New leadership in NE

Jessica Jenkins has done nothing for New Jersey yet assholes. How stupid can you possibly be. I am quite sure that Jessica Jenkins is as much of a loser as Carl Epple is. Only time will tell.

It is so so sad that there is so much negativity on this blog towards individuals who are just trying to do whats right for a territroy that has lacked it for so long. If LG was so great then CE and DD would have kept her in that role. "if it ain't broke, then don't fix it"!!!! I guess it was "broke". JJ is not just a great leader, she is the greatist leader Herndon has had. We were sorry to see her go! The NE made a great choice in hiring JJ. (No she was not going to be fire...)She will bring focus to what needs to be accomplished. Doesn't get caught up in the meshy stuff. Don't worry you seem scared and the fear of the unknown is very will love her as we do and always will. No need to send back a crappy Blog because no matter how hard it is for you to accept change, change is obviously needed in the NE. When you sit here and write all this crap. I question what kind of leader are you???

Hey loser, how long do think it will take JJ to fire you? I'll give you two months and you will be gone! God, fired from LabCrap, how much lower can you get. The next step for you is some Medicaid mill laboratory. You will fit right in.

You're just being hurtful...calling me a loser. That's not nice. You must have been a real bully in grade school, picking on the fat/ugly/stupid kids. You jerk! Didn't your mom ever tell you if you can't say anything nice about someone; don't say anything at all? Maybe she tried, but you couldn't understand her with her mouth full of 14'' black cock! You're nothing more than the offspring of a deep throat gag queen. Slurrrp, slurrp, gulp, gulp...tastes good, don't it ma? Now sign off and get back to your want ads, you in-bred, rotten-toothed meanie!

This is how much you all know.LG was asked by DD and CE to stay with NJ but would have had to leave DE, which she did not want to do. I am sure JJ will get fed up too because if she is smart she will get tired of all the back stabbing, shitheads in Raritan.

I hear the RMBD FS is really great at calling people back(can you sense the sarcasm). And CE has the personality of a rock and basically an unpleasant person and does not follow-up on his threats.

I hear the RMBD FS is really great at calling people back(can you sense the sarcasm). And CE has the personality of a rock and basically an unpleasant person and does not follow-up on his threats.

Read on another post that KK is looking to get his old job back, any thoughts on his replacement? Will it be posted or do they have someone already?

Read on another post that KK is looking to get his old job back, any thoughts on his replacement? Will it be posted or do they have someone already?

If this is true DD will have egg on his face since he pushed CE into hiring KK. Now KK is looking to get back into his old job? Does not make sense to me.

If this is true DD will have egg on his face since he pushed CE into hiring KK. Now KK is looking to get back into his old job? Does not make sense to me.

LA is just a fill in for KK. The option always was that KK could come back if he couldn't handle it, now he realizes he's way way over his head. Time for him to go and make room for a real manager.

You all spoke highly of JJ. The supervisors, managers and employees hate her. Cutting OT, ruining service levels, lying about wait times and walkouts. Horizon is ticked. What do you all think of her now.

If this is true DD will have egg on his face since he pushed CE into hiring KK. Now KK is looking to get back into his old job? Does not make sense to me.

The problem is that BB is looking to take KK's job and DD is pissed off about it. CC is sleeping with CE, FF, GG, and PP. JJ is unhappy because TT and HH want to quit and bring LL with them. It is a terrible nightmare for everyone including AA, BB, CC, DD, EE, FF, and particularly ZZ.

The problem is that BB is looking to take KK's job and DD is pissed off about it. CC is sleeping with CE, FF, GG, and PP. JJ is unhappy because TT and HH want to quit and bring LL with them. It is a terrible nightmare for everyone including AA, BB, CC, DD, EE, FF, and particularly ZZ.

I agree, ZZ is the one who is really going to get screwed.

No wonder LabCorp sucks you sales people are nothing but losers

I'm only a salesperson when I'm on the clock. Today is too nice of a day to work, I have an 11:00 tee off time. Make sure you get your work done so I don't have to start making excuses to the clients about your screw ups when I get back.

Everyone knows that CE is incapable of doing the job. K was hired to replace C within the year and everyone knows it, why do you think DD pushed so hard for him and why do you think CE resisted.
It's C that is as good as gone.

Replace a screw up with another screw up.`Sounds like typical Labcrap to me.

Glad to see the Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus is still the greatest show going on in Raritan. What needs to be done is put a strong, fearless, knowledgable, trustworthy, and good people skills in such a position as the head clown who everyone respects and doesn't talk behind their backs about. Only one man in LCA fits that description. "Boy Wonder" BK