New leadership in NE

I can see BG going, but replaced by DD??
As for KK, you must be kidding. What's his experience? A community college degree and work experience at KFC? But again by Labcorps standards he may be over qualified.

oh so true but again there is no competition in LCA and these people have different jobs every year with no skill set so just kiss a !!!! Its comical but very common there .

Oh please JJ could sit on KK or LG and squash them like a bug no competition at all. Throw EB in there and she will wipe them all out

so so true JJ has always been a threat to these others she knows the PSC ctrs so well an the others have had how many other positions there . EB is also way ahead of these people !!!

Hilarious that someone would start a thread and use 'leadership' and labcorp in the same sentence. In fact, hilarious that they'd also include the bumbling fools in the NE.

NOt one of those terms should ever be used together. There are no leaders at labcorp. There's is one in burlington who then gives direction that each and every submissive fool in that place follows to the letter. Won't be much longer until robots have completely replaced the lazy, clueless fools that staff that dump in raritan from techs all the thru the upstairs exec offices. Not a single decision is, was or ever will be made there.

As far as the leadership in the Northeast do not trust the following people.

Bill Haas, Ken Sprague, Elke, Mike Schooley, Kevin Warner, Laura Doyle, Tom Mulhern, Chris Wilkins, and since shit rolls down hill it all starts with the jerk off in NC Dave King. Too bad Bain Capital did not buy this hell hole because these fools would all be unemployed.