New Leadership

I find it interesting that even as successful as LC is within BTK he is essentially an unknown. He and his group run hard everyday but he is pretty quiet and BTK does not shove him down everybody's throat the way they did CF. If he's getting 30% on $11million, good for him.

Was he really a navy seal as he claims?

There are only 2 AVP's left. Both of them need to be fired and a fresh perspective is needed. The employee morale is at an all time low. Each time an employee quits it makes the others remaining question why they are still working for these douche bags

There are only 2 AVP's left. Both of them need to be fired and a fresh perspective is needed. The employee morale is at an all time low. Each time an employee quits it makes the others remaining question why they are still working for these douche bags

The time to leave is now! Things are only getting worse

Have lots of people been quitting in other regions? Where I'm at people are leaving as quick as they can.

Yes, everyone is gone actually. In other news, this thing called the telephone was invented recently- you can pick up the phone and call your colleagues to find out rather than posting stupid gossip here.

Use FaceTime always. Then when your direct reports don’t answer your calls, put them on a plan and write them up for insubordination. Great way to clean house in a quarter.

Use FaceTime always. Then when your direct reports don’t answer your calls, put them on a plan and write them up for insubordination. Great way to clean house in a quarter.

Or randomly have them "drop a pin" at their location (aka "send your location" on iPhone). It's something the reps do randomly to harass and demoralize the FCSs in my region. Literally for no reason.... no stat checks or cases.

Sorry not gonna say. But how cool is this scenario.

Fcs: I need to take a sick day

Rep: are you really sick? Drop a pin at your location.

Fcs: *drops pin* (at home)

Rep: we are too busy you can't take a sick day.

First off, sick days aren’t requested, they are mandated. Second off, the mandate goes to the RSD, not to the Sales Rep. This sounds contrived.

Difficult to believe HM still has a job. Literally entire regions under him have quit.

Its management 101. Employees don't leave companies...

The only constant with all the turn over in the North East is HM. Its time for some fresh perspective
He was a subpar Thora klex rep that managed to get a name with dvi.... goofus at managing complex sales