New Leadership

'New Leadership'... You guys are using the word leadership very loosely. There is only one person that has any say so in that company and he sits in a castle across the pond. Biotronik US is nothing more than a glorified Amway pyramid business.

No need to follow him, he’s here to put belly aching slouches like you on a plan. Let’s see who the clowns are by Q3. You’re all on borrowed time and the clocks ticking.

I don’t mind being put on a plan by a leader who has actually sold something and has made a sales quota. RC has never carried a bag douche bag, do you dig?!

Can’t explain how a Brady device clue.

RC & the clown show, so typical of the backbiting culture from which he came.

Game of Thrones culture that worked so very well at St Junk.
Zero game, Zero juice, and no other crm company would consider hiring him.

Can’t explain how a Brady device clue.

RC & the clown show, so typical of the backbiting culture from which he came.

Game of Thrones culture that worked so very well at St Junk.
Zero game, Zero juice, and no other crm company would consider hiring him.

Get the f*ck out of the industry then you dumb stupid whining millennial. All you do is whine about RC. GOT would cut your balls & head off ASAP. You’re worthless. Post his full name if you really have “Juice” or “ Game” - sounds like you just troll. All bark no bite.

Get the f*ck out of the industry then you dumb stupid whining millennial. All you do is whine about RC. GOT would cut your balls & head off ASAP. You’re worthless. Post his full name if you really have “Juice” or “ Game” - sounds like you just troll. All bark no bite.

Gear down big shifter! Lol

Seriously though, people respect Ramon even less than they respected Marlou.

If RC is so f'ing bad, how did he jump over all of you babbling muppets to AVP? Jokes on you d-bag.

Here's something to ponder.... perhaps nobody external could be persuaded to take the role (this is Biotronik after all) and an internal transfer was the only option? Ramon lucked out by appearing to be the least rotten apple of the candidate pool?

Here's something to ponder.... perhaps nobody external could be persuaded to take the role (this is Biotronik after all) and an internal transfer was the only option? Ramon lucked out by appearing to be the least rotten apple of the candidate pool?
People go to Bio for 2 reasons.
1. They’ve been canned by their previous employer like RW was shown the door at Abbott.
2. Or they are making a cash grab. Like the St. Jude crew, PE and CF
There’s no other reason to be at Bio.