Should be interesting - heard they are already plotting to get the pro union phlebs out - yes people - we all know who you are!!!!!
Should be interesting - heard they are already plotting to get the pro union phlebs out - yes people - we all know who you are!!!!!
Unions protect the losers - the ones that should have been long gone. You are right - everyone should be treated with respect and be given the right to make a decent wage. Not possible when management was shoving wait times, surveys, collecting bad debt and every thing else these people were expected to do - never enough for the NE - has to be the best!!!! Now the NE is a disgrace to the company - wonder when Burllington will weed out these 6 figure Hitlers.Middle management takes the hit from upper's edicts . Substandard hierarchy.
she manages like a mugger and uses CE as her 44-magnum...go ahead make her day
we went through this whole process to get rid of her and CE and she is going to get a premonition? this sucks!
To the victor goes the spoils.