New phlebotomy management in NE

Labcorps newest officer??? Nice to know we were "listened to". BH is offically the emperor with no clothes, what a ignoramus.

The yearly AVP promotions are one of the biggest jokes in the NE every year. have you ever counted how many there are? many of us wait each year for this, it is the subject of a lot of jokes in the NE, pretty funny stuff!

AVP is like a promise ring. AVP? What other company has a Junior Varsity VP? All it means is that you've stuck around long enough and proven you aren't talented enough to figure a way to leave and better yourself. Since you've stuck it out this long despite the fact that literally everything about labcorp sucks, since you've eaten enough feces, we will reward you and make you feel empowered so you'll put your pathetic chest out a little prouder while we continue to bend you over and have our way with you. LOL.

I'll bet the NE division has more JV VPs than any division in company.

Why call the hotline? That changes nothing either corporate HR and the legal team think she's God! She's telling everyone CE is out and he is so blind to it he thinks she is the savior meanwhile she has a cleaver ready to stab his back

Why call the hotline? That changes nothing either corporate HR and the legal team think she's God! She's telling everyone CE is out and he is so blind to it he thinks she is the savior meanwhile she has a cleaver ready to stab his back

A cleaver is used to hack, a knife is used to stab. One is obviously more subtle, which is it

AVP = Junior Varsity VP.

Purely a title with a fancier co car. No more, no less. No fast track to bigger and better. It's LCA's way of enticing the poor slobs that make the conscious decision to stick around and continue to have the screws put to them. Feels good to tell the neighbors "I'm an A-VP!" whatever that means.

She still an incompetent idiot that can't do anything for herself?

Yes she is. Don't sweat this small stuff. In the NE none of them Can get out of thier own way. They spend most of their time up BH's butt trying to impress him like he's a god or something.. Means nothing to the rest of us. Just laugh at them, it's pretty sad, but so very funny to watch. If they only knew.

JJ is smart enough to still be there though - interesting isn't it? She covers up to Corporate and managed care plans all the things she and her management team does - what people don't realize is they need to get into her devious mind and work it like she does. Like most snakes they take their time before they strike.

waving hands here in PA, why is it the US. Sups can't form a union?? I know how much we work, and how our managers treat us, it's terrible... When you devote your time to your team and run things as smooth as possible, they say you are not doing enough, or your not doing it correct... We as sups need protection too, it makes it hard because the shit rolls onto us and our asses get crucified...

waving hands here in PA, why is it the US. Sups can't form a union?? I know how much we work, and how our managers treat us, it's terrible... When you devote your time to your team and run things as smooth as possible, they say you are not doing enough, or your not doing it correct... We as sups need protection too, it makes it hard because the shit rolls onto us and our asses get crucified...

Labcorp is a poorly run company and managed by people who don't belong in management. Most not all. Half of the managers couldn't lead a group of girl scouts selling cookies. Labcorp cripples itself by it's own protocols. Very robotic and doesn't have a solutions oriented group in these positions. Nobody has autonomy to do anything, too many forms and everybody has to sign off on the simplest of processes.