Jessica Jenkins has done nothing for New Jersey yet assholes. How stupid can you possibly be. I am quite sure that Jessica Jenkins is as much of a loser as Carl Epple is. Only time will tell.
Hey loser, how long do think it will take JJ to fire you? I'll give you two months and you will be gone! God, fired from LabCrap, how much lower can you get. The next step for you is some Medicaid mill laboratory. You will fit right in.
I hear the RMBD FS is really great at calling people back(can you sense the sarcasm). And CE has the personality of a rock and basically an unpleasant person and does not follow-up on his threats.
Read on another post that KK is looking to get his old job back, any thoughts on his replacement? Will it be posted or do they have someone already?
If this is true DD will have egg on his face since he pushed CE into hiring KK. Now KK is looking to get back into his old job? Does not make sense to me.
LA is just a fill in for KK. The option always was that KK could come back if he couldn't handle it, now he realizes he's way way over his head. Time for him to go and make room for a real manager.
If this is true DD will have egg on his face since he pushed CE into hiring KK. Now KK is looking to get back into his old job? Does not make sense to me.
The problem is that BB is looking to take KK's job and DD is pissed off about it. CC is sleeping with CE, FF, GG, and PP. JJ is unhappy because TT and HH want to quit and bring LL with them. It is a terrible nightmare for everyone including AA, BB, CC, DD, EE, FF, and particularly ZZ.
Read on another post that KK is looking to get his old job back, any thoughts on his replacement? Will it be posted or do they have someone already?
No wonder LabCorp sucks you sales people are nothing but losers
Read on another post that KK is looking to get his old job back, any thoughts on his replacement? Will it be posted or do they have someone already?
Are you high or what??
Everyone knows that CE is incapable of doing the job. K was hired to replace C within the year and everyone knows it, why do you think DD pushed so hard for him and why do you think CE resisted.
It's C that is as good as gone.