I am an independent that sells The Surgiquest Airseal system and it is without a doubt one of the best products I have ever sold. I am an ex US Surgical rep and I understand the market and you are correct in saying this is a commodity market. The airseal system only uses 1 airseal trocar and then the remaining trocars are whatever the hospital uses. You are correct the robot reps are paving the way for us because the product works so well and it enhances robotic surgery especially in the GYN and URO cases. The surgiquest airseal system is not really even about the trocar, its about the capital insuflation/smoke evac components. It's selling like crazy because it flat out works and the docs demand it.
Additionally, I believe that US Surgical owned the patent to the Airseal valveless trocar and sold it because they could not make it work. It was purchased developed and is now being sold by many ex US Surgical Reps as independents and direct reps. Would it be considered innovation if Covidien buys back a product that they once owned and couldn't make successful with out many of their former employees paving the way?
You my man CB