1. The drug is not needed in the market. It offers no benefit in terms of efficacy and patients do not want to take medication 4 months before they need it for a seasonal allergy
  2. Terrible managed care and prior-authorizations are required. Physicians do not want to do this or deal with a specialty pharmacy
  3. 5 year long tern study but they only publish 3 year? Why?
  4. They did mot get the indication for 5-9 years old. Why? They are vague to answer
  5. Physicians make their money on a quick 3 second shot. Why would they go through the hassle.
  6. This is for primary care use not specialist and even that they don't want to be bothered
  7. Why pay $300 a month for 6-9 months when you can buy Zyrtec for $30 a month and take it when needed
  8. The drug makes no money and they will realize by February that nothing is coming in and will start cutting sales reps. They can not afford to keep everyone on for another with hopes that next year they can generate revenue. This is not be profitable.
  9. They are more concerned with you having a photo on your email, everyone signing their email the same, entering the time on your sales calls and idiotic tasks instead of real sales issues.
  10. They micromanage your spending right down to the $1 receipt
  11. Marketing as no clue what they are doing. They don't have the experience. They make up 40 sales pieces that are useless but do not send you the few pieces that are useful. What a disgraceful way to waste money and job justification.
  12. Leadership does not really know what each department is doing.
  13. Benefits are awful!!! No 401k for 6 month and even then it's bad. In 6 months they know people will be gone. Health coverage, dental, vision is minimal. Hope you don't get sick. Cars are so basic not even a CD player and seats move manually.
  14. Where are the pay stubs? You have to dig to get access to it.
  15. No studies to leave behind? Why?
  16. They want success stories but nothing has been sold. They want cheerleading stories and people are making them up in detail just to give something to management.

So wrong here I don't even know where to begin. First, for a patient who doesn't want weekly injections, there in and of itself is a market for this drug. Prior Authorizations only require you are starting 4 months out and have an allergy test or in vitro blood test which are easy enough to meet the criteria for. 5 year study...check again. 3 year study is in the PI. PI is approved to discuss, period. If a 5 year study exists then its never been presented or was not done by Greer. Didn't get indication for 5-9 year olds, simple...when data was cut there were not enough 5-9 year olds in the study. Indication will be here in no time. Right, physicians do make their money on the quick shot, but what you don't recognize is on 3 out 10 patients agree to shots so the other 7 just walk. This offers a treatment option for the others. Nobody is asking physicians to stop using shots. I'm sure they'd love to retain a decent percent of the patients who typically walk without a followup. This may be for a select few PCP's that treat high volume of everything but other than that it certainly is not a PCP drug. The drug didn't make money because it was at the bottom of the bag barely incentivized for reps making a lot of money selling other things. If anything, more reps will be added as respiratory drug will be launched in the spring/summer time frame. They may micromanage spending, but that's to ensure you spend the nearly insane amounts of budget dollars handed to you. Come on 20 lunches a month at $50 per person...micromanage me all you want! Who cares about Marketing, managing, the car you get and all the other stuff you're whining about. Just shut up and go sell. Take the six figure salary and generous bonus that you can earn if you do well and stop complaining. It's clear you worked for the company and couldn't hack it. Not disputing anything you said just clearly you're looking through the lens of an employee who got burned. Sorry...

So wrong here I don't even know where to begin. First, for a patient who doesn't want weekly injections, there in and of itself is a market for this drug. Prior Authorizations only require you are starting 4 months out and have an allergy test or in vitro blood test which are easy enough to meet the criteria for. 5 year study...check again. 3 year study is in the PI. PI is approved to discuss, period. If a 5 year study exists then its never been presented or was not done by Greer. Didn't get indication for 5-9 year olds, simple...when data was cut there were not enough 5-9 year olds in the study. Indication will be here in no time. Right, physicians do make their money on the quick shot, but what you don't recognize is on 3 out 10 patients agree to shots so the other 7 just walk. This offers a treatment option for the others. Nobody is asking physicians to stop using shots. I'm sure they'd love to retain a decent percent of the patients who typically walk without a followup. This may be for a select few PCP's that treat high volume of everything but other than that it certainly is not a PCP drug. The drug didn't make money because it was at the bottom of the bag barely incentivized for reps making a lot of money selling other things. If anything, more reps will be added as respiratory drug will be launched in the spring/summer time frame. They may micromanage spending, but that's to ensure you spend the nearly insane amounts of budget dollars handed to you. Come on 20 lunches a month at $50 per person...micromanage me all you want! Who cares about Marketing, managing, the car you get and all the other stuff you're whining about. Just shut up and go sell. Take the six figure salary and generous bonus that you can earn if you do well and stop complaining. It's clear you worked for the company and couldn't hack it. Not disputing anything you said just clearly you're looking through the lens of an employee who got burned. Sorry...

We are all dumber for having just read this....thank you!

Thank you, esteemed marketing team, for that response. If a new rep wants to get feedback on the product, just talk to an ENT or allergist in your area. They did go to medical school, after all.

