hope you get Lepto and ringworm yourself.


I have been using CERTIFECT for my Golden (66 lb, 5 years old) for about 3 years now. I switched to it because Frontline Plus was clearly not effective against TICKS. Certifect does KILL the ticks who do not have then a chance to get attached. That was important to me. My dog did not have any bad effect except some mild lethargy which subsided rather quickly. Now I can see the Vets are not carrying it and very few places still sell it. I called Merial and was told is on back order, a very long back order. Sounded an euphemism for discontinued. I do not know what to use now: NexGard?, the collar Seresto?. None of these actually stops the ticks from attaching. Any advice?