I think you may be a little bit more than wrong on the authorization process for this drug. Why don't you talk to a patient who has tried to get OralAir and been denied, denied, denied. And the patient is not going to get the prescription unless the patient tests allergic to those grasses. But guess what? Denied, denied, denied. Talk about a complete hassle. And even if the pill does work, who wants to spend tons of time and money to get the elusive authorization?? Save your time and money. Go to WalMart and buy Zyrtec, or better yet, take the darn shots.

No slight correction... #43 isn't delusional, he/she just needs to put down the crack pipe, yes, just push it to the side... just say no... and stay off the meth dude/dudette. #43 has obviously NEVER spent more than 10 minutes with the average specialist! He/she is so stupid it is not even worth responding... and if the implication is that an average rep is going to make $120k+ selling this shit... well its just hard to respond to that idiot any further.

I love how marketing and management think they know what they are talking about sitting in an office or going on a milk run. You can spin things the way you want but at the end of the day reality is a harsh smack in the face. You can not make lemonade out of lemons, you need more than that and we were not even given lemons. It's the concentrated lemon bottles. No one wants to be in this situation selling garbage. No one wants a job like that. No one wants to be in this awful situation but we are. I for one wanted this to be good because without it I do not have a job that is long term.

Steve Jobs created a need in the market. Greer can not create a need in this market. There is no need. If you don't want injections you can take drops, OTC meds (that work better), Why take something as ineffective as OTC's for 4 months prior and during for a short allergy season in most of the country. You want to take a pill daily for 8-10 months on a few pills for weeks to a month. The reality is this should be sold OTC and they will do better than they can any other way.

I have spoken to so many reps around the country that are afraid to give back the negative/realistic feedback we are getting. Everyone in management has their head in the cloud that they are not receptive. This will backfire.

As for the reply to counter the listed points, we all know how to sell and what to say to the physicians. It is all BS and they can read it. We still say it but everyone knows.

So wrong here I don't even know where to begin. First, for a patient who doesn't want weekly injections, there in and of itself is a market for this drug. Prior Authorizations only require you are starting 4 months out and have an allergy test or in vitro blood test which are easy enough to meet the criteria for. 5 year study...check again. 3 year study is in the PI. PI is approved to discuss, period. If a 5 year study exists then its never been presented or was not done by Greer. Didn't get indication for 5-9 year olds, simple...when data was cut there were not enough 5-9 year olds in the study. Indication will be here in no time. Right, physicians do make their money on the quick shot, but what you don't recognize is on 3 out 10 patients agree to shots so the other 7 just walk. This offers a treatment option for the others. Nobody is asking physicians to stop using shots. I'm sure they'd love to retain a decent percent of the patients who typically walk without a followup. This may be for a select few PCP's that treat high volume of everything but other than that it certainly is not a PCP drug. The drug didn't make money because it was at the bottom of the bag barely incentivized for reps making a lot of money selling other things. If anything, more reps will be added as respiratory drug will be launched in the spring/summer time frame. They may micromanage spending, but that's to ensure you spend the nearly insane amounts of budget dollars handed to you. Come on 20 lunches a month at $50 per person...micromanage me all you want! Who cares about Marketing, managing, the car you get and all the other stuff you're whining about. Just shut up and go sell. Take the six figure salary and generous bonus that you can earn if you do well and stop complaining. It's clear you worked for the company and couldn't hack it. Not disputing anything you said just clearly you're looking through the lens of an employee who got burned. Sorry...

This is so hilarious. Someone gave this person so much Kool Aid they might be diabetic now. I would say this was written by the marketing team or someone higher up than a rep but this person has clearly been brainwashed so it has to be a new rep.

This rep needs a quick lesson in immunotherapy. Greer sells 249 different types of extracts. TWO HUNDRED AND FORTY NINE. This is not counting mixes OR foods. Yet you are trying to sell a pill to allergist/ENT's that contains FIVE grasses only.

Have fun making your base salary.

Almost every new rep. Which if you are an old rep, has to infuriate you. How is your 65k base doing compared to their 100-130k? Because we know that no one is getting a bonus or commissions for selling OralAir.

Who is making 130k? I can't believe it! It's probably the only way they could get anyone to come here. There is no bonus to be made!!! We are all figuring it out.

I just started and am nervous that I will be out of a job in 6 months. I have already caught my boss in a lie and am not sure what to make of it. Any reps that have been here a while have any serious feedback. I am not sure if this is the typical CP junk on here or not but I am hearing first hand what is being said here.

I just started and am nervous that I will be out of a job in 6 months. I have already caught my boss in a lie and am not sure what to make of it. Any reps that have been here a while have any serious feedback. I am not sure if this is the typical CP junk on here or not but I am hearing first hand what is being said here.

If you experiencing what you are hearing on here then what else do you need? Also, try to find a tenured rep in the company. There aren't any. They either left because they were sick of the BS or they were fired/laid off because they challenged Chris Blanc on his lies.

Who is making 130k? I can't believe it! It's probably the only way they could get anyone to come here. There is no bonus to be made!!! We are all figuring it out.

Some of the new reps are being given that as a base salary because they couldn't find anyone to work for them. Keep in mind that is more than double what the old reps were making for a base salary. And think about those old reps, they know (and the new ones will know soon enough) that there is NO MONEY to be made for commissions/bonus. The product just isn't moving.